

晶体缺陷(英語:crystallographic defect)是指晶体结构中周期性的排列规律被打破的情况[1][2][3][4]。理想的晶体,具有周期性的晶体结构(这称为“长程有序”)。原子或分子的位置以固定的距离重复,这个距离由晶体的晶格常数决定。然而,在大多数的实际晶体中,原子或分子的排列并非如此完美,这样就造成了晶体缺陷。



  1. ^ P. Ehrhart, Properties and interactions of atomic defects in metals and alloys Archive.is存檔,存档日期2013-02-03, volume 25 of Landolt-Börnstein, New Series III, chapter 2, p. 88, Springer, Berlin, 1991
  2. ^ R. W. Siegel, Atomic Defects and Diffusion in Metals, in Point Defects and Defect Interactions in Metals, J.-I. Takamura (ED.), p. 783, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982
  3. ^ J. H. Crawford and L. M. Slifkin (编). Point Defects in Solids. New York: Plenum Press. 1975. 
  4. ^ G. D. Watkins, Native defects and their interactions with impurities in silicon, in Defects and Diffusion in Silicon Processing, T. Diaz de la Rubia, S. Coffa, P. A. Stolk, and C. S. Rafferty (eds), vol. 469 of MRS Symposium Proceedings, p. 139, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997 ISBN 1558993738
