
多瑙河岸的鞋子(匈牙利語:Cipők a Duna-parton)是匈牙利首都布達佩斯的一組紀念雕塑,由電影導演Can Togay設計,以紀念二戰期間在布達佩斯被法西斯殺害的平民。他們被勒令脫鞋後在河岸被槍殺,之後屍體被河水沖走。而紀念雕塑重現的是他們在河岸留下的鞋子。
[编辑]- Gábor, Forgács. Emlék és Valóság: mindennapjaim Raoul Wallenberggel [Recollections and Facts: My Days with Raoul Wallenberg]. Budapest: Kolor Optika. 2006. ISBN 9789630600309 (匈牙利语).
- Koranyi, Erwin K. Dreams and Tears: Chronicle of a Life. General Store Publishing House. 2006: 89–90. ISBN 978-1-897113-47-9.
- Szekeres, József. A pesti gettok 1945 januari megmentese: "a magyar Schindler", Szalai Pal visszaemlekezesei es mas dokumentumok [Saving the Ghettos of Budapest in January 1945: "Hungarian Schindler," Pal Szalai's recollections]. Varostorteneti tanulmanyok. Budapest: Budapest Fovaros Leveltara [Budapest Archives]. 1997. ISBN 978-963-7323-14-0 (匈牙利语).
[编辑]- Rescue Story on the Danube Bank in Yad Vashem Database of Righteous (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Gyula Pauer site (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) including a map, photographs and a film
- Jewish Budapest site (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Shoes on the Danube Promenade at rumboanada
- Edith Ernster remembers
- Document about January 8, 1945. in Budapest Archives (Hungarian)
- Other documents about January 8, 1945. (English)
- Photographs of the shoes at Szoborlap.hu
- Jewish.hu - The shoes on the river