


马克思主义理论中,资产阶级民族主义(英語:Bourgeois nationalism)是指占统治地位的资产阶级的意识形态,旨在通过呼吁民族团结来克服无产阶级和资产阶级之间的阶级对立。它被视为转移对阶级斗争的关注,并试图通过将资本家利益构建为“国家利益”,从而将资产阶级的利益强加于无产阶级之上。国际上,它旨在制造不同民族工人之间的对立,并作为分而治之的策略。资产阶级民族主义与左翼民族主义无产阶级国际主义相对立[1][2][3][4]


  1. ^ Khiterer, V. Nationalism in the Soviet Union. Encyclopedia of Russian History. Macmillan Reference USA. 2004 [2024-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-18). 
  2. ^ Nicolaïdis, Kalypso; Sebe, Berny; Maas, Gabrielle. Echoes of Empire: Memory, Identity and Colonial Legacies. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2014-12-23. ISBN 978-0-85773-896-7 –通过Google Books (英语). Elsewhere in the USSR, the late 1930s and the outbreak of World War II also saw some significant changes: elements of korenizatsiya were phased out... the Russians were officially anointed as the 'elder brothers' of the Soviet family of nations, whilst among historians Tsarist imperialism was rehabilitated as having had a 'progressive significance' 
  3. ^ Chang, Jon K. Tsarist continuities in Soviet nationalities policy: A case of Korean territorial autonomy in the Soviet Far East, 1923-1937. Eurasia Studies Society of Great Britain & Europe Journal. [2024-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-23). 
  4. ^ Nikolayets, K. Vplyv uyavlenʹ pro sotsialistychnyy sposib zhyttya na spryamuvannya suspilʹno-politychnoyi aktyvnosti naselennya Ukrayiny: istoriohrafiya Вплив уявлень про соціалістичний спосіб життя на спрямування суспільно-політичної активності населення України: історіографія [The influence of ideas about the socialist way of life on the direction of social and political activity of the population of Ukraine: historiography]. Naukovi Zapysky Z Ukrayinsʹkoyi Istoriyi: Zbirnyk Naukovykh Pratsʹ. 2011, 26: 293. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于20 June 2012) (乌克兰语).