Template:Infobox rocket
![]() | 此模板使用Lua语言: |
[编辑][[File:{{{logo}}}|frameless|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright={{{logo_upright}}}|{{{logo_alt}}}]] | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=1.23|{{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
用途 | {{{function}}} |
制造者 | {{{manufacturer}}} |
制造国家 | {{{country-origin}}} |
项目成本 | {{{pcost}}} |
单次发射费用 | {{{cpl}}} ({{{alt-cpl}}}) |
每年成本 | {{{cpl-year}}} |
外型及质量参数 | |
高度 | {{{height}}} ({{{alt-height}}}) |
直径 | {{{diameter}}} ({{{alt-diameter}}}) |
宽度 | {{{width}}} ({{{alt-width}}}) |
质量 | {{{mass}}} ({{{alt-mass}}}) |
级数 | {{{stages}}} |
酬載量 {{{capacities}}} | |
近地轨道 有效载荷 | {{{LEO-payload}}} ({{{alt-LEO}}}) |
{{{payload-location}}} 有效载荷 | {{{payload}}} ({{{alt-payload}}}) |
{{{payload2-location}}} 有效载荷 | {{{payload2}}} ({{{alt-payload2}}}) |
{{{payload3-location}}} 有效载荷 | {{{payload3}}} ({{{alt-payload3}}}) |
{{{payload4-location}}} 有效载荷 | {{{payload4}}} ({{{alt-payload4}}}) |
{{{payload5-location}}} 有效载荷 | {{{payload5}}} ({{{alt-payload5}}}) |
相关火箭 | |
本系列 | {{{family}}} |
源自 | {{{derived_from}}} |
衍生型号 | {{{derivatives}}} |
相似型号 | {{{comparable}}} |
发射历史 | |
现状 | {{{status}}} |
发射场 | {{{sites}}} |
总发射次数 | {{{launches}}} |
成功次数 | {{{success}}} |
失败次数 | {{{fail}}} |
部分失败 次数 | {{{partial}}} |
其他结果 | {{{other_outcome}}} |
着陆次数 | {{{landings}}} |
首次发射 | {{{first}}} |
末次发射 | {{{last}}} |
发射日期 | {{{only}}} |
著名载荷 | {{{payloads}}} |
{{{stagedata}}}助推器 ({{{diff}}}) - {{{boostername}}} | |
数量 | {{{boosters}}} |
发动机 | {{{boosterengines}}} |
单发推力 | {{{boosterthrust}}} ({{{alt-boosterthrust}}}) |
总推力 | {{{boosterTT}}} ({{{alt-boosterTT}}}) |
比冲 | {{{boosterSI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{boostertime}}} |
燃料 | {{{boosterfuel}}} |
助推器 ({{{alt-diff}}}) - {{{alt-boostername}}} | |
数量 | {{{alt-boosters}}} |
发动机 | {{{alt-boosterengines}}} |
单发推力 | {{{alt-boostersthrust}}} ({{{alt-alt-boosterthrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{alt-boosterSI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{alt-boostertime}}} |
燃料 | {{{alt-boosterfuel}}} |
助推器 ({{{alt2-diff}}}) {{{alt2-boostername}}} | |
数量 | {{{alt2-boosters}}} |
发动机 | {{{alt2-boosterengines}}} |
单发推力 | {{{alt2-boostersthrust}}} ({{{alt2-alt-boosterthrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{alt2-boosterSI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{alt2-boostertime}}} |
燃料 | {{{alt2-boosterfuel}}} |
芯一级 ({{{stage1diff}}}) - {{{stage1name}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage1engines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage1thrust}}} ({{{alt-stage1thrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage1SI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage1time}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage1fuel}}} |
燃料与氧化剂 质量/体积 | {{{stage1fueloxidizermassvolume}}} |
芯一级 ({{{stage1adiff}}}) - {{{stage1aname}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage1aengines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage1athrust}}} ({{{alt-stage1athrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage1aSI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage1atime}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage1afuel}}} |
燃料与氧化剂 质量/体积 | {{{stage1afueloxidizermassvolume}}} |
芯二级 ({{{stage2diff}}}) {{{stage2name}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage2engines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage2thrust}}} ({{{alt-stage2thrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage2SI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage2time}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage2fuel}}} |
芯二级 ({{{stage2adiff}}}) - {{{stage2aname}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage2aengines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage2athrust}}} ({{{alt-stage2athrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage2aSI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage2atime}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage2afuel}}} |
芯三级 ({{{stage3diff}}}) - {{{stage3name}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage3engines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage3thrust}}} ({{{alt-stage3thrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage3SI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage3time}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage3fuel}}} |
芯三级 ({{{stage3adiff}}}) - {{{stage3aname}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage3aengines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage3athrust}}} ({{{alt-stage3athrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage3aSI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage3atime}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage3afuel}}} |
芯四级 ({{{stage4diff}}}) - {{{stage4name}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage4engines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage4thrust}}} ({{{alt-stage4thrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage4SI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage4time}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage4fuel}}} |
芯五级 - {{{stage5name}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage5engines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage5thrust}}} ({{{alt-stage5thrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage5SI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage5time}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage5fuel}}} |
芯六级 - {{{stage6name}}} | |
发动机 | {{{stage6engines}}} |
推力 | {{{stage6thrust}}} ({{{alt-stage6thrust}}}) |
比冲 | {{{stage6SI}}} |
推进时间 | {{{stage6time}}} |
燃料 | {{{stage6fuel}}} |
{{Infobox rocket <!----圖片(選擇性)----> |image = <!--圖片名稱(省略"File:"前綴),必須--> |imsize = <!--圖片大小(省略"px"指令),選擇性,預設為270px--> |caption = <!--圖片說明文字,選擇性--> <!----基本參數(必須)----> |name = <!--火箭名稱(空白為條目標題,選擇性)--> |function = <!--火箭用途,必須--> |manufacturer = <!--製造商,必須--> |country-origin = <!--製造國家,選擇性--> |place-origin = <!--place of origin, 選擇性--> <!----費用(選擇性)----> |cpl = <!--單次發射費用,必須--> |cpl-year = <!--year when this cost applied, 必須--> |alt-cpl = <!--單次發射費用其他幣值,選擇性--> <!----外型及質量參數 (必須)----> |height = <!--火箭長度(公尺),必須,使用{{convert}}--> |diameter = <!--核心火箭直徑(公尺),必須,使用{{convert}}--> |mass = <!--發射重量(公斤),必須,使用{{convert}}--> |stages = <!--火箭節(級)數,不包括輔助火箭--> <!----酬載能力 (選擇性)----> |capacities = <!--insert one of the following templates for each payload:--> {{Infobox rocket/payload |location = <!--軌道類型,必須,請使用[[地球同步轉移軌道|GTO]]或[[低地球軌道|LEO]],避免使用[[GTO]]或[[LEO]]。--> |kilos = <!--酬載衛星質量(公斤),必須,使用{{convert}}--> }} <!----Associated rockets (選擇性)----> |family = <!--系列火箭,選擇性--> |derivatives = <!--derived rockets, 選擇性--> |comparable = <!--similar, unrelated rockets, 選擇性--> <!----Launch history (必須)----> |status = <!--現在狀態(如退役、現役等),必須--> |sites = <!--發射地點(發射台),必須--> |launches = <!--total launches to date, 選擇性--> |success = <!--發射成功次數,選擇性--> |fail = <!--發射失敗次數,選擇性--> |partial = <!--發射部分失敗次數(軌道不正確但仍可使用),選擇性--> |other_outcome = <!--number of launches with unknown outcomes (or in progress), 選擇性--> |first = <!--首次發射日期,選擇性--> |last = <!--最後發射日期,選擇性--> |only = <!--launch date if only one was launched, 選擇性--> |payloads = <!--著名酬載衛星,選擇性--> <!--Stages/boosters (選擇性)--> |stagedata = <!--insert one of the following templates for each stage:--> {{Infobox rocket/stage <!--rocket/stage 全部小写--> |type = <!--填booster(輔助火箭)或stage(級) (must be in lower case)--> |diff = <!--variant of rocket this is used on, 選擇性--> |stageno = <!--position of stage in rocket, spelled out (eg. First, Second, etc), 必須--> |name = <!--火箭級/輔助火箭名稱,選擇性--> |number = <!--輔助火箭數量,必須(type = booster的情況)--> |length = <!--火箭級/輔助火箭長度,選擇性,使用{{convert}}--> |diameter = <!--火箭級/輔助火箭直徑(公尺),選擇性,使用{{convert}}--> |empty = <!--未填裝燃料火箭級/輔助火箭重量(公斤),選擇性,使用{{convert}}--> |gross = <!--填裝燃料火箭級/輔助火箭重量(公斤),選擇性--> |propmass = <!--火箭級/輔助火箭的燃料重量(公斤), 使用{{convert|燃料重量|kg}}, 选择性--> |engines = <!--單枚該節火箭/助推火箭引擎數量,必須--> |thrust = <!--單枚該節火箭/助推火箭推力,必須,使用{{convert}}--> |total = <!--該節火箭總推力,選擇性,使用{{convert}}--> |SI = <!--該節火箭比衝量(秒),選擇性--> |burntime = <!--推進時間,必須--> |fuel = <!--該節火箭燃料,必須--> }} }}
[编辑]{{Infobox rocket <!----圖片(選擇性)----> |image = |imsize = |caption = <!----基本參數(必須)----> |name = |function = |manufacturer = |country-origin = |place-origin = <!----費用(選擇性)----> |cpl = |cpl-year = |alt-cpl = <!----外型及質量參數----> |height = |diameter = |mass = |stages = <!----酬載衛星----> |capacities = {{Infobox rocket/payload |location = |kilos = }} <!----相關火箭----> |family = |derivatives = |comparable = <!----發射歷史----> |status = |sites = |launches = |success = |fail = |partial = |other_outcome = |first = |last = |only = |payloads = <!--火箭各節數據--> |stagedata = {{Infobox rocket/Stage |type = |diff = |stageno = |name = |number = |length = |diameter = |empty = |gross = |engines = |thrust = |total = |SI = |burntime = |fuel = }} }}
[编辑]These parameters are supported by the template to allow it to display properly on articles that have not yet been converted to the new format. They should not be introduced into new articles/transclusions.
<!--LEO payload (選擇性)--> |LEO-payload = <!--Payload mass in kilograms to a typical Low Earth orbit, 選擇性--> |alt-LEO = <!--Payload mass in pounds to a typical Low Earth orbit, 選擇性--> <!--Specific payload 1, obsolete--> |payload-location = <!--Target orbit/trajectory, 必須--> |payload = <!--Payload mass in kilograms, 必須--> |alt-payload = <!--Payload mass in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--Specific payload 2, obsolete--> |payload2-location = <!--Target orbit/trajectory, 必須--> |payload2 = <!--Payload mass in kilograms, 必須--> |alt-payload2 = <!--Payload mass in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--Specific payload 3, obsolete--> |payload3-location = <!--Target orbit/trajectory, 必須--> |payload3 = <!--Payload mass in kilograms, 必須--> |alt-payload3 = <!--Payload mass in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--Specific payload 4, obsolete--> |payload4-location = <!--Target orbit/trajectory, 必須--> |payload4 = <!--Payload mass in kilograms, 必須--> |alt-payload4 = <!--Payload mass in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--Specific payload 5, obsolete--> |payload5-location = <!--Target orbit/trajectory, 必須--> |payload5 = <!--Payload mass in kilograms, 必須--> |alt-payload5 = <!--Payload mass in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--First booster rockets, obsolete (use stagedata above)--> |diff = <!--variant of rocket these are used on, 選擇性--> |boostername = <!--name of booster rockets, 選擇性--> |boosters = <--number of booster rockets present, 必須--> |boosterengines = <!--number and type of engines used on an individual booster, 必須--> |boosterthrust = <!--thrust provided by a single booster in kN, 必須--> |alt-boosterthurst = <!--thrust provided by a single booster in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |boosterTT = <!--total thrust for all boosters in kN, 選擇性--> |alt-boosterTT = <!--total thrust for all boosters in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |boosterSI = <!--specific impulse of an individual booster, in secs, 選擇性--> |boostertime = <!--burn time, 必須--> |boosterfuel = <!--fuel used in boosters, 必須--> <!--Second booster rockets, obsolete (use stagedata above)--> |alt-diff = <!--variant of rocket these are used on, 選擇性--> |alt-boostername = <!--name of booster rockets, 選擇性--> |alt-boosters = <--number of booster rockets present, 必須--> |alt-boosterengines = <!--number and type of engines used on an individual booster, 必須--> |alt-boosterthrust = <!-thrust provided by a single booster in kN, 必須--> |alt-alt-boosterthurst = <!--thrust provided by a single booster in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |alt-boosterSI = <!--specific impulse of an individual booster, in secs, 選擇性--> |alt-boostertime = <!--burn time, 必須--> |alt-boosterfuel = <!--fuel used in boosters, 必須--> <!--Third booster rockets, obsolete (use stagedata above)--> |alt2-diff = <!--variant of rocket these are used on, 選擇性--> |alt2-boostername = <!--name of booster rockets, 選擇性--> |alt2-boosters = <--number of booster rockets present, 必須--> |alt2-boosterengines = <!--number and type of engines used on an individual booster, 必須--> |alt2-boosterthrust = <!-thrust provided by a single booster in kN, 必須--> |alt2-alt-boosterthurst = <!--thrust provided by a single booster in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |alt2-boosterSI = <!--specific impulse of an individual booster, in secs, 選擇性--> |alt2-boostertime = <!--burn time, 必須--> |alt2-boosterfuel = <!--fuel used in boosters, 必須--> <!--First stage, obsolete (use stagedata above)--> |stage1diff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage1name = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage1engines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage1thrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage1thurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage1SI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage1time = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage1fuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Alternative first stage, obsolete (use stagedata above)--> |stage1adiff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage1aname = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage1aengines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage1athrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage1athurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage1aSI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage1atime = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage1afuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Second stage, obsolete (use stagedata above)--> |stage2diff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage2name = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage2engines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage2thrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage2thurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage2SI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage2time = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage2fuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Alternative second stage, obsolete, use stagedata--> |stage2adiff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage2aname = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage2aengines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage2athrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage2athurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage2aSI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage2atime = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage2afuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Third stage, obsolete, use stagedata--> |stage3diff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage3name = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage3engines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage3thrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage3thurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage3SI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage3time = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage3fuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Alternative third stage, obsolete, use stagedata--> |stage3adiff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage3aname = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage3aengines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage3athrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage3athurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage3aSI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage3atime = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage3afuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Fourth stage, obsolete, use stagedata--> |stage4diff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage4name = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage4engines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage4thrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage4thurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage4SI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage4time = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage4fuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Fifth stage, obsolete, use stagedata--> |stage5diff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage5name = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage5engines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage5thrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage5thurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage5SI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage5time = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage5fuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> <!--Sixth stage, obsolete, use stagedata--> |stage6diff = <!--variant of rocket, 選擇性--> |stage6name = <!--name of stage, 選擇性--> |stage6engines = <!--number and type of engines used on stage, 必須--> |stage6thrust = <!-thrust provided by stage in kN, 必須--> |alt-stage6thurst = <!--thrust provided by stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |stage6SI = <!--specific impulse of stage, in secs, 選擇性--> |stage6time = <!--burn time, 必須--> |stage6fuel = <!--fuel used in stage, 必須--> |alt-height = <!--height of the rocket in feet, 選擇性--> |alt-diameter = <!--core diameter in feet, 選擇性--> |alt-mass = <!--mass of rocket in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--from payloads--> |pounds = <!--Payload mass in pounds, 選擇性--> <!--from stages--> |alt-thrust = <!--thrust provided by a single booster/stage in pounds-force, 選擇性--> |alt-total = <!--total thrust for all boosters in pounds-force, 選擇性-->
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- category
- description
- fn
- hproduct
- identifier
- listing
- photo
- price
- review
- type
- url
- url
- value
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