







  • 第一次世界大戰[5]第二次世界大戰[6]
  • 1919年的西班牙流感疫情ㄧ 導致從醫生及藥劑師的診所中搶購奎寧和其他治療流感用藥物[7]。另外,當年維克斯薄荷膏(Vicks VapoRub)的銷售額由90萬元上升至290萬元[8]
  • 在1922年於奥地利第一共和國時,因奥地利克朗的惡性通貨膨脹及快速折舊,造成了搶購及食物滯銷,這情況持續至國際聯盟進行救助為止,而其行動阻止了經驗崩潰[9]
  • 1943年孟加拉饑災[10]
  • 1962年的古巴導彈危機,造成了美國發生搶購罐頭食品的指況[11]
  • 1973年於美國發生的廁所紙恐慌[12]
  • 1979年因日本而起的石油危機[13]
  • 1985年新可口可樂的出現,造成了新可口可樂的搶購潮[14][15]
  • 千年蟲問題,造成搶購食物的情況發生[16][17]
  • 在2001年911襲擊過後,於環球商品市場出現了搶購金屬、黃金及石油之情況[18]
  • 在2003年1月至2月嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症疫情期間,於廣東省及鄰近地區(如香港海南島)出現了數次搶購商品(例如是鹽、米、醋、植物油、抗細菌藥、口罩、中醫藥材)[19]
  • 在2000年和2005年時於英國發生的石油示威[20][21]
  • 2005年時的吉林化工廠爆炸,造成了搶購食用水和食物的情況[22]
  • 2008年至2013年時,美國一些槍支擁有者因擔憂時任總統奥巴馬會加強槍械管制法律,故搶購彈藥及造成短缺。[23][24]
  • 在2019年3月時委內瑞拉經濟危機時,當地政府暫時地接管總部為阿拉瓜州的製紙公司的製造廁紙工廠,用來控制廁紙的「製造、銷售及分銷」,而幾個月後,基本日用品(如廁紙)及食物(如米和食用油) 的庫存短缺。人們指責此次短缺是因為計劃不周的政策,例如是控制基本日用品的價格和嚴格管制外幣所致的和囤積商品[25]
  • 2013年11月,委內瑞拉政府要求多間電子產品商店大幅減價,藉此幫助執政黨在期後的選舉勝出。而委內瑞拉總統馬杜羅在11月8日宣布對商店進行軍事佔領和稱要讓貨架不留任何貨品。[26] The announcement of lowered prices sparked looting in multiple cities across Venezuela.[27] By the end of the Dakazo, many Venezuelan stores were left empty of their goods.[26] A year later in November 2014, some stores still remained empty following the Dakazo.[26]
  • 在2019年冠狀病毒病疫情2月至3月期間,搶購已成在多國出現的主要現象,例如是搶購口罩、食物、樽裝水、牛奶。廁紙等,使這些商品短缺。 The COVID-19 pandemic – panic buying became a major international phenomenon in February and March 2020, when stores around the world were depleted of items such as face masks, food, bottled water, milk, toilet paper,[28] hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, antibacterial wipes and painkillers.[29] As a result, many retailers rationed the sale of these items.[30] Online retailers eBay and Amazon have pulled certain items listed for sale by third parties such as toilet paper,[31] face masks, pasta, canned vegetables, hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes over price gouging concerns.[32][33] As a result, Amazon restricted the sale of these items and others (such as thermometers and ventilators) to healthcare professionals and government agencies.[34]

See also[编辑]


  1. ^ Yuen, Kum Fai; Wang, Xueqin; Ma, Fei; Li, Kevin X. The Psychological Causes of Panic Buying Following a Health Crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 May 2020, 17 (10): 3513. doi:10.3390/ijerph17103513可免费查阅. 
  2. ^ Bruce Jones & David Steven, The New Politics of Strategic Resources: Energy and Food Security Challenges in the 21st Century (eds. David Steven, Emily O'Brien & Bruce D. Jone: Brookings Institution Press, 2015), p. 12.
  3. ^ William M. Strahle & E. H. Bonfield. Understanding Consumer Panic: a Sociological Perspective, Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 16, 1989, eds. Thomas K. Srull, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, pp. 567–573.
  4. ^ Toxic leak threat to Chinese city. The Repository. 8 March 2020. 
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^ Honigsbaum, Mark. Regulating the 1918–19 Pandemic: Flu, Stoicism and the Northcliffe Press. Medical History. 2013, 57 (2): 165–185. ISSN 0025-7273. doi:10.1017/mdh.2012.101可免费查阅. 
  8. ^ Burden, Lizzy. Is panic buying irrational? Here's why it can seem to make economic sense. The Telegraph. 20 March 2020 [7 April 2020]. 
  9. ^ Colin Storer, A Short History of the Weimar Republic (I.B. Tauris, 2013), p. 102-03.
  10. ^ Archibald Percival Wavell. Moon, Penderel , 编. Wavell: The Viceroy's Journal需要免费注册. Oxford University Press. 1973: 34. 
  11. ^ Alice L. George. Awaiting Armageddon: How Americans Faced the Cuban Missile Crisis需要免费注册. The University of North Carolina Press. 2003: 78. ISBN 0807828289. 
  12. ^ Buder, Emily. The Great Toilet-Paper Shortage Scare – The Atlantic. 19 March 2020 [29 April 2020] (英语). 
  13. ^ Mamdouch G. Salameh, "Oil Crises, Historical Perspective" in Concise Encyclopedia of the History of Energy (ed. Cutler J. Cleveland: Elsevier, 2009), p. 196.
  14. ^ Taylor, Peter. The thirty-six stratagems: A modern-day interpretation of a strategy classic. Infinite Ideas. 2013: 50. ISBN 978-1-908474-97-1. 
  15. ^ Roberts, Kevin. Lovemarks: the future beyond brands. powerHouse Books. 2005: 193. ISBN 978-1-57687-534-6. 
  16. ^ Lohr, Steve. Technology and 2000 – Momentous Relief; Computers Prevail in First Hours of '00. New York Times. 1 January 2000. 
  17. ^ The Millenium Bug threatens food supply systems – developing countries are also vulnerable, FAO warns. Food and Agriculture Organization. 19 April 1999. 
  18. ^ Oil and gold prices spike. 11 September 2001. 
  19. ^ Ding, Rhetoric of a Global Epidemic: Transcultural Communication about SARS (Southern Illinois University Press, 2014), pp. 70, 72, 83, 103, 111.
  20. ^ Collins, Nick. EU ban on traditional lightbulbs prompts panic buying. The Telegraph. 25 August 2009. 
  21. ^ UK fuel blockades tumble. BBC News. 14 September 2000 [12 January 2008]. 
  22. ^ Toxic leak threat to Chinese city. BBC News. 23 November 2005. 
  23. ^ Danielle Kurtzleben, Here's why the ammunition shortage went on for years, Vox (1 July 2014).
  24. ^ Stephanie Clifford, Shop Owners Report Rise in Firearm Sales as Buyers Fear Possible New Laws, New York Times (22 December 2012).
  25. ^ Brochetto, Marilia; Botelho, Greg. Facing shortages, Venezuela takes over toilet paper factory. CNN. 12 September 2013 [13 March 2020]. 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Lezama Aranguren, Erick. La resaca del "dakazo", un año después. El Tiempo. 9 November 2014 [12 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于12 November 2014). 
  27. ^ Watch: Looting in Venezuela after government launches attack on ‘bourgeois parasites’. EuroNews. 12 November 2013 [12 November 2014]. 
  28. ^ What everyone's getting wrong about the toilet paper shortage Medium
  29. ^ Supermarkets report panic buying over coronavirus fears. Inside Retail. 2020-03-03 [2020-04-03]. 
  30. ^ Gadher, Dipesh. Every ration helps in coronavirus crisis: Tesco puts one-item limit on essentials. The Sunday Times. 29 March 2020 [7 April 2020]. 
  31. ^ Halliday, Josh. eBay urged to clamp down on coronavirus profiteering. The Guardian. 16 March 2020 [7 April 2020]. 
  32. ^ Coronavirus price gouging: Amazon and eBay failing to tackle rip-off sellers, says Which?. Sky News. 25 March 2020 [7 April 2020]. 
  33. ^ Nicas, Jack. He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them. The New York Times. 14 March 2020 [7 April 2020]. 
  34. ^ Palmer, Annie. Amazon blocks sale of N95 masks to the public, begins offering supplies to hospitals. CNBC. 2 April 2020 [7 April 2020]. 
