



IPA 正字法 对应英文
b b bill
d d dill
dz j heads ~ hedge [1]
ɖʐ dr Jill ~ drill [2]
f f fill
ɡ g gill
h h hill ~ ill
k k skill
l l lill
m m mill
n n nil
ŋ song
ŋɡ ng finger
p p spill
r r rill(颤音)
s s sill ~ shill [1]
t t still
ts ts cats ~ catch [1]
ʈʂ tr chill ~ trill [2]
v v villa
z z blaze ~ beige [1]
IPA 例子 注释
ˈ ˌ (置于重音节之前)
IPA 正字法 对应英文
a a fat ~ father
e e pet
i i, y seat
o ô old
u o coot
aj ai, ay Thai,接近 day
aw ao Lao,接近 low
ej ei, ey grey
uj oy phooey!
ə a sofa
ə̥ a paternal(低声)
ʲ y, i dew (UK), cue: a y sound
ʷ o quick
ː (长元音)


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 /ts dz s z/ vary between these sounds, depending on speaker and situation. The latter is especially common when followed by the vowel /i/, including its reduced form [ʲ]. That is, [sʲ] is generally closer to English shill.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 As the Malagasy spellings ‹tr, dr› suggest, /ʈʂ ɖʐ/ may be released into a trill, depending on speaker and situation.