
(重新導向自劳瑞 (英国)
Malcolm Lowry
出生Malcolm Lowry
英格蘭薩塞克斯郡里佩英語Chalvington with Ripe
代表作Ultramarine (1933), 在火山下(1947), Hear Us O Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place (1961), Lunar Caustic (1968), Dark as the Grave wherein my Friend is Laid (1968), October Ferry to Gabriola (1970)
配偶Jan Gabrial (1934–1937)
Margerie Bonner (1940–1957, his death)
受影響於Conrad Aiken, 赫爾曼·梅爾維爾, 費奧多爾·杜斯妥也夫斯基, 卡夫卡, 傑克·倫敦, 列夫·托爾斯泰, 海明威, 詹姆斯·喬伊斯, 威廉·福克納, 索福克勒斯

克拉倫斯·馬爾科姆·勞瑞(英語:Clarence Malcolm Lowry,1909年7月28日—1957年6月26日)是英國詩人和小說家,他最著名的作品是小說《在火山下》,該著作被紐約公共圖書館《世紀之書》以及蘭登書屋《當代文庫》選作20世紀百大英文小說第11名。.


勞瑞一生著作出版其實很少,相比之下他去世時卻留下了大量的未完成的手稿。在他的兩部小說中,在火山下 (1947)目前被普遍認為是傑出之作,也是20世紀最傑出的小說之一(《當代文庫》 20世紀百大英文小說第11名).[1] 這本書展現的勞瑞的寫作手法特點,包括重點使用自傳式的素材,並且充滿了複雜的、隱喻性的象徵手法寫作。在火山下描述了一系列複雜、讓人難以接受的惡劣人際關係,而寫作背景則是墨西哥的火山噴發。

火山:關於勞瑞的生死調查 (1976)是加拿大電影局拍攝的獲得奧斯卡提名的紀錄片,製片人是Donald Brittain and Robert A. Duncan,導演則是 Brittain and John Kramer.[2] 該片開創了對勞瑞「意外事故死亡」的調查,然後倒敘講述作者生活。片中還包括勞瑞作品的節選,由Richard Burton朗讀,背景則拍攝於墨西哥、美國、加拿大和英格蘭。[3]



  • Hear Us O Lord from Heaven Thy Dwelling Place (1961)
  • Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry (1962)
  • Lunar Caustic (1968)
  • Dark as the Grave wherein my Friend is Laid (1968)
  • October Ferry to Gabriola (1970)
  • The Cinema of Malcolm Lowry: A Scholarly Edition of Malcolm Lowry's "Tender is the Night" edited by Miquel Mota & Paul Tiessen (1990)
  • The 1940 Under The Volcano (1994)
  • La Mordida edited by Patrick A. McCarthy (1996)




  1. ^ Modern Library 100 Best Novels. Modern Library. [13 March 2008]. (原始內容存檔於2010-02-07). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Volcano: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry. Documentary film (National Film Board of Canada). 1976 [31 March 2009]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-15). 
  3. ^ IMDb. [2012-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-05). 


  • Asals, Frederick, The making of Malcolm Lowry's Under the volcano (University of Georgia: Athens, 1997)
  • Bareham, Tony, Modern Novelists: Malcolm Lowry (St Martins: New York, 1989)
  • Bowker, Gordon, ed, Malcolm Lowry Remembered (Ariel: London, 1985)
  • Bradbrook, M.C., Malcolm Lowry: His Art and Early Life (CUP: Cambridge, 1974)
  • Cross, Richard K., Malcolm Lowry: a preface to his fiction (Athlone Press: London, 1980)
  • Foxcroft, Nigel H., The Kaleidoscopic Vision of Malcolm Lowry: Souls and Shamans (Lexington Books: Lanham, MD, 2019). ISBN 978-1-4985-1657-0
  • Hochschild, Adam, Finding the Trapdoor: Essays, Portraits, Travels, pp. 265–73, "The Private Volcano of Malcolm Lowry," (Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, 1997)
  • Miller, David, Malcolm Lowry and the voyage that never ends (Enitharmon Press: London, 1976)
  • Smith, Anne, The art of Malcolm Lowry (Vision: London, 1978)
  • Stevenson, Randall, The British Novel Since the Thirties (Batsford: London, 1986)
  • Vice, Sue, Malcolm Lowry eighty years on (St. Martins Press: New York, 1989)
  • Woolmer, J. Howard, Malcolm Lowry: a bibliography (Woolmer/Brotherson: Pennsylvania, 1983)
