


總統特種,是由扎伊爾共和國總統蒙博托·塞塞·塞科於1985年創建的精銳軍事力量。[1]該單位負責他的人身安全,人數約為 5000-10000人(1988年估計為 5,200人)。[2]在1986年被擴大之前被稱為總統特別旅,是該國直屬於總統但又彼此互相競爭的單位之一。[3]以色列顧問的訓練下,總統特種師是扎伊爾國內為數不多的準時支付全薪的單位之一。[4]它由蒙博託的表亲艾蒂安·恩齊姆·恩格巴爾·孔戈·巴薩將軍指揮。[5]這些士兵只是從蒙博托自己所屬的恩本迪族招募。[6] 該部隊被用來對付政府內部對手或疑似對手。被帶走的人遭受酷刑,未經審判即被監禁,被流放,或者就是失踪了。[6]

盧旺達內戰開始後,蒙博托派遣了數百名總統特種師成員支援朱韦纳尔·哈比亚利马纳政府。[7][8] 1993年,總統特種師派去平息北基伍省馬西西地區的騷亂,但在與胡圖族居民站在一起反對土著巴孔德人之後,情況惡化了。[9]聯合國1996年的一份報告指出,總理艾蒂安·齊塞凱迪及其工作人員受到他們的例行監視和騷擾。[10]



  1. ^ "Report on the situation of human rights in Zaire, prepared by the Special Rapporteur, Mr. Roberto Garretón, in accordance with Commission resolution 1994/87", United Nations Economic and Social Council
  2. ^ Central Intelligence Agency, 'Zaire: The Military Under Mobutu [Deleted],' document created 1/11/1988, accessible via Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room, [1], accessed 4 June 2010
  3. ^ "The Stalled Transition", Human Rights Watch, 1997
  4. ^ Zaire: A Country Study, "Army"
  5. ^ Martin Meredith (2005) The Fate of Africa: From the Hopes of Freedom to the Heart of Despair, a History of Fifty Years of Independence, New York: Public Affairs, p. 535
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 David van Reybrouck. Congo: The Epic History of a People. HarperCollins, 2012. 25 March 2014: 386. ISBN 978-0-06-220011-2. 
  7. ^ Linda Melvern, Conspiracy to Murder: The Rwandan Genocide, Verso: New York, 2004, ISBN 1-85984-588-6, p. 14
  8. ^ Zaire: A Country Study, "Zaire as a Military Aid Donor"
  9. ^ Mahmood Mamdani (2001) When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, pp. 252-253
  10. ^ "Communication No 542/1993 : Democratic Republic of the Congo. 16/04/96.", Human Rights Committee on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 16 April 1996