

主要遗址Los Millares英语Los Millares
继承文化额内替斯文化英语Unetice culture

钟形杯文化(德语:Glockenbecherkultur),起源于公元前2800年左右,一直持续到公元前1800年[1][2],是从新石器时代晚期至青铜器时代史前西欧考古学文化”的一种用语。其用语源自于约翰‧爱得夸比英语John Abercromby,基本上是属于可盛装物品的陶器独特文化。然而贝尔陶器文化的影响范围扩大至整个欧洲,连同物理及遗传学也同样身受影响。











位于德国居特斯洛镇博物馆英语Stadtmuseum Gütersloh年龄3,500岁、40 cm(16英寸) 高Pavenstädt的巨大陶器。







大规模研究钟形陶器的放射性探测年表当中,J. 米勒[c] 和 S.维林更[d]建立中欧公元前2500年以来的贝尔陶器文化[13]。来自于于背景晚铜时代和青铜时代早期之间,有两个伟大共存和独立的中欧文化,区域集团和研究钟形陶器文化的东方集团有着窑的线索,他们的开发、推广和长距离的变化取决于广泛河流的系统,成为第三部分奇妙的喀尔巴阡之马可茶卡文化[17]







西西里岛,陶器被介绍来自于撒丁岛和主要分布在西北部和西南部的岛屿。在西北和巴勒莫的文化和社会特征几乎维持不变,而在西南部有一个与在地的文化强势整合[f] 。目前已知仅有一个位于西西里岛东部的钟形玻璃在雪城被察觉到[g]


钟形杯文化已被建议作为早期印欧文化英语Indo-European culture适切的选择之一,更具体而言,其祖先是原凯尔特人[26]。然而,钟形杯文化被推测是与印欧方言的欧洲分支有着相当大的关联性,被称为“西北印欧”,祖先不仅是凯尔特人,同样也是日耳曼人和波罗的斯拉夫[27]




Jocelyne Desideri 检查来自于钟形杯文化的位址(包含西班牙北部、法国南部、瑞士捷克共和国和匈牙利)骨骼中的牙齿。检查已经被独立的牙齿特征中证实了与遗传有关联,她发觉只有在西班牙北部和捷克共和国论证紧跟在人群的前面与钟形杯文化人群之间的相互连结,位于其他地方则有所间断[31]


早报公告欧洲范围内Y型DNA标记频率英语Y-DNA marker frequencies的结果,例如Semino(2000年)和罗瑟(2000年),透过晚期智人中发现欧洲殖民最早时态的相关倍群R1b-M269英语R1b-M269,在伊比利亚中(尤其是巴斯克地区)M269的高峰频率及大西洋外观被推测由欧洲西部再度殖民化的代表签名,紧接着就是末次冰盛期[32][33]




  1. ^ 英文对应名称:All Over Corded(简称:AOC)
  2. ^ 英文对应名称:All Over Ornamented(简称:AOO)
  3. ^ 英文对应人名:J. Müller
  4. ^ 英文对应人名:S. Willingen
  5. ^ 英文对应的物品名称:Ca' di Marco
  6. ^

    Sebastiano Tusa

    ——p. 310
  7. ^

    Sebastiano Tusa

    ——p. 311, fig. 52
  8. ^ 英文版解释:One of which tested positive for M269 but negative for its U106 subclade (note that the P312 subclade was not tested for).


  1. ^ Bradley 2007,第144页.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 (英文)Cunliffe, Barry. Celtic from the West Chapter 1: Celticization from the West: The Contribution of Archaeology. Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK. 2010: 27–31 [2015-07-14]. ISBN 978-1-84217-410-4. (原始内容存档于2015-04-04). 
  3. ^ Fokkens & Nicolis 2012,第82页.
  4. ^ (英文)Ember, Melvin; Peregrine, Peter Neal (编). Encyclopedia of Prehistory. 4 : Europe. Springer: 24. 2001. ISBN 0-306-46255-9. 
  5. ^ (英文)Sherratt, A.G. Cups that cheered: the introduction of alcohol to prehistoric Europe. Waldren, W.; Kennard, R.C. (编). Bell Beakers of the Western Mediterranean: definition, interpretation, theory and new site data. The Oxford International Conference 1986. Oxford: British Archaeology Reports. 1987: 81–114. ISBN 9780860544265. 
  6. ^ (英文)Doce, Elisa Guerra. Sobre la función y el significado de la cerámica campaniforme a la luz de los análisis de contenidos trabajos de prehistoria [Function and significance of bell beaker pottery according to data from residue analyses]. Trabajos de prehistoria. 2006, 63 (1): 69–84 [2015-07-14]. ISSN 0082-5638. doi:10.3989/tp.2006.v63.i1.5. (原始内容存档于2016-01-12) (西班牙语). 
  7. ^ Lemercier 2012,第131页.
  8. ^ Lemercier 2012.
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Fokkens & Nicolis 2012,第200页.
  10. ^ Vander Linden, Marc. Le phénomène campaniforme dans l'Europe du 3ème millénaire avant notre ère: Synthèse et nouvelles perspectives. British Archaeological Reports, international series, 1470. Oxford: Archaeopress. 2006: 33. ISBN 9781841719061 (法语). 
  11. ^ Case, Humphrey. Beakers and the Beaker Culture. Burgess, Christopher; Topping, Peter; Lynch, Frances (编). Beyond Stonehenge: Essays on the Bronze Age in honour of Colin Burgess. Oxford: Oxbow. 2007: 237–254. ISBN 9781842172155. 
  12. ^ Heyd, Volker. Die Glockenbecherkultur in Süddeutschland– Zum Stand der Forschung einer Regionalprovinzentlang der Donau [Bell Beaker Culture in Southern Germany, State of research for a regional province along the Danube]. Benz, M.; van Willigen, S. (编). Some New Approaches to the Bell Beaker 'Phenomenon': Lost Paradise...?. British Archaeological Report S690. Oxford: Hadrian. 1998: 87–106. ISBN 9780860549284 (德语). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Müller & van Willigen 2001,第59-75页.
  14. ^ (英文)The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe - Barry Cunliffe, Oxford University Press (1994), pp. 250-254.
  15. ^ (英文)F. Jordá Cerdá et al., Historia de España 1: Prehistoria, 1986. ISBN 84-249-1015-X.
  16. ^ Trias, Manuel Calvo; Ayuso, Víctor M. Guerrero; Simonet, Bartomeu Salvà. Los orígenes del poblamiento balear: una discusión no acabada. Complutum. 2002, 13: 159–191 [2015-08-06]. ISSN 1131-6993. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03) (西班牙语). 
  17. ^ Bertemes, François; Heyd, Volker. Der Übergang Kupferzeit / Frühbronzezeit am Nordwestrand des Karpatenbeckens - Kulturgeschichtliche und paläometallurgische Betrachtungen [The transition from the Copper Age to the Early Bronze Age at the north-western edge of the Carpathian basin culture historical and palaeometallurgical considerations]. Bartelheim, Martin; Pernicka, Ernst; Krause, Rüdiger (编). Die Anfänge der Metallurgie in der alten Welt [The beginnings of metallurgy in the old world]. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf. 2002: 185–228. ISBN 978-3-89646-871-0 (德语). 
  18. ^ Flanagan 1998,第71页.
  19. ^ Flanagan 1998,第99页.
  20. ^ Flanagan 1998,第84-85, 116页.
  21. ^ Flanagan 1998,第133页.
  22. ^ Flanagan 1998,第88页.
  23. ^ Flanagan 1998,第91页.
  24. ^ (英文)Charles, J.A. Where is the Tin?. Antiquity. 1975, 49 (193): 19–24. 
  25. ^ Il complesso culturale di "Fosso Conicchio" (Viterbo) (PDF). Pigorini. 2005 [2015-08-07]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-03-04). 
  26. ^ (英文)Almagro-Gorbea - La lengua de los Celtas y otros pueblos indoeuropeos de la península ibérica, 2001 p.95. In Almagro-Gorbea, M., Mariné, M. and Álvarez-Sanchís, J.R. (eds) Celtas y Vettones, pp. 115-121. Ávila: Diputación Provincial de Ávila.
  27. ^ (英文)J.P. Mallory, 'The Indo-Europeanization of Atlantic Europe', in Celtic From the West 2: Rethinking the Bronze Age and the Arrival of Indo-European in Atlantic Europe, eds J.T. Koch and B. Cunliffe (Oxford, 2013), p.17-40
  28. ^ (英文)A Test of Non-metrical Analysis as Applied to the 'Beaker Problem' - Natasha Grace Bartels, University of Albeda, Department of Anthropology, 1998 [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  29. ^ (英文)Zoffmann, Zsuzsanna K. Anthropological sketch of the prehistoric population of the Carpathian Basin (PDF). Acta Biologica Szegediensis. 2000, 44 (1–4): 75–79 [2015-08-06]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-03-08). 
  30. ^ (英文)Gallagher, A.; Gunther, M.M.; Bruchhaus, H. Population continuity, demic diffusion and Neolithic origins in central-southern Germany: The evidence from body proportions. Homo. 2009, 60 (2): 95–126. PMID 19264304. doi:10.1016/j.jchb.2008.05.006. 
  31. ^ (英文)Jocelyne Desideri, Europe during the Third Millennium BC and Bell Beaker Culture Phenomenon: peopling history through dental non-metric traits study (2008)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  32. ^ (英文)Semino, O.; Passarino, G; Oefner, PJ; Lin, AA; Arbuzova, S; Beckman, LE; De Benedictis, G; Francalacci, P; Kouvatsi, A; Limborska, S; Marcikiae, M; Mika, A; Mika, B; Primorac, D; Santachiara-Benerecetti, AS; Cavalli-Sforza, LL; Underhill, PA. The genetic legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in extant Europeans: a Y chromosome perspective. Science. 2000, 290 (5494): 1155–9. PMID 11073453. doi:10.1126/science.290.5494.1155. 
  33. ^ (英文)Rosser, Zoë H.; Zerjal, Tatiana; Hurles, Matthew E.; Adojaan, Maarja; Alavantic, Dragan; Amorim, António; Amos, William; Armenteros, Manuel; Arroyo, Eduardo; Barbujani, Guido; Beckman, G; Beckman, L; Bertranpetit, J; Bosch, E; Bradley, DG; Brede, G; Cooper, G; Côrte-Real, HB; De Knijff, P; Decorte, R; Dubrova, YE; Evgrafov, O; Gilissen, A; Glisic, S; Gölge, M; Hill, EW; Jeziorowska, A; Kalaydjieva, L; Kayser, M; Kivisild, T. Y-chromosomal diversity in Europe is clinal and influenced primarily by geography, rather than by language. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2000, 67 (6): 1526–1543. PMC 1287948可免费查阅. PMID 11078479. doi:10.1086/316890. 
  34. ^ (英文)Myres, Natalie M; et al. A major Y-chromosome haplogroup R1b Holocene era founder effect in Central and Western Europe. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2011, 19 (1): 95–101. PMC 3039512可免费查阅. PMID 20736979. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2010.146. 
  35. ^ (英文)Cruciani, Fulvio; et al. Strong intra- and inter-continental differentiation revealed by Y chromosome SNPs M269, U106 and U152. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2011, 5 (3): 49–52. PMID 20732840. doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2010.07.006. 
  36. ^ (英文)Arredi, Barbara; Poloni, Estella S.; Tyler-Smith, Chris. The peopling of Europe. Crawford, Michael H. (编). Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2007: 380–408. ISBN 9780521546973. 
  37. ^ (英文)Patricia Balaresque, Georgina R. Bowden, Susan M. Adams, Ho-Yee Leung, Turi E. King, Zoë H. Rosser, Jane Goodwin, Jean-Paul Moisan, Christelle Richard, Ann Millward, Andrew G. Demaine, Guido Barbujani, Carlo Previderè, Ian J. Wilson, Chris Tyler-Smith, Mark A. Jobling. A Predominantly Neolithic Origin for European Paternal Lineages. PLOS Biology. 2010-01-19, 8 (1): e1000285 [2018-04-02]. ISSN 1545-7885. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000285. (原始内容存档于2018-05-23) (英语). 
  38. ^ (英文)Lee, E. et al. (2012), Emerging genetic patterns of the European neolithic: Perspectives from a late neolithic bell beaker burial site in Germany页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 571–579.


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