



今天2010年5月31日UTC 6:00多时。通过近两日,针对中、英版本的wikipedia的流亡政府条目中,中华民国是否是流亡政府的法理激辩中。突然发现依照很多主张台湾独立的绿营人士强调的主权归属必须通过和约达成的法理,推导出中华民国拥有台、澎领土的结论。即:
如果日本放弃台、澎的领土。台、澎就变成无主地。无主地就是谁都可以取得。不过,由于日本放弃了台、澎,作为当时仍然算是日本国民的台、澎居民自然受到其国家承诺的连带制约,也自然会变成了,台、澎岛上的外国人。作为二战同盟成员国的中华民国(ROC)自1945年就收复台湾,在台湾独立主张的人士眼里,那只是中华民国对台湾实施的同盟国军事占领。日本在1951年和49个同盟成员国达成旧金山和约,申明放弃对台、澎等多个领土要求。52年4月和约生效之日,台、澎立即成为无主地 (terra nullius)[1],作为对台、澎实施军事占领的ROC也就立刻获得了对这些无主地的拥有权[2]。这和当时那些生活在台、澎,由于没有中日和约仍然是日本国民的所有台、澎居民无关。因为此时,他们可以说是生活在ROC领土上的外国人(仍为日本国籍)。1952年8月中华民国和日本在台北签署的中日和约生效后,才解决了对他们的安置方案,就是或者去日本,或则留下转成为ROC国民。
详细内容都在“流亡政府”中文条目的讨论版‘中华民国1949年后只是丧失部分领土’的段落中。相关内容编辑见 2010年5月30日 16:52(UTC)至2010年5月31日 06:14 (UTC)相关讨论版的编辑纪录。而流亡政府之英文版本(Government in exile)的内容编辑讨论参见,14:28, 28 May 2010(UTC)至 01:09, 2 June 2010(UTC)目的英文讨论版中相关的讨论内容
备注:由于1952年中华民国才同日本签署了中日和约,故在谋求台湾独立的绿营人士眼里,中华民国同日本所属的台、澎居民在1952年8月之前,仍然处于敌对状态。因此,以上的推论也同时给228事件了定性。那就是1947年处于被占领区状态的在台、澎上的仍然具有日本国民身份的台岛居民,无视日本天皇1945年8月向全体日本国民发出的彻底放弃武力抵抗的号召及命令,和同盟国占领军发生的严重武力冲突。作为驻台、澎同盟成员国占领军的中华民国国军在当时的行为就可按照海牙公约1889年版本1907年版本之《陆战法规和惯例公约》篇内《第三编 在敌国领土内的军事当局》所做规范检视。而且其第四十三条 合法政府的权力实际上既已落入占领者手中,占领者应尽力采取一切措施,在可能范围内恢复和确保公共秩序和安全并除非万不得已,应尊重当地现行的法律。赋予中华民国国军恢复当时社会秩序所需要的一切权利和义务。
关于无主地 (terra nullius)的备注New Jersey v. New York, 523 US 767 (1998) US Supreme Court,26 May 1998
“Even as to terra nullius, like a volcanic island or territory abandoned by its former sovereign, a claimant by right as against all others has more to do than planting a flag or rearing a monument. Since the 19th century the most generous settled view has been that discovery accompanied by symbolic acts give no more than ‘an inchoate title, an option, as against other states, to consolidate the first steps by proceeding to effective occupation within a reasonable time.’8 I. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law 146 (4th ed.1990); see also 1 C. Hyde, International Law 329 (rev.2d ed.1945); 1 L. Oppenheim International Law §§222-223, pp. 439-441 (H. Lauterpacht 5th ed.1937); Hall A Treatise on International Law, at 102-103; 1 J. Moore, International Law 258 (1906); R. Phillimore, International Law 273 (2d ed. 1871); E. Vattel, Law of Nations, §208, p. 99 (J. Chitty 6th Am. ed. 1844). ”
(1)nullius filius:literally "nobody's son", A child of unknown parentage; an orphan.[1]
(2)res nullius: (law) Something that has no owner (see: en:Res nullius)
(3)terra nullius: Empty land; land not legally belonging to anyone.[2] (see: en:Terra nullius)
  1. ^ Henckaerts, Jean-Marie. The international status of Taiwan in the new world order: legal and political considerations. Kluwer Law International. 1996: 337. ISBN 90-41-10929-3. p7. “In any case, there appears to be strong legal ground to support the view that since the entry into force of the 1952 ROC-Japan bilateral peace treaty, Taiwan has become the de jure territory of the ROC. This interpretation of the legal status of Taiwan is confirmed by several Japanese court decisions. For instance, in the case of Japan v. Lai Chin Jung, decided by the Tokyo High Court on December 24, 1956, it was stated that ‘Formosa and the Pescadores came to belong to the Republic of China, at any rate on August 5, 1952, when the [Peace] Treaty between Japan and the Republic of China came into force…’”
    p8. “the principles of prescription and occupation that may justify the ROC's claim to Taiwan certainly are not applicable to the PRC because the application of these two principles to the Taiwan situation presupposes the validity of the two peace treaties by which Japan renounce its claim to Taiwan and thus makes the island terra nullius.”
  2. ^ 丘宏达. 一中原则与台湾法律地位. www.epochtimes.com. 2/4/2001.  or available online at Modern China Studies (丘宏达:一个中国的原则与台湾的法律地位).

SH9002 (留言) 2010年5月31日 (一) 09:16 (UTC)