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{{Infobox scientist
{{Infobox Lunar crater
|name = 约翰·埃拉德·戈尔
| image = Gorelunarcrater.JPG|240px
| caption = 月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像
|image = John Ellard Gore.png
|image_size = 200px
| latitude =86.18
| N_or_S =N
|caption = 约翰·埃拉德·戈尔
| longitude =62.31
|birth_date = {{birth date|df=yes|1845|6|1}}
| E_or_W =W
|birth_place = [[爱尔兰]][[韦斯特米斯郡]][[阿斯隆]]
| diameter = 9.41公里
|death_date = {{death date and age|df=yes|1910|07|18|1845|6|1}}
| depth = 1.56公里
|death_place = [[爱尔兰]][[都柏林]][[格拉夫顿街]]
|nationality = [[爱尔兰]]
| colong =
|field = [[天文学]]
| eponym = [[约翰·埃拉德·戈尔]]
|work_institutions =
|alma_mater = [[三一学院 (都柏林)|都柏林三一学院]]
|known_for =
|author_abbrev_bot =|author_abbrev_zoo =
[[image:Hermite - LROC - WAC.JPG|240px|thumb|right|戈尔陨石坑的周边,[[月球勘测轨道飞行器]]拍摄。]]
'''约翰·埃拉德·戈尔'''(John Ellard Gore)是前一位[[爱尔兰]][[业余天文学|业余天文学家]]暨多产的[[作家]],也是英国天文协会创始会员之一。
他主要的兴趣点集中于寻找[[变星]],曾先后发现了数颗,其中最著名的有18845年的[[天鹅座W|天鹅座 W]]、1885年的[[猎户座U|猎户座 U]]等,并独立地发现了[[英仙座GK|英仙座新星]]<ref name=Shears>{{cite arxiv| title = John Ellard Gore: of immensity and minuteness | arxiv = 1203.6467| author = Shears, Jeremy }}</ref><ref name=EBriggs>{{cite web| title = Obituary of John Ellard Gore (The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) | url = http://www.rasc.ca/corresponding-member-mr-j-ellard-gore | author = E. Briggs | accessdate = 2014-01-29}}</ref><ref name="fitzgerald1966">{{cite journal
| last = FitzGerald
| first = A. P.
| author-link =
| title = John Ellard Gore (1845–1910)
| journal = [[Irish Astronomical Journal]]
| volume = 7
| number = 7/8
| pages = 213–219
| publisher =
| date = 1966
| place =
| bibcode = 1966IrAJ....7..213F
| url = http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1966IrAJ....7..213F
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
}}</ref><ref name="obit_mnras">{{cite journal
| title = John Ellard Gore
| journal = [[Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society]]
| volume = 71
| number = 4
| pages = 256–257
| publisher = [[Royal Astronomical Society]]
| date = 1911
| place = London
| bibcode = 1911MNRAS..71R.256.
| url = http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1911MNRAS..71R.256.
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
| doi=10.1093/mnras/71.4.256a
}}</ref><ref name="obit_popastron">{{cite journal
| last = Macpherson
| first = Hector
| author-link = Hector Macpherson (astronomer)
| title = John Ellard Gore
| journal = [[Popular Astronomy (US magazine)|Popular Astronomy]]
| volume = 18
| number = 9
| pages = 519–525
| publisher =
| date = 1910
| bibcode = 1910PA.....18..519M
| url = http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1910PA.....18..519M
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
}}</ref><ref name="obit_obs">{{cite journal
| last = Hollis
| first = Henry Park
| author-link =
| title = John Ellard Gore
| journal = [[The Observatory (journal)|The Observatory]]
| volume = 311
| issue = 425
| pages = 316–318
| date = 1910
| bibcode = 1910Obs....33..311.
| url = http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1910Obs....33..311./0000316.000.html
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
}}</ref><ref name="obit_jbaa">{{cite journal
| last = Lynn
| first = W. T.
| author-link =
| title = John Ellard Gore
| journal = [[Journal of the British Astronomical Association]]
| volume = 20
| number = 9
| pages = 483–484
| publisher = [[British Astronomical Association]]
| date = 1910
| place = London, Britain
| bibcode = 1910JBAA...20..483.
| url = http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1910JBAA...20..483.
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
}}</ref><ref name="dnb"/><ref name="odnb">{{cite encyclopedia
| last1 = Hollis
| first1 = Henry Park
| author-link1 =
| last2 = Elliott
| first2 = Ian
| author2-link =
| contribution = Gore, John Ellard
| date = 2004
| encyclopedia = [[Oxford Dictionary of National Biography]]
| publisher = [[Oxford University Press]]
| place = Oxford, England
| doi = 10.1093/ref:odnb/33473
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
| chapter-url = http://oxforddnb.com/view/article/33473
}}</ref><ref name="biogencastron">{{cite book
| last = Elliott
| first = Ian
| author-link =
| contribution = Gore, John Ellard
| date = 2007
| pages = 830–832
| title = [[Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers]]
| editor-last = Hockey | editor-first = Thomas
| editor2-last = Trimble | editor2-first = Virginia
| editor3-last = Williams | editor3-first = Thomas R.
| publisher = [[Springer Publishing]]
| place = New York
| isbn = 978-1-4419-9917-7
| doi = 10.1007/978-1-4419-9917-7_531
| chapter-url = http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4419-9917-7_531
| accessdate = 2016-01-28
}}</ref>。 2009年[[国际天文学联合会]]以他的名字命名了月球上的[[戈尔陨石坑]]<ref name=Union/>。

该陨坑西侧坐落了巨大的[[埃尔米特环形山]]、西北和北面毗邻略大的[[埃皮努斯环形山|埃皮努斯陨石坑]]和[[欣谢尔伍德陨石坑]],古老的[[皮里环形山]]位于它的东北、它的东面和西南分别为残损的[[弗洛里环形山]]和[[格林尼亚陨石坑]]<ref>[http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/images/Lunar/lac_1_wac.pdf Crater Gore on the map LAC-1.]</ref>。该陨坑中心[[月面坐标]]为{{Coord|86.18|N|62.31|W|globe:Moon|nogoogle=1|noosm=1}},直径9.41公里<ref>[http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/Feature/14528 Directory of the International Astronomical Union]</ref>,深约1.56公里<ref name=LICD>Lunar Impact Crater Database</ref>。
1845年约翰·埃拉德·戈尔出生于[[爱尔兰]][[韦斯特米斯郡]]的[[阿斯隆]],是约翰·里伯顿·戈尔和弗朗西丝·布拉巴赞·埃拉德的长子,他共有3个弟弟和1个妹妹。戈尔家族是第一男爵保罗·戈尔爵士的后裔,约翰的曾祖父为第一男爵亚瑟·戈尔爵士(保罗·戈尔的次子)。约翰曾就读于[[三一学院 (都柏林)|都柏林三一学院]],1865年获得土木工程文凭。

戈尔陨石坑是一座壁沿尖峭的圆杯状撞击坑,受磨损程度一般,陨坑内侧壁陡峭,具有的较高的[[反照率]]。它的坑壁平均高出周边地形表面350米<ref name="LICD"/>,内部容积约有33.33公里<sup>3</sup><ref name="LICD"/>。由于地处北极附近,其坑底几乎永久笼罩在黑暗中。

戈尔没有受过正规的天文学培训,他在印度工作时就开始研究天空。当时,他仅依靠肉眼、双筒望远镜、一架3英寸的望远镜和一具10厘米的赤道上的望远镜<ref name=Shears />。他撰写的第一本书《小望远镜观察的南方天体》于1877年在印度出版。

在1877年回到爱尔兰时,所使用的只有一架3英寸望远镜和一具双筒望远镜<ref name="Holberg2007">{{cite book|author=Jay B. Holberg|title=Sirius: Brightest Diamond in the Night Sky|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zc3zw-YgOPkC&pg=PA92|date=2007-07-05|publisher=Praxis Publishing Limited, Chichester, UK|isbn=978-0-387-48942-1|pages=92–}}</ref>。他先是在斯莱戈郡,后又在都柏林诺顿兰德街3号架设了一座观测台。他最大的贡献是对[[双星]]和[[变星]]的研究,并发表了变星和双星星表<ref>{{Citation
| title = A Medieval Irish Treatise on Astronomy Recalled
* {{cite book
| url = http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?bibcode=1998IrAJ...25...49B&db_key=AST&page_ind=1&plate_select=NO&data_type=GIF&type=SCREEN_GIF&classic=YES
| last1 = Andersson
| journal = [[Irish Astronomical Journal]]
| last1 = Brück | first1 = M. T. | author-link1 = Mary Brück
| first1 = L. E.
| last2 = Conway-Piskorski | first2 = M.
| last2 = Whitaker
| first2 = E. A.
| accessdate = 2016-01-28 | bibcode = 1998IrAJ...25...49B }}, see p. 50</ref>。
| authorlink2 = Ewen Whitaker

| date = 1982
1910年7月18日他在都柏林一次街头事故中不幸罹难<ref name="dnb">{{cite DNB12|wstitle=Gore, John Ellard |first=Henry Park |last=Hollis}}</ref>。
| title = [[NASA]] Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature

| publisher = NASA RP-1097
| ref = harv
2009年[[国际天文学联合会]]以戈尔之名命名了一座位于[[月球正面]][[月球北极|北极]]附近的[[撞击坑]]<ref name=Union>{{Citation | title = Planetary Names: Crater, craters: Gore on Moon | url = http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/Feature/14528 | author = International Astronomical Union Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature | author-link = International Astronomical Union | journal = Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature | accessdate = 2016-01-28}}</ref>。
* {{cite web
| last = Blue
| first = Jennifer
| date = July 25, 2007
| title = Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
| publisher = [[United States Geological Survey|USGS]]
| url = http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/
| accessdate = 2007-08-05
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Bussey
| first1 = B.
| authorlink1 = Ben Bussey
| last2 = Spudis
| first2 = P.
| authorlink2 = Paul Spudis
| date = 2004
| title = The Clementine Atlas of the Moon
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| location = New York
| isbn = 978-0-521-81528-4
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last1 = Cocks
| first1 = Elijah E.
| last2 = Cocks
| first2 = Josiah C.
| date = 1995
| title = Who's Who on the Moon: A Biographical Dictionary of Lunar Nomenclature
| publisher = Tudor Publishers
| isbn = 978-0-936389-27-1
| ref = harv
* {{cite web
| last = McDowell
| first = Jonathan
| date = July 15, 2007
| url = http://host.planet4589.org/astro/lunar/
| title = Lunar Nomenclature
| publisher = Jonathan's Space Report
| accessdate = 2007-10-24
| ref = harv
* {{cite journal| last1 = Menzel| first1 = D. H.| last2 = Minnaert| first2 = M.| last3 = Levin| first3 = B.| last4 = Dollfus| first4 = A.| last5 = Bell| first5 = B.| title = Report on Lunar Nomenclature by the Working Group of Commission 17 of the IAU| doi = 10.1007/BF00171763| journal = Space Science Reviews| volume = 12| issue = 2| pages = 136–186| year = 1971| pmid = | pmc =| bibcode = 1971SSRv...12..136M| ref = harv}}
* {{cite book
| first = Patrick
| last = Moore
| authorlink = Patrick Moore
| date = 2001
| title = On the Moon
| publisher = Sterling Publishing Co
| isbn = 978-0-304-35469-6
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| first = Fred W.
| last = Price
| date = 1988
| title = The Moon Observer's Handbook
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| isbn = 978-0-521-33500-3
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last = Rükl
| first = Antonín
| authorlink = Antonín Rükl
| date = 1990
| title = Atlas of the Moon
| publisher = Kalmbach Books
| isbn = 978-0-913135-17-4
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| last = Webb
| first = Rev. T. W.
| authorlink = Thomas William Webb
| date = 1962
| title = Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes
| edition = 6th revised
| publisher = Dover
| isbn = 978-0-486-20917-3
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| first = Ewen A.
| last = Whitaker
| authorlink = Ewen Whitaker
| date = 1999
| title = Mapping and Naming the Moon
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| isbn = 978-0-521-62248-6
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| first = Peter T.
| last = Wlasuk
| date = 2000
| title = Observing the Moon
| publisher = Springer
| isbn = 978-1-85233-193-1
| ref = harv

* [http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/images/Lunar/lac_1_lo.pdf LAC-1 区] - 月球北极地图
* {{Gutenberg author | id=Gore,+J.+Ellard+(John+Ellard) | name=约翰·埃拉德·戈尔}}
* [http://the-moon.wikispaces.com/Gore 维基月球在线解说-戈尔陨石坑.]
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=约翰·埃拉德·戈尔|sopt=t}}
* [http://planet4589.org/astro/lunar/RP-1097.pdf Andersson, L.E., and E.A. Whitaker, 美国宇航局月球地名目录, 美国宇航局参考出版物1097, 1982年10月.]

{{Authority control}}

[[Category:爱尔兰天文学家 ]]

2017年8月7日 (一) 14:52的版本




该陨坑西侧坐落了巨大的埃尔米特环形山、西北和北面毗邻略大的埃皮努斯陨石坑欣谢尔伍德陨石坑,古老的皮里环形山位于它的东北、它的东面和西南分别为残损的弗洛里环形山格林尼亚陨石坑[2]。该陨坑中心月面坐标86°11′N 62°19′W / 86.18°N 62.31°W / 86.18; -62.31,直径9.41公里[3],深约1.56公里[4]



