物理学 (亚里士多德)


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亚里士多德《物理学》的扉页,奥古斯特·贝克英语August Immanuel Bekker1837年于牛津出版

《物理学》希臘語Φυσικὴ ἀκρόασις拉丁語Physica,意为「自然講學」)是亚里士多德的一本被视为西方科学与哲学基础文献的著作[1]


  1. ^ "Aristotle's Physics is the hidden, and therefore never adequately studied, foundational book of Western philosophy." (Emphasis in original; Martin Heidegger, "On the Essence and Concept of φὐσις in Aristotle's Physics Β, 1;" in Pathmarks, ed. William McNeill [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998], 183-230; 185.)