注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge及Safari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。
// Automatic AR Request issuer and result fetcher
// Author: Bluedeck <> at zh.Wikipedia
(function(ele, txt, time, condition){
if(!condition) return;
ele.innerHTML = "";
(function(ele, txt, time){
txt = txt.split("");
var len = txt.length, rate = time/len;
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) setTimeout(function(){ele.innerHTML += txt.shift();}, i*rate);
})(ele, txt, time);
})(document.getElementById("ar_auto"), "2021.0.2", 400, document.getElementById("8c23b4144bd58c689e192c6ab912a3b75c76f6849977518b8bedefd5e347d67f"));
var bluedeck_scope_container = {
var moreRequestsText = document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_input1").value;
var f=function()
bluedeck_scope_container.db.historyValue = this.responseText;
bluedeck_scope_container.historyValueReady = true;
var historyParenFix = new bluedeck_scope_container.parenfix();
// ask if the user would like to enable this feature.
// page should look like (enabled:true/false)(clearanceIssued:true/false)(json)[["statcode","pagename"],["statcode","pagename"]] over time.
bluedeck_scope_container.initQuest = true;
if(bluedeck_scope_container.db.windowContentHasBeenInitiated && !bluedeck_scope_container.initQuestIgnored)
getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_ar_histroy_init_quest").style.display = "block";
getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_ar_histroy_init_quest").style.display = none;
bluedeck_scope_container.initQuestIgnored = true;
for(var i=0;i<40;i++)
setTimeout('document.getElementById("p-cactions-label").childNodes[0].style.color = bluedeck_scope_container.db.outerRemindingColorString;',i*1500);
setTimeout('document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_trigger_of_ar:a_text").style.color = bluedeck_scope_container.db.outerRemindingColorString;',i*1500);
for(i=0;i<40;i++) // 40 steps * 1500 ms per step makes sure the reminder twinkles at most 1 minute in any circumstance.
setTimeout('document.getElementById("p-cactions-label").childNodes[0].style.color = "";',i*1500+750);
setTimeout('document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_trigger_of_ar:a_text").style.color = "";',i*1500+750);
bluedeck_scope_container.db.outerRemindingColorString = "";
if(bluedeck_scope_container.db.windowContentHasBeenInitiated === false)
bluedeck_scope_container.db.windowContentHasBeenInitiated = true;
// bluedeck_scope_container.interpretHistoryValue();
if(bluedeck_scope_container.initQuest === true && !bluedeck_scope_container.initQuestIgnored)
getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_ar_histroy_init_quest").style.display = "block";
// the starting point of the whole service
bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode = lang_code;
var bluedeck_ar = mw.util.addPortletLink(
'javascript:void null',[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode],
$(bluedeck_ar).click(function(_event) {
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin","<div id='bluedeck_dom_object_window'></div><div id='bluedeck_dom_object_screen' onclick='bluedeck_scope_container.killInterface()'></div>");
for(var x in bluedeck_scope_container.db.u5){document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_screen").style[x]=bluedeck_scope_container.db.u5[x];};
for(var x in bluedeck_scope_container.db.u6){document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_window").style[x]=bluedeck_scope_container.db.u6[x];};
// bluedeck_scope_container.fetchHistoryRecordValueOnce();
document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_ar_info_window").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("bluedeck_dom_object_ar_info_window").innerHTML = content;
return html.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<");
var z1="Content-Type";
var z2="application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
var a=new XMLHttpRequest();
var f=function(){}; // f is definable.
var d=bluedeck_scope_container.takeToken();
var z="action=edit&minor=1&bot=1&format=json&title=";
var z="action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=ids|flags|timestamp|user|userid|size|comment|tags|content&format=json&titles=";
var f2=function()
bluedeck_scope_container.ding("<span style='color:#4b4'>"+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.article_rescue_request_has_been_submitted_please_wait_for_reply[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+"</span>");
var f=function()
if(typeof a==="string")
var b=JSON.parse(a);
if(typeof b==="object")
return true;
return false;
else // tellPage functions will only work with string inputs. DO NOT parse pages before passing them into tellPage functions.
return false;
if(typeof a==="string")
var b=JSON.parse(a);
if(typeof b==="object")
for(var x in b.query.pages)
var c=b.query.pages[x];
return c.revisions[0]["*"];
return false;
return false;
if(this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200)
try {
} catch(e) {
// SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unexpected EOF
return bluedeck_scope_container.db.token;
setTimeout(bluedeck_scope_container.insertInterfaceElements, 600);
return [
'<div class="dialogue-wrap" style="position: relative; margin: 2em 0em; padding: 0; border: 0.7px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.3); background-color: rgba(255,255,255,1); box-shadow: 0 14px 18px rgba(0,0,0,0.52); border-radius: 0.3em; overflow: hidden; "><div class="dialogue-head" style="position: relative; height: 1.8em; border-bottom:0.7px solid rgba(187,187,187,1); text-align:center; background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0,0,0,0.09), rgba(0,0,0,0.06)); color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);"><span style="position: relative; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1.8em; cursor: default;">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.submit_this_page_for_article_rescue[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</span><div class="dialogue-head-window-options" style="position: absolute; top: 0.6em; left: 0.6em; height: 0.6em; width: 0.6em; border-radius: 100%; float: left; background: rgba(255,88,77,1); border: 0.5px solid rgba(235,78,67,1);"></div><div class="dialogue-head-window-options" style="position: absolute; top: 0.6em; left: 1.67em; height: 0.6em; width: 0.6em; border-radius: 100%; float: left; background: rgba(255,197,40,1); border: 0.5px solid rgba(235,177,34,1);"></div><div class="dialogue-head-window-options" style="position: absolute; top: 0.6em; left: 2.74em; height: 0.6em; width: 0.6em; border-radius: 100%; float: left; background: rgba(82,210,75,1); border: 0.5px solid rgba(70,200,65,1);"></div></div>',
'<div style="padding:20px 40px; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.05)"><table style="width:100%">',
'<tr><td style="white-space:nowrap;width:1px; text-align: right;">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.page_name[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</td><td><span id="bluedeck_dom_object_pagename"></span></td></tr>',
'<tr><td style="white-space:nowrap;width:1px; text-align: right;">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.special_request_message[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</td><td><input id="bluedeck_dom_object_input1" type="text" placeholder="'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.optional[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'" style="width:100%"></input></td></tr>',
'<tr><td style="white-space:nowrap;width:1px; text-align: right;">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.submition[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</td><td><button id="bluedeck_dom_object_button_submit" onclick="bluedeck_scope_container.issueRequestThroughButton()">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.submit_now[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</button> <button id="bluedeck_dom_object_button_cancel" onclick="bluedeck_scope_container.killInterface()">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.cancel[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</button></td></tr>',
'<div id="bluedeck_dom_object_ar_info_window" style="display:none;padding:10px;margin-top:10px;background:#eee;font-size:80%;"></div>',
'<div id="bluedeck_dom_object_ar_histroy_init_quest" style="display:none;margin-top:10px;"><div>'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.do_you_want_to_enable_article_rescue_result_auto_feedback_feature[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</div><div style="text-align:right"><button>'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.yes[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</button> <button>'[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</button> <button onclick="\'\')">'+bluedeck_scope_container.intl.more_detail[bluedeck_scope_container.db.langcode]+'</button></div></div>',
'<div id="bluedeck_dom_object_ar_histroy_window" style="display:none;margin-top:10px;"></div>',
return "\n\n{{subst:ARNAP\n|s=new\n|hidden=\n|rev=\n|arc=\n|auto="+mw.config.values.wgUserName+"\n|page="+pagename+"\n|more="+more+"\n|sig=~~"+"~~}}";
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"en_us":"New Article Rescue Item: ",
"en_uk":"New Article Rescue Item: ",
"fr_fr":"Nouvelle requête de Article Rescue: ",
"fr_ca":"Nouvelle requête de Article Rescue: ",
"kr_kr":"새로운 삭제 된 내용의 검색 의뢰: ",
"se_sw":"Ny artikel räddning post: ",
"kr_kr":"삭제 검색",
"kr_kr":"이대로도 좋다",
"fr_fr":"Soumission en cours...",
"fr_ca":"Soumission en cours...",
"kr_kr":"제출하고 있습니다 ...",
"se_sw":"Att skicka in...",
"en_us":"Submission: ",
"en_uk":"Submission: ",
"fr_fr":"Soumission: ",
"fr_ca":"Soumission: ",
"kr_kr":"제출: ",
"se_sw":"Underkastelse: ",
"en_us":"Submit now",
"en_uk":"Submit now",
"fr_fr":"Soumettez dès maintenant",
"fr_ca":"Soumettez dès maintenant",
"kr_kr":"즉시 제출",
"se_sw":"Skicka nu",
"en_us":"Article Rescue request is being submitted...",
"en_uk":"Article Rescue request is being submitted...",
"fr_fr":"Requête de Article Rescue est soumise...",
"fr_ca":"Requête de Article Rescue est soumise...",
"kr_kr":"삭제 된 내용의 검색 요청을 제출합니다 ...",
"se_sw":"Artikel räddnings begäran skickas...",
"en_us":"The request has been submitted, please wait for reply. Click outside the dialog to return to page.",
"en_uk":"The request has been submitted, please wait for reply. Click outside the dialog to return to page.",
"fr_fr":"La demande a été soumise, attendez la réponse s.v.p. Pour revenir, cliquez en dehors de la boîte de dialogue.",
"fr_ca":"La demande a été soumise, attendez la réponse s.v.p. Pour revenir, cliquez en dehors de la boîte de dialogue.",
"kr_kr":"요청이 제출되었습니다 답장을 기다리십시오. 빈 공간을 클릭하면 페이지로 돌아갑니다.",
"se_sw":"Begäran har skickats, vänta på svar. Klicka utanför dialogrutan för att återgå till sidan.",
"en_us":"Article Rescue",
"en_uk":"Article Rescue",
"fr_fr":"Article Rescue",
"fr_ca":"Article Rescue",
"kr_kr":"이 페이지를 삭제 된 내용의 검색 요청에 제출한다",
"se_sw":"Artikeln räddning.",
"en_us":"Article Rescue",
"en_uk":"Article Rescue",
"fr_fr":"Article Rescue",
"fr_ca":"Article Rescue",
"kr_kr":"삭제 된 내용의 검색",
"se_sw":"Artikeln Rescue",
"en_us":"Page name: ",
"en_uk":"Page name: ",
"fr_fr":"Nomme de la page: ",
"fr_ca":"Nomme de la page: ",
"kr_kr":"페이지 이름: ",
"se_sw":"Sida namn:",
"en_us":"Special request or message: ",
"en_uk":"Special request or message: ",
"fr_fr":"Demande spéciale ou message: ",
"fr_ca":"Demande spéciale ou message: ",
"kr_kr":"특별한 요구 또는 메시지: ",
"se_sw":"Särskild begäran eller meddelande: ",
"en_us":"Article Rescue History",
"en_uk":"Article Rescue History",
"fr_fr":"Histoire d'Article Rescue",
"fr_ca":"Histoire d'Article Rescue",
"kr_kr":"삭제 된 검색 기록",
"se_sw":"Artikel Rescue Historia",
"en_us":"Mark as read",
"en_uk":"Mark as read",
"fr_fr":"Marquer comme lu",
"fr_ca":"Marquer comme lu",
"kr_kr":"읽은 상태로 표시",
"se_sw":"Markera som läst",
"en_us":"Mark all as read",
"en_uk":"Mark all as read",
"fr_fr":"Marquer tous comme lu",
"fr_ca":"Marquer tous comme lu",
"kr_kr":"모두 읽은 상태로 표시",
"se_sw":"Markera allt som läst",
"en_us":"Mark all as unread",
"en_uk":"Mark all as unread",
"fr_fr":"Marquer tous comme non lu",
"fr_ca":"Marquer tous comme non lu",
"kr_kr":"모두 미개봉에",
"se_sw":"Markera allt som oläst",
"en_us":"Mark as unread",
"en_uk":"Mark as unread",
"fr_fr":"Marquer comme non lu",
"fr_ca":"Marquer comme non lu",
"se_sw":"Markera som oläst",
"en_us":"Show all history",
"en_uk":"Show all history",
"fr_fr":"Afficher tout l'historique",
"fr_ca":"Afficher tout l'historique",
"se_sw":"Visa hela historien",
"en_us":"There's a new feature called Automatic AR Result Report. Do you want to enable it?",
"en_uk":"There's a new feature called Automatic AR Result Report. Do you want to enable it?",
"fr_fr":"Il y a une nouvelle fonctionnalité appelée automatique AR Rapport de résultat. Voulez-vous l'activer?",
"fr_ca":"Il y a une nouvelle fonctionnalité appelée automatique AR Rapport de résultat. Voulez-vous l'activer?",
"kr_kr":"삭제 된 내용 검색 결과를 자동으로보고하는 새로운 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. 사용 하시겠습니까?",
"se_sw":"Det finns en ny funktion som kallas automatisk AR resultatrapport. Vill du göra det?",
"en_us":"more detail",
"en_uk":"more detail",
"fr_fr":"plus de détails",
"fr_ca":"plus de détails",
"kr_kr":"더욱 상세",
"se_sw":"mer detaljer",
"en_us":"please hold on...",
"en_uk":"please hold on...",
"fr_fr":"en cours...",
"fr_ca":"en cours...",
"kr_kr":"잠시 기다려주십시오 ...",
"se_sw":"var god vänta...",
"en_us":"Automatic report has been successfully enabled. New AR results will show up here in the future.",
"en_uk":"Automatic report has been successfully enabled. New AR results will show up here in the future.",
"fr_fr":"Rapport automatique a été activé avec succès. De nouveaux résultats AR apparaîtront ici à l'avenir.",
"fr_ca":"Rapport automatique a été activé avec succès. De nouveaux résultats AR apparaîtront ici à l'avenir.",
"kr_kr":"지금부터 자동보고 기능이 활성화되어 있습니다. 검색 결과가 낼 때 여기에 표시됩니다.",
"se_sw":"Automatisk rapport har framgångsrikt aktiverats. Nya AR resultat kommer att dyka upp här i framtiden.",
"en_us":"Automatic report has been disabled. This message will not show up again. You can still access settings via \"preferences\" at any point in the future.",
"en_uk":"Automatic report has been disabled. This message will not show up again. You can still access settings via \"preferences\" at any point in the future.",
"fr_fr":"Rapport automatique a été désactivé. Ce message ne sera pas affiché à nouveau. Vous pouvez accéder aux paramètres via les «préférences» à tout moment.",
"fr_ca":"Rapport automatique a été désactivé. Ce message ne sera pas affiché à nouveau. Vous pouvez accéder aux paramètres via les «préférences» à tout moment.",
"kr_kr":"아까부터 자동보고 기능이 비활성화되어있다. 하지만 \"설정\"개인 설정을 액세스 할 언제 까지나 할 수 있습니다.",
"se_sw":"Automatisk rapport har inaktiverats. Detta meddelande kommer inte att dyka upp igen. Du kan fortfarande komma åt inställningarna via \"inställningar\" vid något tillfälle i framtiden.",
this.setParendata = function(parendata)
{ = this.parendata_to_json(parendata);
return true;
return false;
this.getParendata = function()
return this.json_to_parendata(;
this.setJson = function(json)
{ = json;
return true;
return false;
this.getJson = function()
this.parendata_to_json = function(string)
arr = string.split(")");
brief = {};
label = "";
raw = "";
for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if(arr[i].split(":").length !== 2)
label = arr[i].split("(")[1];
for(j=0; j<i; j++)
brief[arr[j].split(":")[0].split("(")[1]] = arr[j].split(":")[1];
for(i++; i<arr.length; i++)
brr = brr.concat(arr[i]);
raw = brr.join(")");
return {"brief":brief,"label":label,"raw":raw};
this.json_to_parendata = function(json)
parendata = "";
for(i in json.brief)
parendata += "(" + i + ":" + json.brief[i] + ")";
parendata += "(" + json.label + ")";
parendata += json.raw;
return parendata;
this.check_validity_parendata = function(string)
// string has to contain at least "()".
return false;
// string has to be "()" if it has a length of 2
return false;
arr = string.split(")");
for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if(arr[i].split(":").length >2)
// more than 1 colon in each pair of parentheses is not allowed.
return false;
if(arr[i][0] !== "(")
// has to have left parenthesis
return false;
if(arr[i].split(":").length === 1)
// has to have a label
return true;
this.check_validity_json = function(json)
if(typeof json.brief !== "object")
// json.brief has to be object
return false;
if(typeof json.label !== "string")
// json.label has to be string
return false;
if(json.label.split(":").length !== 1)
// does not allow ":" in label
return false;
if(json.label.split("(").length !== 1)
// does not allow "(" in label
return false;
if(json.label.split(")").length !== 1)
// does not allow ")" in label
return false;
if(typeof json.raw !== "string")
// json.raw has to be string
return false;
for(var i in json.brief)
if(i.split("(").length !== 1)
// does not allow "(" in cell key
return false;
if(i.split(")").length !== 1)
// does not allow ")" in cell key
return false;
if(i.split(":").length !== 1)
// does not allow ":" in cell key
return false;
if(typeof json.brief[i] !== "string")
// each cell of brief has to be string
return false;
if(json.brief[i].split("(").length !== 1)
//does not allow "(" in cell data
return false;
if(json.brief[i].split(")").length !== 1)
//does not allow ")" in cell data
return false;
if(json.brief[i].split(":").length !== 1)
//does not allow ":" in cell data
return false;
return true;