


博茲札記》(Sketches by Boz),英國作家狄更斯的第一部散文集,1836年出版,當時他還是英國《晨報》的國會記者,專門採訪英國下議院的政策辯論,也時常採訪各種選舉活動。這段時間他經常在期刊上發表文章、短篇作品,並以“博茲”為筆名,文章筆調輕鬆,內容詼諧的風格,後來兩次結集出版為「博茲札記」,第一版由政治連環漫畫家克魯克香克(George Cruikshank)插圖。博茲札記雖未讓狄更斯名躁一時,但引起一家出版商的青睞,請他為“運動員畫冊月刊”寫說明文字,他原本不懂玩球、獵狐,但期間因原畫家猝逝,使得狄更斯反客為主、掌握主動,騁馳想像空間,於是出現後來的「匹克威克外傳」(The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club)。


博茲札記(Sketches by Boz)的內容:

  • Our parish
    • The beadle. The parish engine. The schoolmaster.
    • The curate. The old lady. The half-pay captain
    • The four sisters
    • The election for beadle
    • The broker's man
    • The ladies' societies
    • Our next-door neighbour
  • Scenes
    • The streets - morning
    • The streets - night
    • Shops and their tenants
    • Scotland Yard
    • Seven Dials
    • Meditations in Monmouth-Street
    • Hackney-coach stands
    • Doctors' commons
    • London recreations
    • The river
    • Astley's
    • Greenwich fair
    • Private theatres
    • Vauxhall Gardens by day
    • Early coaches
    • Omnibuses
    • The last cab-driver, and the first omnibus cad
    • A parliamentary sketch
    • Public dinners
    • The first of may
    • Brokers' and marine-store shops
    • Gin-shops
    • The pawnbroker's shop
    • Criminal courts
    • A visit to Newgate
  • Thoughts about people
    • Thoughts about people
    • A Christmas dinner
    • The New Year
    • Miss Evans and the eagle
    • The parlour orator
    • The hospital patient
    • The misplaced attachment of Mr. John Dounce
    • The mistaken milliner. A tale of ambition
    • The dancing academy
    • Shabby-genteel people
    • Making a night of it
    • The prisoners' van
  • Tales
    • The boarding-house; Chapter the first.
      • Chapter the second.
    • Mr. Minns and his cousin
    • Sentiment
    • The Tuggses at Ramsgate
    • Horatio Tparkins
    • The black veil
    • The steam excursion
    • The great Winglebury duel
    • Mrs. Joseph Porter
    • A passage in the life of Mr. Watkins Tottle
      • Chapter the first
      • Chapter the second
    • The Bloomsbury christening
    • The drunkard's death
