Wicander,Monroe (1993年) 《 Historical Geology - Evolution of Earth and Life through Time》、West Publishing Company 國際標準書號0314012400[1]
Kolb,van Lopik (1958年) 《 Geology of the Mississippi River deltaic plain, southeastern Louisiana. Technical Report 3-483》、Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (PDF, 6.86MB) [2]
Delta Complexes of Mississippi River Deltaic Plain, Frazier, 1967 [3]
Coast and river images from the National Map Server. Lobe outlines originally traced directly from Wicander and Monroe, 1993, but the shorline and river didn't match the USGS data, so the outlines had to be reinterpretted slightly.
Final Photoshop layers can be found here, in case updates are needed.