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在英國法律中,成文法則[1](英語:enactment)可指整部法例或法例之一部分,或指根據某項法例制定的法律文書英语legal instrument之全部或部分。

Wakefield Light Railways Company v Wakefield Corporation一案中,法官指出:「成文法則」與「法令」(act)涵義不同;「法令」是指整部法令,而法令的某一條或該條之一部分則須稱作「成文法則」。[2]

Rathbone v Bundock一案中,法官指出:在某些情況下,「成文法則」的涵義不僅包括法規(statute),還包括法定文書;在《1960年道路交通法令》中則未必如此,例如該法令第269條及附表18就對「成文法則」與「法定文書」有所區分。[3]





  • James, John S. "Enactment". Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases. Fourth Edition. Sweet & Maxwell. London. 1972. Volume 2. Pages 900 to 901.
  • Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone (editor in chief). Halsbury's Laws of England. Fourth Edition. Reissue. 1995. Butterworths. London. 1995. Volume 44(1). Paragraph 1232 at page 727.
  • Halsbury's Laws. Third Edition. Volume 36. Page 362.
  • Reshi, Ravinder (editor). The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases. 1997 2nd reissue. Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd. London. 1997. Volume 45. Pages 384 to 405.
  • Saunders, John B (General editor). "Enactment". Words and Phrases Legally Defined. Second Edition. Butterworths. London. 1969. Reprinted 1974. SBN 406 08030 5 (for the complete set of volumes). Volume 2. SBN 406 08032 1 (for this volume). Page 159.
  • Saunders, John B (General editor). Words and Phrases Legally Defined: Supplement 1986. Second Edition. Butterworths. London. 1986. ISBN 0 406 08061 5. Page 118.
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 第1章 《釋義及通則條例》 ── 第3條 詞語和詞句的釋義. www.elegislation.gov.hk. 電子版香港法例. [2023-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-20). 
  2. ^ Wakefield Light Railways Company v Wakefield Corporation [1906] 2 KB 140; affirmed [1907] 2 KB 256, CA; sub nom Wakefield Corporation v Wakefield and District Light Railways Company [1908] AC 293, HL
  3. ^ Rathbone v Bundock [1962] 2 QB 260 at 273, also reported in [1962] 2 All ER 257 at 259