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2021年5月6日 (四) 12:00的版本



無紙化就是数字化转型的一個體現[4]。数字化转型的另一个例子是雲端運算的使用。这减少了用户对自有硬件的依赖,增加了对基于订阅的云服务的依赖。其中一些数字解决方案增强了传统软件产品的功能,如Office 365之於Microsoft Office,而另一些则完全基于云计算,如Google Docs[5]。 [[Category:社會變遷]] [[Category:信息社会]] [[Category:數位技術]]

  1. ^ Lankshear, Colin; Knobel, Michele. Digital literacies: concepts, policies and practices. 2008: 173. ISBN 978-1433101694. The ultimate stage is that of digital transformation and is achieved when the digital usages which have been developed enable innovation and creativity and stimulate significant change within the professional or knowledge domain. 
  2. ^ O'Donnell, Jim. IDC says get on board with the DX economy or be left behind. techtarget.com. 10 March 2017. 
  3. ^ https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our-insights/digital-europe-realizing-the-continents-potential
  4. ^ Aleksej Heinze; Marie Griffiths; Alex Fenton; Gordon Fletcher. Knowledge exchange partnership leads to digital transformation at Hydro-X Water Treatment, Ltd. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 2018, 37 (4): 6–13. ISSN 1932-2054. doi:10.1002/JOE.21859. Wikidata Q56622208 (英语). Wikidata Q56622208
  5. ^ Matt, Christian; Hess, Thomas; Benlian, Alexander. Digital Transformation Strategies. Business & Information Systems Engineering. 2015-08-04, 57 (5): 339–343. ISSN 2363-7005. doi:10.1007/s12599-015-0401-5 (英语).