
2006年11月18日,瑞典志愿者托芙·约翰逊( Tove Johannson)在希伯伦被一名以色列定居者用瓶子击中脸部,結果导致颧骨骨折。事發時她正试图护送巴勒斯坦儿童放学回家。 [1][2]

以色列定居者的暴力行为是指居住在約旦河西岸地區以色列定居点的犹太人及其支持者對巴勒斯坦人施暴。有時猶太定居者還會攻擊以色列安全部隊。不過以色列定居者對巴勒斯坦人施暴後,巴勒斯坦民事警察部隊不能出面干涉,這導致許多巴勒斯坦人並不信任這些警察。 [3]一些犹太教宗教人士以及以色列政府官员對猶太人定居者暴力行為予以譴責。 [4][5]


进入21世纪,猶太人定居者针对巴勒斯坦人的暴力和恐怖活动不断增加。 [6]

2008年1月至11月期间,有515起刑事诉讼涉及猶太人定居者暴力攻擊阿拉伯人或以色列安全部队,其中502起涉及“右翼激进分子”,13起涉及“左翼无政府主义者”。 [7][8] 2008年,以色列驻西岸高级指挥官表示,至少有数百人暴力攻擊巴勒斯坦人和以色列士兵。 [9]从2008 年开始,以色列當局开始对不守规矩的定居者采取更强硬的立场[6]

根據联合国2011年的数据,當巴勒斯坦人向以色列警方報案表示自己被猶太人定居者欺負後,90%的猶太人定居者从未被起诉。 [10] 2011年,英国广播公司表示,雖然绝大多数猶太人定居者都是非暴力的,但以色列政府内部的一些人承认极端猶太人引發的问题日益严重。 [10]


2021年,一名16岁的猶太人定居者向巴勒斯坦人投掷石块,之後開車逃跑,以色列警察隨即開車追趕,在此過程中16歲少年身亡。之後又引發了另一波猶太人定居者的暴力事件。 [13]2021年下半年,猶太人定居者针对巴勒斯坦人的暴力行为明显增加,联合国安理会甚至出面予以谴责。 由于許多猶太人定居者襲擊邻近村庄的巴勒斯坦人,導致雙方衝突加劇,2021年 11月,以色列国防部长本尼·甘茨特意和他人討論了猶太定居者的暴力問題。 [14]



  1. ^ Swedish human rights worker viciously attacked by Jewish extremists in Hebron. November 18, 2006 [October 28, 2015]. 
  2. ^ Amnesty International's annual report on Israel and the Occupied Territories. May 24, 2007 [October 28, 2015]. 
  3. ^ Daniel Byman, A High Price: The Triumphs and Failures of Israeli Counterterrorism, Oxford University Press/Saban Center, Brookings Institution, 2011 p. 292: 'Palestinian police are barred from responding to settler violence. This policy reduces friction between settlers and Palestinian authorities, but it decreases the overall credibility of the PA, which cannot defend its people from settler harassment and violence.'
  4. ^ Weiss, Efrat. Rabbi slams Jewish 'hooligans' - Israel News, Ynetnews. Ynetnews (Ynetnews.com). 1995-06-20 [2012-09-14]. 
  5. ^ Amitai Etzioni, Security First: For a Muscular, Moral Foreign Policy, Yale University Press, 2008 p. 119.:'Others have justified violence against Arabs by citing the rule from the Talmud: "If a man comes to kill you, rise early, and kill him first."
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Anshel Pfeffer,Top IDF officer warns: Settlers' radical fringe growing, Haaretz 20 October 2009.
  7. ^ Violence by Extremists in the Jewish Settler Movement: A Rising Challenge. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. November 25, 2008 [March 26, 2012]. 
  8. ^ Constance B. Hilliard, Does Israel have a future?: the case for a post-Zionist state, Potomac Books, Inc., 2009 p. 59.
  9. ^ 'Hundreds join' settler violence. BBC. 2008-10-02. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Donnison, Jon. Concerns over rising settler violence in the West Bank. BBC. 17 November 2011 [March 25, 2012]. 
  11. ^ Hider, James. Israel 'turning blind eye' to West Bank settlers' attacks on Palestinians. The Guardian (London). March 21, 2012 [March 23, 2012]. 
  12. ^ Chaim Levinson, Gili Cohen and Jack Khoury, 'Palestinian mosque set on fire in suspected hate crime,' at Haaretz, 15 January 2014. 'The annual totals are up from 115 in 2006 to 399 in 2013..'
  13. ^ Times of Israel Staff. “5-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Hurt by Rock Thrown at Car in Reported Settler Attack.” The Times of Israel, January 22, 2021. Times of Israel
  14. ^ Harel, Amos. Settler Attacks on Palestinian Spike, Reflecting Israel's Systemic Failure. Haaretz. 19 November 2021 [21 November 2023]. 
  15. ^ 美国制裁约旦河西岸以色列极端主义定居者. RFI - 法国国际广播电台. 2023-12-05 [2023-12-06] (中文). 
  16. ^ 英国以侵犯人权为原因制裁西岸以色列定居者. 美国之音. 2024-02-13 [2024-02-14] (中文). 
  17. ^ South Africa urges ICJ to pressure Israel to halt Rafah assault. France 24. 2024-02-13 [2024-02-14]. 
  18. ^ New Zealand lists Hamas as terrorist group, sanctions 'extremist' Israeli settlers. Reuters. 29 February 2024 [29 February 2024].