


我亲爱的克莱门汀》(英語:Oh My Darling, Clementine美国民歌,扬抑格,通常以 F 大調演奏。這首歌一般认为是珀西·蒙特罗斯(Percy Montrose)于1884年创作的,也有观点认为该曲是基于亨利·S·汤普森的Down by the River Liv'd a Maiden所作。歌词讲述了美国西部加利福尼亚淘金热时期,一位49歲的淘金工人的女兒掉入河水,一位年輕男子不懂游泳沒法救起,感到自責,最後從克萊門汀的妹妺處得到寛慰。(大多數人都誤以為是以父親角度去描繪的一首歌,但事實是以克萊門汀的丈夫或男朋友角度去描繪的。)

在中文圈,這首歌被改编为中國新年歌曲《新年好》。該歌的旋律也被用於猶太新年歌曲「Dip The Apple In The Honey」。




In a cavern, in a canyon(在山洞裏有一個峽谷)

Excavating for a mine(有人正在挖掘這礦石)

Dwelt a miner, Forty-niner(有一個四十九歲的礦工)

And his daughter Clementine(和他的女兒克萊門汀)


Oh my darling, oh my darling(啊!我親愛的)

Oh my darling Clementine(啊!我親愛的克萊門汀)

You are lost and gone forever(你已經不在了,永遠離去了)

Dreadful sorry Clementine](對不起,可憐的克萊門汀)

Light she was and like a fairy

And her shoes were number nine

Herring boxes, Without topses

Sandals were for Clementine


Drove she ducklings to the water

Every morning just at nine

Hit her foot, Against a splinter

Fell into the foaming brine


Ruby lips above the water

Blowing bubbles soft and fine

But alas I was no swimmer

So I lost my Clementine


How I missed her, how I missed her

How I missed my Clementine

Till I kissed her little sister

And forgot my Clementine

