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喀尔巴阡鲁塞尼亚烏克蘭語Закарпаття匈牙利語Kárpátalja földrajza斯洛伐克語Podkarpatská Rus[1],又译喀爾巴阡盧森尼亞,是位於中歐的一個歷史地區[2]。喀尔巴阡鲁塞尼亚在歷史上曾長期由哈布斯堡王朝統治。奧匈帝國解體之後,喀尔巴阡鲁塞尼亚成為捷克斯洛伐克的一部分。二戰前夕,匈牙利王國強佔了喀尔巴阡鲁塞尼亞,戰后之後蘇聯佔領了这里,歸於烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國,直到蘇聯解体。現在喀尔巴阡鲁塞尼亚的大部分地區屬烏克蘭外喀爾巴阡州管轄。


  1. ^ Subcarpathian Ruthenia页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at Encyclopedia of Ukraine
  2. ^ Transcarpathia: Perephiral Region at the "Centre of Europe" (Google eBook). Region State and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe (Routledge). 2013: 155 [2016-01-02]. ISBN 1136343237. (原始内容存档于2014-12-17). 


  • Baerlein, Henri (1938). In Czechoslovakia's Hinterland, Hutchinson. ISBN B00085K1BA
  • Boysak, Basil (1963). The Fate of the Holy Union in Carpatho-Ukraine, Toronto-New York.
  • (俄文) Fentsik, Stefan A. (1935). Greetings from the Old Country to all of the American Russian people! (Pozdravlenije iz staroho Kraja vsemu Amerikanskomu Karpatorusskomu Narodu!). ISBN B0008C9LY6
  • Nemec, Frantisek, and Vladimir Moudry (2nd edition, 1980). The Soviet Seizure of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, Hyperion Press. ISBN 0-8305-0085-5
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  • Magosci, Paul R. (1975). The Ruthenian decision to unite with Czechoslovakia, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. ISBN B0006WVY9I
  • Magosci, Paul R. (1978). The Shaping of a National Identity: Subcarpathian Rus’, 1848-1948页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-80579-8
  • Magosci, Paul R. The Rusyn-Ukrainians Of Czechoslovakia页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
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  • (捷克文) Pop, Ivan. Dějiny Podkarpatské Rusi v datech. Libri, Praha 2005. ISBN 80-7277-237-6
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  • Shandor, Vincent (1997). Carpatho-Ukraine in the Twentieth Century: A Political and Legal History, Harvard University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. ISBN 0-916458-86-5
  • Stercho, Peter (1959). Carpatho-Ukraine in International Affairs: 1938-1939, Notre Dame.
  • Subtelny, Orest (3rd edition, 2000). Ukraine: A History, University of Toronto Press ISBN 0-8020-8390-0
  • Wilson, Andrew (2nd edition, 2002). The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation, Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-09309-8.
  • Winch, Michael (1973). Republic for a day: An eye-witness account of the Carpatho-Ukraine incident, University Microfilms. ISBN B0006W7NUW
  • Nykolaj Beskyd. "Who Was Aleksander Duchnovyc?" Narodny Novynky. Prešov, Slovakia. No. 17. April 28, 1993. Translated by John E. Timo.
  • Paul Robert Magocsi. The Carpatho-Rusyns. 1995.
  • "Nation Building or Nation Destroying? Lemkos, Poles and Ukrainians in Contemporary Poland." Polish Review. XXXV 3/4. New York 1990.
  • John Slivka. The History of the Greek Rite Gatholics in Pannonia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Podkarpatska Rus 863-1949. 1974.
  • Ivan Panjkevic. Українськi Говори Пiдкарпатської Руси i Сумeжних Областeй, Prague. 1938.
  • Aleksej L. Petrov. Medieval Carpathian Rus. New York. 1998.

48°20′N 23°14′E / 48.333°N 23.233°E / 48.333; 23.233