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達爾文獎章(Darwin Medal)是英國皇家學會每兩年頒發一次的獎項,表揚“查爾斯·達爾文對於生物學領域公認貢獻,特別是進化、種群生物學、生物生物學和生物多樣性方面”。該獎項於1890年首次頒發,旨在紀念查爾斯·達爾文,得主可獲得2,000英鎊獎金(截至2016年)[1]



年度 得主 得奖原因
1890年 阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士 'For his independent origination of the theory of the origin of species by natural selection.'
1892年 约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克 'On account of his important contributions to the progress of systematic botany, as evidenced by the "Genera Plantarum" and the "Flora Indica"; but more especially on account of his intimate association with Mr. Darwin in the studies preliminary to the "Origin of Species".'
1894年 托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎 'For his researches in comparative anatomy, and especially for his intimate association with Mr. Darwin in relation to the "Origin of Species".'
1898年 卡尔·皮尔逊 'For his work on the quantitative treatment of biological problems.'
1900年 恩斯特·海克尔 'For his long-continued and highly important work in zoology all of which has been inspired by the spirit of Darwinism.'
1902年 法蘭西斯·高爾頓 'For his numerous contributions to the exact study of heredity & variation contained in "Hereditary Genius", "Natural Inheritance", and other writings.'
1904年 威廉·贝特森 'For his important contribution to the theory of organic evolution by his researches on variation and heredity.'
1906年 许霍·德弗里斯 'On the ground of the significance and extent of his experimental investigations in heredity & Variation.'
1908年 奥古斯特·魏斯曼 'On the ground of his eminent services in support of the doctrine of evolution by means of natural selection.'
1914年 爱德华·巴格诺尔·波尔顿 'On the ground of his researches in heredity.'
1924年 托马斯·亨特·摩尔根 'For his valuable work in zoology and more especially his researches on heredity and cytology.'
1932年 卡尔·科伦斯 'As one of the three independent discoverers of Mendels publications; and for his distinguished researches in genetics.'
1946年 达西·汤普森 'In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development of biology.'
1948年 羅納德·愛爾默·費雪 'In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the theory of natural selection, the concept of its gene complex and the evolution of dominance.'
1952年 约翰·伯顿·桑德森·霍尔丹 'In recognition of his initiation of the modern phase of the study of the evolution of living populations.'
1956年 朱利安·赫胥黎 'In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the study and theory of evolution.'
1962年 喬治·蓋洛德·辛普森 'In recognition of his distinguished contributions to general evolutionary theory, based on a profound study of palaeontology, particularly of vertebrates.'
1966年 哈罗德·M·福克斯 'In recognition of his distinguished and extensive contributions in the field of invertebrate zoology and to our understanding of general biological phenomena.'
1970年 查尔斯·艾尔顿 'In recognition of the basic concepts he has contributed to the study of animal ecology which, with his foundation of the Bureau of Animal Population, have had international impact.'
1972年 戴维·赖克 'In recognition of his distinguished and numerous contributions to ornithology and to our understanding of evolutionary mechanisms.'
1980年 休厄尔·赖特 'In recognition of his outstanding contributions to genetics and evolutionary theory.'
1984年 恩斯特·瓦尔特·迈尔 'In recognition of his distinguished contributions to evolutionary biology.'
1986年 约翰·梅纳德·史密斯 'In recognition of his outstanding success in combining mathematics with biology to enhance our understanding of evolution, in particular the evolution of sex.'
1988年 威廉·唐納·漢彌爾頓 'In recognition of his distinguished work on evolutionary theory. His contributions include the theory of kin selection to account for altruistic behaviour and the theoretical demonstration of a link between disease resistance and the evolution of sex.'
1992年 木村資生 'Distinguished for his work on molecular evolution, in particular on the role of stochastic events in determining the rate of evolution.'
1994年 彼得·劳伦斯 'In recognition of his analysis of pattern formation during insect segmentation, and of his contribution to understanding how genetic processes specify spatial information.'
1996年 约翰·苏尔斯顿 'In recognition of his leadership in the study of genome analysis with the potential to have a profound impact on the whole of biology.'
2006年 尼克·巴頓 'for his major and extensive contributions to evolutionary biology, characterised by the application of sophisticated mathematical analysis but focussed on developing biological understanding rather than mathematical niceties.'


  1. ^ Darwin Medal. The Royal Society. [2016-06-16].