t coordinate units: GM/c³ coordinate time of a distant observer
t proper units: GM/c³ proper time of the free falling observer
γ total units: 1 total time dilation between the two observers
ς gravitational units: 1 gravitational time dilation component
R cartesian units: GM/c² cartesian background radius
ω framedrag units: c³/G/M angular velocity of a locally nonrotating observer
v framedrag units: c local frame dragging velocity
v local units: c local velocity relative to a locally nonrotating observer
v observed units: c shapirodelayed velocity observed by a distant observer
v escape units: c required escape velocity from the current position
E total units: mc² conserved sum of kinetic, potential and rest energy
L axial units: GMm/c conserved φ-component of the angular momentum
L polar units: GMm/c polar θ-component of the angular momentum
p radial units: mc radial component of the momentum
s distance units: GM/c² travelled distance