return {
-- Templates that should never be transcluded
blacklist = {
'.*[Ii]nfobox.*', 'Taxobox', -- infoboxes
'.*[Ss]idebar.*', -- sidebars
'.*[Nn]avbox.*', -- navboxes
'[Cc]urrent.*', -- {{Current}} etc.
'[Pp]p%-.+', -- {{pp-move-indef}} etc.
'[Uu]se .+ dates', -- {{Use dmy dates}} etc.
'[Uu]se .+ English', '[Uu]se .+ spelling', 'EngvarB', -- {{Use American English}} etc.
'[Ss]hort[ -]?desc.*', 'SHORTDESC', 'Description', 'Brief description',
'[Ss]poken.*', -- Spoken Wikipedia related
'.*TOC.*', '[Tt]oc ?[Ll]imit', -- Table of contents related
'.*[Cc]oor.*', 'Location', -- Coordinates
'DISPLAYTITLE', 'Displaytitle', 'Display title',
'DEFAULT ?SORT', '[Dd]efault ?[Ss]ort',
'Main', '[Mm]ain ?[Aa]rticles?', 'MAIN', '[Mm]ain[12]', 'Main page', '[Ss]ee ?main', 'Readmain', 'Full article',
'Good article', 'Good Article', 'GA article', 'GA icon',
'Featured article', 'Featured', 'Featuredarticle', 'FeaturedSmall',
'Other uses', 'Others?', '[Oo]ther ?[Uu]ses?1?', '[Oo]ther ?[Mm]eanings?', 'Distinguish',
'^[Ff]or', 'For1', 'For2', 'FOR', 'For the', 'Forthe',
'[Ss]ee also',
'Very long', 'Too long', 'Long',
'[Rr]edirect.*', 'Redir',
'Unreferenced', 'References',
'Citations broken from PEIS limit',
'Short description',
'Sidebar', 'Sidebar with collapsible lists',
'Lead missing', 'Lead rewrite', 'Lead too long', 'Lead too short',
'2021 storming of the United States Capitol',
-- Map from image parameters to captions
-- Used for extracting the file out of the infobox
captions = {
{'map1', {'legend1'} },
{'map2', {'legend2'} },
{'image', {'caption', 'description'} },
{'logo', {'logo_caption'} },
-- Tracking categories (without the category namespace)
categories = {
content = '包含摘录的条目',
errors = '包含损坏的摘录的条目',
--[0] = 'Articles with excerpts',
-- Prefix for generating the hatnote
hat = '{{hatnote|extraclasses=dablink|selfref=yes|1=',
-- Title of the template styles (optional)
styles = 'Excerpt/styles.css'