
模組:Road data/strings/USA/IN

文档图示 模块文档[创建]
To inspect the content of this data module, use [[Special:ExpandTemplates]]
and enter the following input text:
  {{#invoke:Road data/dump|dump|module=Module:<name-of-this-module>}}

To inspect the content of this data module when editing, enter the following
into the Debug console:
  local util = require("Module:Road data/util")
To inspect a particular route type, change `p` above to include the route type,
e.g., `p.I` and `p["US-Hist"]`.

-- 印第安納州
local IN = {}

local util = require("Module:Road data/util")
util.addAll(IN, require("Module:Road data/strings/USA"))

local suffix = " (印第安納州[dab||%dab%|])"
local format = mw.ustring.format
local maint = "[[印第安納州運輸部|INDOT]]"
local maint2 = "[[印第安納州收費公路特許公司|ITRCC]]"

IN.I.link = {
	["164"] = "164號州際公路",
	["265"] = "265號州際公路",
	["275"] = "275號州際公路 (俄亥俄州-印第安納州-肯塔基州)",
	["294"] = "294號州際公路",
	["465"] = "465號州際公路",
	["469"] = "469號州際公路",
	["865"] = "865號州際公路",
	 default = {
	 	hook = "split",
		split = 100,
		above = "%route%號州際公路 (印第安納州)",
		below = "%route%號州際公路印第安納州段"
IN["I 1961"].link = IN.I.link

IN.US.link = "%route%號美國國道印第安納州段"

IN["US 1926"].shieldmain = "US %route% Indiana 1926.svg"
IN["US 1926"].link = IN.US.link
IN["US 1948"].shieldmain = "US %route% Indiana 1948.svg"
IN["US 1948"].link = IN.US.link

IN["US-Bus"].link = "%route%號美國國道商業線 (印第安納州[dab||%dab%|])"
IN["US-Bus"].abbr = "%route%號美國國道商業線"

IN["US-Truck"].link = "%route%號美國國道貨車線 (印第安納州[dab||%dab%|])"
IN["US-Truck"].abbr = "%route%號美國國道貨車線"

IN.SR = {
	shield = "Indiana %route%.svg",
	base = "%route%號印第安納州州道",
	name = "%route%號印第安納州州道",
	link = "%route%號印第安納州州道[dab||%dab%|]",
	abbr = "%route%號印第安納州州道",
	width = "expand"


IN["SR-Bus"] = {
	shield = IN.SR.shield,
	name = "Business " .. IN.SR.abbr,
	link = IN.SR.base .. " Business [dab||(%dab%)|]",
	abbr = "Bus. " .. IN.SR.abbr,
	banner = "Business plate.svg",
	width = "expand"


IN["SR-Truck"] = {
	shield = IN.SR.shield,
	name = "Truck " .. IN.SR.name,
	link = IN.SR.base .. " Truck [dab||(%dab%)|]",
	abbr = "Truck " .. IN.SR.abbr,
	banner = "Truck plate.svg",
	width = "expand"}


for _,year in ipairs({"1926", "1948", "1955"}) do
	IN["SR " .. year] = {
		shield = format("Indiana %%route%% (%s).svg", year),
		shieldmain = format("Indiana %%route%% (%s).svg", year),
		name = IN.SR.name,
		link = IN.SR.link,
		abbr = IN.SR.abbr,
		orientation = "upright"

IN["IN 1926"] = IN["SR 1926"]
IN["IN 1940"] = IN["SR 1926"]
IN["SR 1940"] = IN["SR 1926"]
IN["IN 1948"] = IN["SR 1948"]

IN["SR 1955"].shield = {
	hook = "between",
	lower = 20,
	upper = 99,
	yes = IN.IN.shield,
	no = "Indiana %route% (1955).svg"
IN["SR 1955"].shieldmain = IN["SR 1955"].shield
IN["IN 1955"] = IN["SR 1955"]

IN.Toll = {
	shield = "Indiana Toll Road jct.svg",
	name = "印第安納州收費公路",
	link = "印第安納州收費公路",
	abbr = "印第安納州收費公路",
	maint = maint2

IN.ITR = IN.Toll

IN.Lincoln.link = "Lincoln Highway in Indiana"

IN.CR.shield = {
	arg = "county",
	default    = "CR %route% jct.svg",
	Hendricks      = ""
IN.CR.link = {
	["17"] = "[county|Elkhart|County Road 17 (Elkhart County, Indiana)|]",
	default = ""

IN.IL = {alias = {module = "USA/IL", type = "IL"}}
IN.Skyway = {alias = {module = "USA/IL", type = "Skyway"}}
IN.KY = {alias = {module = "USA/KY", type = "KY"}}
IN.MI = {alias = {module = "USA/MI", type = "M"}}
IN.OH = {alias = {module = "USA/OH", type = "SR"}}

return IN