模組:Road data/strings/USA/MO

文档图示 模块文档[创建]
local MO = {}

MO.I = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
        link = {["57"] = "57號州際公路",
        		["66"] = "66號州際公路 (堪薩斯州-肯塔基州)",
                ["72"] = "72號州際公路",
                ["155"] = "155號州際公路 (密蘇里州-田納西州)",
                ["170"] = "170號州際公路",
                ["244"] = "270號州際公路 (伊利諾伊州-密蘇里州)",
                ["255"] = "255號州際公路",
                ["270"] = "270號州際公路 (伊利諾伊州-密蘇里州)",
                ["435"] = "435號州際公路",
                ["635"] = "635號州際公路 (堪薩斯州-密蘇里州)",
                ["670"] = "670號州際公路 (堪薩斯州-密蘇里州)",
                default = {hook = "split",
                           split = 100,
                           above = "%route%號州際公路 (密蘇里州)",
                           below = "%route%號州際公路 (密蘇里州)"}},
        abbr = "I-%route%",
        width = "expand"}

MO["I-Future"] = {shield = "I-%route%.svg",
        link = "%route%號州際公路 (密蘇里州)",
        abbr = "Future %route%號州際公路",
        width = "expand"}

MO.Future = MO["I-Future"]        

MO.BL = {shield = "Business Loop %route%.svg",
         link = "%route%號州際公路商業線 (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
         abbr = "%route%號州際公路商業線",
         width = "expand"}

MO["I-Bus"] = MO.BL

MO.US = {shield = "US %route%.svg",
         link = "%route%號美國國道 (密蘇里州)",
         abbr = "%route%號美國國道",
         width = "expand"}

MO["US-Alt"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                link = "U.S. Route %route% Alternate (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
                abbr = "US %route% Alt.",
                banner = "Alternate plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MO["US-Bus"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                link = "%route%號美國國道商業線 (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
                abbr = "%route%號美國國道商業線",
                banner = "Business plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MO["US-Byp"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                link = "U.S. Route %route% Bypass (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
                abbr = "US %route% Byp.",
                banner = "By-pass plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MO["US-City"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                link = "U.S. Route %route% City (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
                abbr = "US %route% City",
                banner = "City plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MO["US-Spur"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                 link = "U.S. Route %route% Spur (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
                 abbr = "US %route% Spur",
                 banner = "Spur plate.svg",
                 width = "expand"}

MO["US-Truck"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                link = "%route%號美國國道貨車線 (密蘇里州[dab||%dab%|])",
                abbr = "%route%號美國國道貨車線",
                banner = "Truck plate.svg",
                width = "expand"}

MO["US-AOTS"] = {shield = MO.US.shield,
                link = "%route%號美國國道密蘇里州段",
                abbr = "%route%號美國國道",
                banner = "Avenue of the Saints banner.png",
                width = "expand"}

MO["US 1926"] = {shield = "US %route% Missouri 1926.svg",
                 link = MO.US.link,
                 abbr = MO.US.abbr,
                 width = "US1926"}

MO["US 1961-Bus"] = {shield = "US %route% (1961).svg",
                link = MO["US-Bus"].link,
                abbr = MO["US-Bus"].abbr,
                banner = "Business plate.svg"}

MO["US 1961-Spur"] = {shield = "US %route% (1961).svg",
                link = MO["US-Spur"].link,
                abbr = MO["US-Spur"].abbr,
                banner = "Spur plate.svg"}

MO.Route = {shield = "MO-%route%.svg",
            link = "%route%號密蘇里州州道[dab|| (%dab%)|]",
            abbr = "%route%號密蘇里州州道",
            width = "expand"}

MO.MO = MO.Route

MO["Route 1948"] = {shield = "MO-%route%-cutout.svg",
	                link = MO.Route.link,
	                abbr = MO.Route.abbr}

MO["MO 1948"] = MO["Route 1948"]	                

MO["Route-Bus"] = {shield = MO.Route.shield,
                   link = "%route%號密蘇里州州道商業線[dab||(%dab%)|]",
                   abbr = "R%route%號密蘇里州州道商業線",
                   banner = "Business plate.svg",
                   width = "expand"}

MO["MO-Bus"] = MO["Route-Bus"]

MO.Bus = MO["Route-Bus"]

MO["Route-Spur"] = {shield = MO.Route.shield,
                    link = "Missouri Route %route% Spur [dab||(%dab%)|]",
                    abbr = "Route %route% Spur",
                    banner = "Spur plate.svg",
                    width = "expand"}

MO["MO-Spur"] = MO["Route-Spur"]

MO.Spur = MO["Route-Spur"]

MO.Supp = {shield = "MO-supp-%route%.svg",
           link = {ifexists = true,
                   default = "Missouri Route %route% (%county% County)"},
           abbr = "Route %route%",
           width = "MOSupp"}

MO.AOTS = {shield = "MO-27.svg",
           link = "Avenue of the Saints",
           abbr = "Route 27",
           banner = "Avenue of the Saints banner.png",
           width = "square"}

MO.CKC = {shield = "MO-110.svg",
          link = "Chicago–Kansas City Expressway",
          abbr = "Route 110 (CKC)",
          banner = "CKC plate.svg",
          width = "wide"}

MO.GRR = {shield = "GreatRiverRoad.svg",
          link = "Great River Road",
          abbr = "Great River Road"}

MO.LCT = {shield = "Lewis and Clark Trail.png",
          link = "Lewis and Clark Trail",
          abbr = "Lewis and Clark Trail"}

MO["US-Hist"] = {shield = {["66"] = "US 66 (MO historic).svg",
                           default = ""},
                 link = "U.S. Route %route% in Missouri",
                 abbr = "Historic US %route%[dab|| (%dab%)|]",
                 width = 16}

MO.Branson = {shield = "",
              link = "",
              abbr = "%route% Route"}

MO.CR = {shield = "CR %route% jct.svg",
         link = "",
         abbr = "CR %route%"}

MO.AR = {alias = {module = "USA/AR", type = "AR"}}
MO.IL = {alias = {module = "USA/IL", type = "IL"}}
MO.IA = {alias = {module = "USA/IA", type = "IA"}}
MO.KS = {alias = {module = "USA/KS", type = "K"}}
MO.KY = {alias = {module = "USA/KY", type = "KY"}}
MO.OK = {alias = {module = "USA/OK", type = "OK"}}
MO.TN = {alias = {module = "USA/TN", type = "SR"}}
MO["TN-Sec"] = {alias = {module = "USA/TN", type = "Sec"}}

return MO