User:Addis-Bot/Category:Corregimientos of Panama/La Pintada, Panama

La Pintada
and town
国家 巴拿马
La Pintada
 • 陸地84.6 平方公里(32.7 平方英里)
 • 總計3,882人
 • 密度45.9人/平方公里(119人/平方英里)

La Pintada is a corregimiento and town in La Pintada District, Coclé Province, Panama. It is the seat of La Pintada District.[1] 该市面积为84.6平方公里(32.7平方英里),2010年时人口为3,882,故其人口密度为45.9名居民每平方公里(119名居民每平方英里).[1] Its population as of 1990 was 3,515; its population as of 2000 was 3,733。[1]

The town is located in the hills 13 km northwest of Penonomé. The Coclé del Sur River runs along the edge of the town. Two kilometers from the town are located a variety of pre-Columbian petroglyphs.[2]

The factory for the cigar brand Cigarros Joyas de Panamá is located in the town. There is also a small artisans' market that sells Panama hats and various local crafts.[2]


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