
User:Hugohuang sillyguy


Hello,I am Hugohuang sillyguy.I'm glad to be a member of wikipedia[1].I'm from Taiwan R.O.C.It's nice to meet you guys.

About Me[编辑]

Love СССР[编辑]

Interested in Europe[编辑]

Learning Classical Music[编辑]

Ich spiele Klavier und Cello.

Where I Study[编辑]

Elemantary School[编辑]

Junior High School[编辑]

A place that is really similar to a heaven.The school principal treats girls like angels,but he treats boys like garbage. My junior high school teachers often gives us corporal punishments which is illegal in Taiwan.

Senior High School[编辑]

The best senior high school in Taiwan.It was founded in 1898,which means it is the oldest senior high school.The students in the school are all boys.We have a lot of clubs in the school.I often study with a happy mood here,but still feel stressful.