

基础条目 佛教哲学属于维基百科哲学和宗教主题的基础条目扩展。请勇于更新页面以及改进条目。



英文Buddhist philosophy条目已有35种语言的对应条目, 但没有中文的对应条目, 故翻译部分英文Buddhist philosophy条目内容,创建此条目,以利于以后不断补充。 --Gluo88留言2021年3月21日 (日) 02:11 (UTC)[回复]

自然示范:佛教哲学的特征之一 ( Natural demonstration: one of Characteristics of Buddhist philosophy )


The coexistence of philosophy and religion is questioned, as philosophy itself is critical and religion founded on revelation and established dogmas. However, there were questioning and writings with philosophical characteristics in Buddhist scriptures. In Buddhist philosophy the propositions need to be demonstrated in a natural way and he uses reflections conditioned by experience - with the use of reason. The philosophical starting point of Buddhist philosophy is logic, not excluding Buddhist theology. Although there is a relationship between theological doctrines and philosophical reflection in Buddhist philosophy, its reflections are strictly rational. See: Coseru, Christian, "Mind in Indian Buddhist Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).

Buddhist_philosophy is similar to Christian_philosophy in natural & rational reason, see discussion in Christian_philosophy#Natural_demonstration英语Christian_philosophy#Natural_demonstration & Christian_philosophy#Justification_of_truths_of_faith英语Christian_philosophy#Justification_of_truths_of_faith --Gluo88 (talk) 15:49, 24 March 2021 (UTC)


  • 被回退的编辑
  • 佛教是不是无神论宗教: "Since the Buddha of the Pāli Nikāyas does not deny the existence of gods, only their cosmological and soteriological functions, it is inaccurate to define early Buddhism as atheistic or as non-theistic. The word atheistic is usually associated with anti-religious attitudes absent in the Buddha, and the term non-theistic seems to imply that rejecting the theistic concept of God is one of the main concerns of the Buddha, when in fact it is a marginal question in the Pāli Nikāyas."

--Gluo88留言2021年7月8日 (四) 13:20 (UTC)[回复]