
模板:Australian television episode ratings

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The purpose of the {{Australian television episode ratings}} template is to add a consistent and formatted ratings table to pages for television seasons, listing the overnight and consolidated ratings figures for each episode within a season. It can be added to either the main program article, list of episodes article, or individual season articles (which ever is most appropriate). This template can display the ratings for each episode of a season, for up to 40 episodes or entries.

Note that a custom table may be more beneficial for some programs, and this table isn't required where timeshifted ratings aren't readily available.

Please report any bugs or technical errors to the template talk page.




{{Australian television episode ratings
| width       = 
| fontsize    = <!-- Reduce font size for wider tables where necessary. Default is 100. -->
| generic     = 

| title1      = [[#ep1|Pilot]]
| date1       = 
| timeslot1   = 
| OVviewers1  = 
| OVrank1     = 
| CONviewers1 = 
| CONrank1    = 
| total1      = 
| ref1        = <!-- All figures must be sourced -->


{{Australian television episode ratings
| width            = 
| fontsize         = <!-- Reduce font size for wider tables where necessary. Default is 100. -->
| backgroundcolour = 
| unit             = 

| show_auxA    = 
| show_auxB    = 
| show_auxC    = 
| show_auxD    = 
| auxA         = <!-- cannot be empty if auxA column shown -->
| auxB         = <!-- cannot be empty if auxB column shown -->
| auxC         = <!-- cannot be empty if auxC column shown -->
| auxD         = <!-- cannot be empty if auxD column shown -->

| hideOVrank   = 
| hidetimeslot = 
| hideCON      = 
| generic     = 

| n1          = <!-- Table automatically generates numbers. Only use to correct in unusual cases -->
| title1      = [[#ep1|Pilot]]
| date1       = 
| timeslot1   = 
| auxA1       = 
| OVviewers1  = 
| OVrank1     = 
| CONviewers1 = 
| CONrank1    = 
| auxB1       = 
| total1      = 
| auxC1       = 
| auxD1       = 
| ref1        = <!-- All figures must be sourced -->


Guide to template parameters and basic guidelines
Parameter Description Format Status
Width width Width of the whole table, expressed as a percentage (without the % sign).
Default: The longest row in the table or page width.
width=100 Optional
Font size fontsize Size of all text within the table (including headers), expressed as a percentage (without the % sign).
Default: 100
fontsize=90 Optional
Background backgroundcolour Background colour of all table headers (including the # symbol before the six-figure colour). The text colour will automatically be selected from white or black based on best contrast. Articles using bad colours will be automatically added to Category:Articles using Template:Australian television episode ratings with invalid colour combination
Default: Default wikitable
* Australian spelling of colour.
backgroundcolour=#ffffff Optional
Unit unit Adds a unit to viewership columns for the purpose of rounding figures only when all or almost all figures exceed one million viewers (eg. 0.127). Otherwise, the full viewership figure should be written (eg. 648,000). unit=millions Optional
No. 不适用 This column cannot be hidden.
* Content in cells in this column are automatically generated unless entered manually.
不适用 Required
Title 不适用 This column cannot be hidden. 不适用 Required
Air date 不适用 This column cannot be hidden. 不适用 Required
Timeslot hidetimeslot Set to yes to hide this column. If episodes air relatively consistently, don't include timeslot (including for variations of 10-20 minutes each week).
Default: Not hidden (leave parameter blank)
hidetimeslot=yes Optional
show_aux{A-D} Set to yes to show these columns. Column positioning is fixed.
Default: Hidden (leave parameter blank)
* 4 separate auxilary columns can be used independently of the others (ie. You can show auxC without auxA, auxB or auxD).
show_auxA=yes Optional
aux{A-D} The custom title of this column. This column is designed for spare use only when required.
Default: If the paramter is not listed, the default title is auxA. If the parameter is included but left blank, it may cause errors within the table, so if the parameter is not required remove it (don't just leave blank).
* 4 separate auxilary columns can be used independently of the others (ie. You can have separate titles for auxA, auxB, auxC and auxD)
auxA=Custom Optional
Overnight ratings 不适用 This column cannot be hidden. If hide_OVrank is set to true, this column will still appear above overnight viewers. 不适用 Required
Overnight ratings: Viewers 不适用 This column cannot be hidden. 不适用 Required
Overnight ratings: Rank hideOVrank Set to yes to hide this column.
Default: Shown (leave parameter blank)
hideOVrank=yes Optional
Consolidated ratings hideCON Set to yes to hide all consolidated ratings columns, as well as the total viewers column. You cannot show the total viewers column while hiding consolidated viewers.
Default: Shown (leave parameter blank)
hideCON=yes Optional
Consolidated: viewers
Consolidated: rank
Total viewers
Ref(s) 不适用 This column cannot be hidden. 不适用 Required
Row parameters
Generic generic Set to yes to remove the quotes around episode titles, where episodes don't have actual names, and are thus named generically such as Episode 1, Episode 2, etc.
Default: Blank
generic=yes Optional
Number n{1-40} To create custom episode numbers. Only use if automatically generated episode number does not for whatever reason align with the episode title used. If left blank, the number generated in the cell will correspond with the number used from the parameter title (e.g. if episode3 is present, the number in this row will be 3)
Default: Automatically generated number.
* To avoid errors, don't use this parameter unless necessary.
n1= (force blank)
Title title{1-40} Episode title, linked to the episode article or listing in the episode table where possible.
*If episodes do not have proper titles, use generic episodes such as Episode 1 and set "generic = yes".
* A row will not appear without the title parameter being used. It MUST be present.
title1=[[#ep1|Episode 1]] Required
Date date{1-40} Date the episode originally aired, matching the date in the episode's article or episode table. date1=1 January 2016 Optional
Timeslot timeslot{1-40} Timeslot the episode originally aired in, if necessary. If episodes air relatively consistently, don't include timeslot (including for variations of 10-20 minutes each week). timeslot1=Wednesday 7:30pm Optional
Aux{A-D} aux{A-D}{1-40} Use for custom data. Use only if necessary. auxA1=Custom text Optional
Overnight viewers OVviewers{1-40} Total viewers for the episode, unrounded, written in full. OVviewers1=900,000 Optional
Overnight rank OVrank{1-40} Total viewers ranking for the day for the episode. Defaults to {{NA}} if column is shown but cell is empty. OVrank1=4 Optional
Consolidated viewers CONviewers{1-40} Viewers for the episode who timeshifted the program, unrounded, written in full. CONrank1=50,000 Optional
Consolidated rank CONrank{1-40} Total viewers ranking for the day for the episode after timeshifted ratings.Defaults to {{NA}} if column is shown but cell is empty. CONrank1=4 Optional
Total total{1-40} Total viewers, combining all other viewership figures for the episode in the row, unrounded, written in full. total1=950,000 Optional
References ref{1-40} References for all figures in the row. Any unsourced figures should be removed from table. ref1=<ref>URL</ref> Required




Code which produces table below
{{Australian television episode ratings
| width       = 100
| fontsize    = 
| generic     = yes

| title1      = Episode 1
| date1       = 1 January 2016
| timeslot1   = Monday 7:30pm
| OVviewers1  = 500,000
| OVrank1     = 12
| CONviewers1 = 50,000
| CONrank1    = 10
| total1      = 550,000
| ref1        = {{dummyref|1}}

| title2      = Episode 2
| date2       = 2 January 2016
| timeslot2   = Tuesday 7:30pm
| OVviewers2  = 600,000
| OVrank2     = 7
| CONviewers2 = 15,000
| CONrank2    = 7
| total2      = 615,000
| ref2        = {{dummyref|2}}

| title3      = Episode 3
| date3       = 3 January 2016
| timeslot3   = Wednesday 7:30pm
| OVviewers3  = 480,000
| OVrank3     = 16
| CONviewers3 = 
| CONrank3    = 
| total3      = 
| ref3        = {{dummyref|3}}

| title4      = Episode 4
| date4       = 4 January 2016
| timeslot4   = Thursday 9:30pm
| OVviewers4  = 268,000
| OVrank4     = 
| CONviewers4 = 
| CONrank4    = 
| total4      = 
| ref4        = {{dummyref|4}}

| title5      = Episode 5
| date5       = 7 January 2016
| timeslot5   = Sunday 9pm
| OVviewers5  = 1,250,000
| OVrank5     = 2
| CONviewers5 = 50,000
| CONrank5    = 1
| total5      = 1,300,000
| ref5        = {{dummyref|5}}
标题 播出日期 播出时间 当日收视率 DVR收视率 总收视 来源
收视 排名 收视 排名
1 Episode 1 1 January 2016 Monday 7:30pm 500,000 12 50,000 10 550,000 [1]
2 Episode 2 2 January 2016 Tuesday 7:30pm 600,000 7 15,000 7 615,000 [2]
3 Episode 3 3 January 2016 Wednesday 7:30pm 480,000 16 不适用 不适用 不适用 [3]
4 Episode 4 4 January 2016 Thursday 9:30pm 268,000 不适用 不适用 不适用 不适用 [4]
5 Episode 5 7 January 2016 Sunday 9pm 1,250,000 2 50,000 1 1,300,000 [5]


Code which produces table below
{{Australian television episode ratings
| width       = 
| fontsize    = 
| generic     = 

| show_auxA    = yes
| auxA         = Type
| hidetimeslot = yes
| hideCON      = yes

| title1      = At The Markets
| date1       = 16 March 2016
| auxA1       = 
| OVviewers1  = 847,000
| OVrank1     = 5
| ref1        = {{dummyref|1}}

| title2      = Going Down
| date2       = 17 March 2016
| auxA2       = 
| OVviewers2  = 916,000
| OVrank2     = 2
| ref2        = {{dummyref|2}}

| title3      = What You Missed Last Week
| date3       = 23 March 2016
| auxA3       = Clip show
| OVviewers3  = 416,000
| OVrank3     = 14
| ref3        = {{dummyref|3}}

| title4      = Down To The Farm
| date4       = 23 March 2016
| auxA4       = 
| OVviewers4  = 782,000
| OVrank4     = 6
| ref4        = {{dummyref|4}}

| title5      = The Trophy
| date5       = 24 March 2016
| auxA5       = Finale
| OVviewers5  = 911,000
| OVrank5     = 2
| ref5        = {{dummyref|5}}

| n6          = 5
| title6      = The Trophy
| date6       = 24 March 2016
| auxA6       = Results
| OVviewers6  = 1,062,000
| OVrank6     = 1
| ref6        = {{dummyref|6}}
标题 播出日期 当日收视率 总收视 Type 来源
收视 排名
1 At The Markets 16 March 2016 847,000 5 不适用 不适用 [1]
2 Going Down 17 March 2016 916,000 2 不适用 不适用 [2]
3 What You Missed Last Week 23 March 2016 416,000 14 不适用 Clip show [3]
4 Down To The Farm 23 March 2016 782,000 6 不适用 不适用 [4]
5 The Trophy 24 March 2016 911,000 2 不适用 Finale [5]
5 The Trophy 24 March 2016 1,062,000 1 不适用 Results [6]



Note the coloured background and text colour in the headers, and reduced font size.

Code which produces table below
{{Australian television episode ratings
| width            = 100
| fontsize         = 90
| backgroundcolour = #a12345

| auxA = AA
| auxB = BB
| auxC = CC
| auxD = DD

| show_auxA    = y
| show_auxB    = y
| show_auxC    = y
| show_auxD    = y
| hideOVrank   = 
| hidetimeslot = 
| hideCON      = 
| generic      = 

| n1          = 
| title1      = Title1
| date1       = Date1
| timeslot1   = Monday 1pm
| auxA1       = AA1
| OVviewers1  = 1,000
| OVrank1     = 1
| CONviewers1 = 100
| CONrank1    = 1A
| auxB1       = BB1
| total1      = 1,100
| auxC1       = CC1
| auxD1       = DD1
| ref1        = {{dummyref|1}}

| n2          = 
| title2      = Title2
| date2       = Date2
| timeslot2   = Monday 2pm
| auxA2       = AA2
| OVviewers2  = 2,000
| OVrank2     = 2
| CONviewers2 = 200
| CONrank2    = 2A
| auxB2       = BB2
| total2      = 2,200
| auxC2       = CC2
| auxD2       = DD2
| ref2        = {{dummyref|2}}

| n3          = 
| title3      = Title3
| date3       = Date3
| timeslot3   = Monday 3pm
| auxA3       = AA3
| OVviewers3  = 3,000
| OVrank3     = 3
| CONviewers3 = 300
| CONrank3    = 3A
| auxB3       = BB3
| total3      = 3,300
| auxC3       = CC3
| auxD3       = DD3
| ref3        = {{dummyref|3}}

| n4          = 
| title4      = Title4
| date4       = Date4
| timeslot4   = Monday 4pm
| auxA4       = AA4
| OVviewers4  = 4,000
| OVrank4     = 4
| CONviewers4 = 400
| CONrank4    = 4A
| auxB4       = BB4
| total4      = 4,400
| auxC4       = CC4
| auxD4       = DD4
| ref4        = {{dummyref|4}}

| n5          = 
| title5      = Title5
| date5       = Date5
| timeslot5   = Monday 5pm
| auxA5       = AA5
| OVviewers5  = 5,000
| OVrank5     = 5
| CONviewers5 = 500
| CONrank5    = 5A
| auxB5       = BB5
| total5      = 5,500
| auxC5       = CC5
| auxD5       = DD5
| ref5        = {{dummyref|5}}

[... etc. to 40 ...]


标题 播出日期 播出时间 当日收视率 DVR收视率 总收视 AA BB CC DD 来源
收视 排名 收视 排名
1 Title1 Date1 Monday 1pm 1,000 1 100 1A 1,100 AA1 BB1 CC1 DD1 [1]
2 Title2 Date2 Monday 2pm 2,000 2 200 2A 2,200 AA2 BB2 CC2 DD2 [2]
3 Title3 Date3 Monday 3pm 3,000 3 300 3A 3,300 AA3 BB3 CC3 DD3 [3]
4 Title4 Date4 Monday 4pm 4,000 4 400 4A 4,400 AA4 BB4 CC4 DD4 [4]
5 Title5 Date5 Monday 5pm 5,000 5 500 5A 5,500 AA5 BB5 CC5 DD5 [5]
6 Title6 Date6 Monday 6pm 6,000 6 600 6A 6,600 AA6 BB6 CC6 DD6 [6]
7 Title7 Date7 Monday 7pm 7,000 7 700 7A 7,700 AA7 BB7 CC7 DD7 [7]
8 Title8 Date8 Monday 8pm 8,000 8 800 8A 8,800 AA8 BB8 CC8 DD8 [8]
9 Title9 Date9 Monday 9pm 9,000 9 900 9A 9,900 AA9 BB9 CC9 DD9 [9]
10 Title10 Date10 Monday 10pm 10,000 10 10 10A 10,010 AA10 BB10 CC10 DD10 [10]
11 Title11 Date11 Monday 11pm 11,000 11 11 11A 11,011 AA11 BB11 CC11 DD11 [11]
12 Title12 Date12 Monday 12pm 12,000 12 12 12A 12,012 AA12 BB12 CC12 DD12 [12]
13 Title13 Date13 Monday 13pm 13,000 13 13 13A 13,013 AA13 BB13 CC13 DD13 [13]
14 Title14 Date14 Monday 14pm 14,000 14 14 14A 14,014 AA14 BB14 CC14 DD14 [14]
15 Title15 Date15 Monday 15pm 15,000 15 15 15A 15,015 AA15 BB15 CC15 DD15 [15]
16 Title16 Date16 Monday 16pm 16,000 16 16 16A 16,016 AA16 BB16 CC16 DD16 [16]
17 Title17 Date17 Monday 17pm 17,000 17 17 17A 17,017 AA17 BB17 CC17 DD17 [17]
18 Title18 Date18 Monday 18pm 18,000 18 18 18A 18,018 AA18 BB18 CC18 DD18 [18]
19 Title19 Date19 Monday 19pm 19,000 19 19 19A 19,019 AA19 BB19 CC19 DD19 [19]
20 Title20 Date20 Monday 20pm 20,000 20 20 20A 20,020 AA20 BB20 CC20 DD20 [20]
21 Title21 Date21 Monday 21pm 21,000 21 21 21A 21,021 AA21 BB21 CC21 DD21 [21]
22 Title22 Date22 Monday 22pm 22,000 22 22 22A 22,022 AA22 BB22 CC22 DD22 [22]
23 Title23 Date23 Monday 23pm 23,000 23 23 23A 23,023 AA23 BB23 CC23 DD23 [23]
24 Title24 Date24 Monday 24pm 24,000 24 24 24A 24,024 AA24 BB24 CC24 DD24 [24]
25 Title25 Date25 Monday 25pm 25,000 25 25 25A 25,025 AA25 BB25 CC25 DD25 [25]
26 Title26 Date26 Monday 26pm 26,000 26 26 26A 26,026 AA26 BB26 CC26 DD26 [26]
27 Title27 Date27 Monday 27pm 27,000 27 27 27A 27,027 AA27 BB27 CC27 DD27 [27]
28 Title28 Date28 Monday 28pm 28,000 28 28 28A 28,028 AA28 BB28 CC28 DD28 [28]
29 Title29 Date29 Monday 29pm 29,000 29 29 29A 29,029 AA29 BB29 CC29 DD29 [29]
30 Title30 Date30 Monday 30pm 30,000 30 30 30A 30,030 AA30 BB30 CC30 DD30 [30]