




Hs 129的设计着重于抗弹力,为了要给予飞行员全面性的防护,故将驾驶舱区域的装甲带配置如同大型浴缸一样,座舱罩结构由钢质构成至于侧边视窗则由两块角玻璃并成· 为了强化抗弹装甲能力,机身则是呈现三角形的形状这也让内部空间颇为狭小· There was so little room in the cockpit that the instrument panel ended up under the nose below the windscreen where it was almost invisible; some of the engine instruments were moved outside onto the engine nacelles, as on some models of 梅塞施密特Bf 110战斗机heavy fighter,并且将瞄准器安装于机鼻区域·

由于选用推力颇为不足的As 410发动机,再加上机体比原先规划的多12%重量,在测试时该机飞控系统的性能与速度颇为拙劣,one plane flew into the ground from a short dive because the stick forces were too high for the pilot to pull out·

The RLM nevertheless felt they should continue with the basic concept. The only real deciding factor between the two designs was that the Henschel was smaller and cheaper. 福克-沃尔夫的方案则改为候补,并针对Hs 129 A-0进行持续的测试·最后改良出来的结果就是Hs 129 A-1,可以携带2挺20 mm MG 151机炮s与2挺7.92 mm (.312 in) MG 17机枪s, 并在机身中线携带4枚50 kg (110 lb)炸弹·