雅典娜宫希尔顿布加勒斯特(Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest)是罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特的一座高档酒店,开业于1914年[1]。在二战之前,这座酒店是欧洲最恶名昭著的间谍据点,但在冷战时有所减少[1]。
[编辑]- Alexander Easterman, King Carol, Hitler, and Lupescu, Victor Gollancz Ltd., London, 1942
- Constantin C. Giurescu, Istoria Bucureștilor. Din cele mai vechi timpuri pînă în zilele noastre, Ed. Pentru Literatură, Bucharest, 1966
- Institut Proiect București, Arta Grafică, Bucharest, 1968
- Dan Halpern, The Walls Have Ears, Travel and Leisure, June 2005
- List of Names and Places Explained: The Athenee Palace Hotel, the Splendid Hotel, in Bucharest Between the Wars: A Modernity With Fringes, Romanian Academy Library, accessed 4 January 2006.
[编辑]维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest