Plot showing how Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) comes into the planetary region on a heliocentric hyperbolic orbit and after perihelion is perturbed into an elliptical orbit that is bound to the Sun. The eccentricity drops below one in large part because of an interaction with Jupiter. A barycentric solution to the orbit shows an original orbit of ~4.1 million years with a future orbit of ~11,800 years. Incoming and outgoing you can see the affects of Jupiter's 11.8 year orbit pulling the comet back and forth. The plot was generated using an observation arc through 2011-03-25. The heliocentric solution becomes closed (e<1) on 2012-Apr-01. At that point (epoch) the comet will no longer be hyperbolic.
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|Description = Plot showing how [[:en:C/2010 X1|Comet Elenin]] (C/2010 X1) comes into the planetary region on a heliocentric [[:en:Hyperbolic trajectory|hyperbolic orbit]] and after [[:en:Apsis|perihelion]] is [[:en:Perturbation (astronomy)|