切萨皮克和俄亥俄运河国家历史公园 | |
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park | |
IUCN分类V(陆地和海洋景观保护区) | |
位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的访客中心位置 | |
位置 | 从美国马里兰州的坎伯兰延伸至华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 |
最近城市 | 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、坎伯兰 (马里兰州)、不伦瑞克 (马里兰州)、威廉斯波特 (马里兰州)、汉考克 (马里兰州) |
坐标 | 38°53′59″N 77°03′28″W / 38.89972°N 77.05778°W |
面积 | 19,586英亩(79.26平方千米) |
建立 | September 23, 1938 |
访客量 | 3,937,504 (2011)[1] |
管理机构 | 美国国家公园管理局 |
网站 | Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park |
切萨皮克和俄亥俄运河国家历史公园位于华盛顿特区和马里兰州。艾森豪(英语:Dwight Eisenhower)总统为了保留被忽视的切萨皮克和俄亥俄运河残存遗迹,于1961年建立了一个国家纪念区。运河和纤路沿着波托马克河从华盛顿特区乔治敦延伸至马里兰州坎伯兰郡,总长184.5英里(296.9千米) 。 2013年,这条路被指定为美国第50号自行车道的第一部分。[2] [3]
[编辑]切萨皮克和俄亥俄运河(也称为“大旧渠”(英语:the Grand Old Ditch)或“ C&O运河”(英语:C&O Canal))的建设始于1828年,直到1850年运河建到坎伯兰时才结束。[4] :1 工程停止时,其实仍距离原本设想的目的地匹兹堡很遥远。在停工之后,人们有时候仍会讨论继续延长这个目前长达184.5英里的运河。例如,1874年提出的一条建议,打算挖一条8.4英里(13.5千米)的隧道穿越亚利加尼山脉,[5] 再借由另一条隧道接上宾夕法尼亚运河。[6]即使巴尔的摩和俄亥俄铁路公司(B&O)比运河还要早8年就通车道坎伯兰,但运河并没有完全作废。一直到1870年代中期,较大的火车头以及空气煞车被采用后,铁路运送费用比运河还低,运河的命运才被堵死。[7]
C&O运河于1831年至1924年运营,主要用于将煤炭从亚利加尼山脉运至华盛顿特区。[8] :6 运河于1924年关闭,部分原因是几次严重的洪灾摧毁了运河的财务状况。 [9]
[编辑]1938年,B&O铁路公司将运河交与美国政府,以换取一笔联邦复兴金融公司的贷款。[10] 政府计划将其修复作为休闲游憩区,以及当作大萧条时期失业者的就业计划。到1940年,平民保育团的非裔参与者修复了最初的22英里(35千米),约从乔治城到维奥莱特斯船闸(第23号船闸),并且重新引水进入此段运河使其回到可以运作的状态。[11] 1941年,第一艘运河快船开始营运,其动力为驴子在岸上拉动牵引。[12] 1960年代,约翰·昆西·亚当斯号(英语:John Quincy Adams)取代了运河快船。
当美国参战二战时,修复计划被暂停,以将资源挪作他用。1941年,哈里·阿西(英语:Harry Athey)向总统富兰克林·罗斯福(英语:Franklin Roosevelt)建议,该运河可以改建为地下高速公路或防空洞,其屋顶可用于飞机起降。由于洪水经常发生,整个想法被认为是不切实际的。[13] 1942年,春汛摧毁了重新注水的运河区段。美国国家公园管理局(NPS)官员亚瑟·德玛瑞(英语:Arthur E. Demaray)敦促恢复从1号水坝开始的运河,以便在正常水渠被敌后破坏火轰炸摧毁时,为达勒卡里亚水库供水。由于这项使运河变成了国家安全问题,1942年,战时生产委员会批准了这项计划。[14] 到1943年,国会已为这项工作提供了资金,维修已完成,而公园服务处则于1943年10月恢复了乘船游览。[15]
国会对将运河和纤路发展为公园大道的想法表达了兴趣。由于从1920年代到1940年代的洪水,陆军工兵团提议修建14座水坝,这些水坝将永久淹没74英里的纤路,以及莫诺克西和安提坦引水道。[16] 1945年左右,工兵团团想要拆除8号水坝,并在坎伯兰地区设置堤防。拆除8号水坝将使得对5号水坝以上运河段重新补水的希望破灭。国家公园管理局配合了工兵团团来完成前述的计划,因为让通往坎伯兰的运河整段都保持营运状态过于昂贵,且希望保留运河的西部地区。[17]
[编辑]一些人反对将运河翻到汽车上的想法,包括美国最高法院大法官威廉·道格拉斯(英语:William O. Douglas) 。 1954年3月,道格拉斯带队,从坎伯兰走纤路徒步旅行至华盛顿,为期八天。[10] 尽管总参加人数有58人,但只有9人(包括道格拉斯和奥劳斯·穆里)走完全程共184.5英里(297千米) 。这次旅行之后,道格拉斯大法官成立了一个委员会起草保留和保护运河的计划。该委员会后来在1957年成为C&O运河协会。[18] 作为该小组的主席,他对公园的承诺被认为是成功的。
[编辑]1958年,整条道路被清理以供徒步旅行之用,并从华盛顿特区乔治城区域第34街的驴子桥(英语:Mule Bridge)[注释 1] 到马里兰州沃德沃特(英语:Widewater)[注释 2] 12英里的纤路建立自行车道。[19] 自行车道于1958年11月22日开放,道路为是泥泞的纤路上铺上碎蓝石而成。[20] 到1960年,运河纤路已全程通行自行车。[21]
[编辑]1961年,艾森豪(英语:Dwight Eisenhower)总统根据《古迹保存法》将运河定为国家纪念区,但这更加强了反对派要将运河立为国家公园的想法。另有一些人支持将波托马克河立为国家河流(英语:national river)。[22] 在十年左右的时间,政治气氛发生了变化,国家河流这个想法的支持度不足,于是将运河变成历史公园的想法几乎没有受到反对。切萨皮克和俄亥俄运河国家历史公园法案[23]确立了运河的国家历史公园定位,总统理查德·尼克松于1971年1月8日将其签署为法律。 [24]
[编辑]如今,一些组织致力于保护和恢复公园的美丽和历史。 C&O运河信托[26]成立于2007年,是国家公园管理局的官方非营利合作伙伴。 C&O运河协会[27]是一个全志愿者组织,成立于1954年,其忠旨在保护C&O运河和波托马克河盆地的自然及历史环境。他们共同在运河基础设施的修复工作中取得了进展。他们修复纤路,并重新对运河注水,使其能漂亮地面对游客和野生动植物,并在游客中心通过互动方式向大众介绍了运河的丰富历史。沿着运河共有六个由国家公园管理局管理的游客中心:乔治城、大瀑布 (波托马克河)、不伦瑞克 (马里兰)、威廉斯波特、汉考克、以及坎伯兰。[28]
当前的修复和建设工作包括对卡诺卡其克引水道进行修复和补水[29]、复原3号和4号船闸[30]、修复大瀑布(20号)和斯温(21号)船闸。[31] 2019年5月30日开始第二阶段工程,针对波波隧道。[32]
The Rock Creek Basin, just before the Tidewater Lock
Remains for a Mill Water Intake on the 4 mile level (Georgetown) just below Key Bridge. The canal sold water to several mills.
Remains of stop gate at 2.18 miles on 4 mile level. Only visible when canal is drained
The NPS built this spillway (also on the 4 mile level) in 1936.[33] Note the Chain Bridge in background
Historic mile marker 4, just after second spillway
Hydroelectric plant on 4 mile level of Georgetown
George Washington's Patowmack Canal, used as a feeder, goes to the left, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal goes to the right.
Lock 6. Groundbreaking was near this spot
Historic mile marker 9, by Lock 11 (Seven Locks area).
This spot here was called the "Log Wall": builders put a log wall here, filled with rubble, to make the canal. Hurricane Agnes washed it out completely in 1972, and the NPS erected this retaining wall without logs.
Kayak lessons at Widewater (near Anglers Inn, below Lock 15).
Widewater in winter
Lock 15 at the end of Widewater
Cliff face at the Billy Goat Trail in Maryland
Great Falls Tavern on the C&O canal in Potomac, Maryland
Canal Clipper boat (since retired) at Lock 20
Snubbing Charles F. Mercer at Lock 20.
Canal at Swain's Lock (Lock 21)
Mile marker 17, with stump of broken historic mile marker on left
Mile marker 22, just before Violette's Lock and the Seneca Feeder
Horsepen Branch Hiker/Biker campsite.
Chisel Branch Hiker/Biker campsite sign.
Turtle Run Hiker/Biker campsite, below White's Ferry
Canal prism by White's Ferry. Note ruins of abandoned grainery on left.
A typical hiker/biker campsite along the Canal. This one is the Marble Quarry Campsite, near mile 38, below Lock 26.
Ruins of an abandoned granary, below the Monocacy Aqueduct
Indian Flats Hiker/Biker campsite, just above the Monocacy Aqueduct
Lock 28 near Point of Rocks, Maryland
Lock 33 near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
The Patowmack Canal's House Falls canal here was reused for the C&O.
Mowing the grass along the canal, near Guard Lock 3
Big Slackwater. Here the boats navigated in the slackwater behind Dam 4, hence there is only a towpath. It was repaired and reopened in 2012.
McMahon's mill, along Big Slackwater
More Big Slackwater, above McMahon's Mill.
Lift bridge (abandoned) for Railroad crossing canal.
Cushwa Basin and Visitor Center at Williamsport, Maryland
Dam 5, which makes Little Slackwater.
Little Slackwater, above Dam 5. This is one of the most dangerous areas for cyclists, with only a narrow towpath, no guardrail, and a long drop to the river below.
Lock 49 at Four Locks.
Lockkeeper's shanty, to look out for boats. Lock 50, with Locks 49 and 48 in the background. This is at the Four Locks area.
Big Pool on the 14 mile level.
Park Service maintenance area for the Allegheny Division/Four Locks Subdivision of the Canal
The canal at Hancock, Maryland
Division superintendent's house, about half a mile (0.8 km) above Paw Paw Tunnel
Maryland Route 51 crosses the canal about 0.6英里(0.97千米) above the tunnel, on the 8 mile level.
Lock 69 pool at Oldtown, Maryland
Lock 70 at Oldtown, Maryland
Looking downstream at Spring Gap; canal towpath and prism to the left, and Spring Gap campground to the right.
Dilapidated canal prism at Spring Gap (to the left of the previous photo)
Lock 74, with Lock 73 in background.
Lock 75, the last lock on the Canal before Cumberland.
Canal just above Lock 75 on 9 mile level at mile marker 176.
One of the various culverts (No. 239) on the 9 mile level.
Canal around mile marker 184, looking downstream. Potomac River is on the right side.
Evitts Creek Aqueduct, the final aqueduct on the C&O Canal.
The basin at Cumberland, looking downstream towards Georgetown, 184.5英里(296.9千米) away.
Looking at the end of the canal. Guard Lock 8 is on the left side at the end. Highway bridge in background is I-68.
Looking at Guard Lock 8 today. Red brick building behind highway is the Canal Place museum and the Western Maryland Railroad Station.
Guard Lock 8, which was actually two locks. Downstream lock is filled in. Upstream lock has a water pump to supply water to the basin.
Mile marker 184.5 at end of canal, with Guard Lock 8 in the background.
[编辑][[Category:1938年華盛頓哥倫比亞特區建立]] [[Category:美國長途步道]] [[Category:美國國家歷史公園]] [[Category:维基数据存在坐标数据的页面]] [[Category:IUCN分类V]]
- ^ National Park Service Visitor Use Statistics. National Park Service. [October 5, 2012].
- ^ Vitale, Marty. Meeting Minutes for October 17, 2013, and Report to SCOH October 18, 2013 (Addendum October 28, 2013) (PDF). Special Committee on U.S. Route Numbering, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. October 28, 2013 [June 9, 2014]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-05-05).
- ^ New U.S. Bicycle Routes Approved in Maryland and Tennessee. adventurecycling.org. Adventure Cycling Association. 2013-11-05 [2013-11-05].
- ^ Mackintosh, Barry. C&O Canal: The Making of A Park. Washington, DC: National Park Service, Department of the Interior. 1991.
- ^ Hahn, Pathway. 257
- ^ Davies, William E. The Geology and Engineering Structures of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal: An Engineering Geologist's Descriptions and Drawings (PDF). Glen Echo, Md.: C&O Canal Association. 1999 [2014-07-21].
- ^ Davies, p. ix
- ^ Hahn, Thomas. The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal: Pathway to the Nation's Capital. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press. 1984. ISBN 0-8108-1732-2.
- ^ National Park Service. Canal Operations. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historic Park. Nps.gov. [2010-05-11].
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Lynch, John A. Justice Douglas, the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, and Maryland Legal History. University of Baltimore Law Forum: 104–125.
- ^ Shaffer p. 71
- ^ CHAPTER TEN: USING THE PARK. (原始内容存档于2013-06-21).
- ^ Shaffer, p. 70
- ^ Shaffer p. 73
- ^ Shaffer p. 76
- ^ Shaffer p. 78
- ^ Shaffer p. 79
- ^ Associate Justice William O.Douglas. National Park Service. [29 March 2014].
- ^ Canal's Path Cleared for Full Length. The Washington Post. 6 September 1958.
- ^ Carper, Elsie. Group of 40 Cyclists Pioneers New 12-Mi. C&O Canal Path. The Washington Post. 23 November 1958.
- ^ Jordan, Jane. Bike Club to Take 180-Mile Spin. The Washington Post. 20 March 1960.
- ^ The Battle to Save the Canal, Part V (from December 2011 Along The Towpath) (PDF). Candocanal.org. [27 November 2014].
- ^ Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Act, 美国联邦公法第91–664号
- ^ 16 USC Chapter 1, Subchapter LVI: Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. Office of Law Revision Council. [29 March 2014].
- ^ Teams Assess C&O Canal Damage On the Potomac: Last Weekend's Floods Washed out Sections of the Historic Park's Towpath and Walkways. Many Areas Will Be Closed Indefinitely. The Baltimore Sun. [17 March 2014].
- ^ The C&O Canal Trust: About Us. C&O Canal Trust. [29 March 2014].
- ^ About the C&O Canal Association. C&O Canal Association. [5 July 2014].
- ^ Plan Your Visit. NPS. [28 March 2014].
- ^ https://www.nps.gov/choh/planyourvisit/conococheague-groundbreaking.htm
- ^ Construction Updates - Georgetown - Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service). www.nps.gov.
- ^ Repair Watered Structures Project - Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service).
- ^ Paw Paw Tunnel Scaling Project - Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service).
- ^ Hahn, Thomas F. Swiftwater. Towpath Guide to the C&O Canal: Georgetown Tidelock to Cumberland, Revised Combined Edition. Shepherdstown, WV: American Canal and Transportation Center. 1993. ISBN 0-933788-66-5.
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