
模板:Fb cl footer


|} 資料來源:[來源請求]
(冠) = 冠軍; (降) = 降班; (升) = 升班; (附) = 附加賽勝者; (晉) = 進入下一圈。
(參) = 獲得指定競賽參賽權; (TQ) = 獲得競賽參賽權,未知指定圈數; (DQ) = 取消競賽參賽權。

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Template:Fb cl footer (Football - classification - footer)

u  : date of the last update (optional)
s  : source
date: Monthanme year - passed to the fact template if unsourced
hth : if there is head-to-head tie-break; y= yes; blank = no (optional)
p&mw : for rules for classification when: 1st points; 2nd matches won; If still tied, a playoff is organised; y = yes; blank = no
wins : for rules for classification when: 1st points; 2nd overall wins; 3rd head-to-head points; 4th head-to-head goal difference; 5th head-to-head goals scored; 6th goal difference; 7th goals scored; y = yes; blank = no
gavg : for rules of classification when: 1st points; 2nd goal average (This parameter applies mainly on older leagues such as Fußball-Bundesliga 1963-64)
orfc : for any other rules for classification
nt  : notes (optional)
other : annotation of other (default) otherwise not displayed