



一篇名為《網絡熱度在維基百科上的虛假信息中扮演的角色》(The role of online attention in the supply of disinformation in Wikipedia)[1] 的研究發現:

[...]相較於同一時間創立的合規條目,[在英語維基百科上的]惡作劇條目往往和被創立之前的流量高峰有關。這與認為虛假信息或是誤導性內容的創立是由話題所收穫的關注度所驅動的這一想法是吻合的。[... 作者們希望這項發現]可以幫助提高維基百科上的知識的可信度。












在一篇有趣的於APSR(American Political Science Review)上發布並被總結於Political Science Now上的文章中,作者Sverrir Steinsson對英文維基百科在可信度上不斷進步的歷程進行了探索——維基百科,一個原本容許偽科學和陰謀論的平台,已然轉變為了揭穿迷信的強大力量。經過內部鬥爭、政策詮釋的變化和編者的離去,維基百科已經成為了事實信息的可信來源。這是一段引人入勝的旅程:這證明了即使是最為放蕩不羈的機構也能為了更好的明天做出改變。





  • Punting: 美國法律中的第230條款保護了網站所有者不因第三方發表的內容而承擔法律責任,並構成了維基百科和其他很多科技公司維持網站不被關閉的法律基石。美國的兩大政黨都認為該法律需要被修改,但一如既往地在具體內容上有着分歧。而最近,美國最高法院的兩樁案件更是把這些問題搬上了台面:美國最高法院判決認為企業的網站被用於發布內容並不足以代表他們有義務防止恐怖主義行為。 The SCOTUS ruling said that the companies could not be expected to have prevented terrorist acts merely based on their websites having been used to make posts, reaffirming precedent for the protections of Section 230. The Hill reported the story in 『』Supreme Court punts Section 230 debate back to Congress』』 .
  • OpenAI:被維基百科所啟發: Reuters reports how OpenAI, the company behind the Generative Pre-trained Transformer family of large language models, is exploring the concept of collective decision-making similar to Wikipedia's model, where diverse views come together to agree on content. This comes as one of several proposals by the company to increase regulatory barriers to the development of neural networks, including licensure requirements.
  • Wikipedia's Wacky Footballer Fails: An article on Planet Football highlights the creation of a Twitter account dedicated to sharing side-splittingly awkward footballer photos sourced from Wikipedia articles.
  • Notable Notability Fail?: Billy Penn brings up the existence of a Wikipedia page for Philadelphia's "French Quarter," highlighting its lack of detailed information and potential failure to meet Wikipedia's notability guidelines for geographic features. "The designation has been around 24 years, but nobody calls it that anymore — if they ever did." Sources in the article make it clear the designation was a late 90s publicity campaign by the city: Arguably notable as an attempt to advertise Philadelphia, but given it was "based on the establishment of three French restaurants and a creperie in the area in the 1990s", one can't help but feel that we're not the ones that should be mocked here.
  • Feud Continues – Wikipedia Page Update Pending: The Wikipedia page about the musical group Oasis may need another update as Noel and Liam Gallagher's ongoing feud takes a bitter turn. After a tabloid report fueled hopes of a reunion, Noel called Liam a "coward" for not reaching out to discuss it. In response, Liam fired back, referencing past controversies and accusing Noel of insensitivity. According to an article on 1057ThePoint.com, it seems the Oasis Wikipedia page is destined for further revisions – as it stands right now the article states 2025 as a year the band will be active. Whatever.
  • In Defense of Comprehensive Reading: Arts writer Dion Everett, in a thought-provoking piece for Varsity, sheds light on the pitfalls of clickbait-driven book criticism and the reliance on summaries and Wikipedia entries. Everett aptly emphasizes that these sources fall short in capturing the nuanced essence and depth of a book, although an image sourced from Wikimedia Commons accompanies the article.
  • Green is the New Black: Sultan Al Jaber, the CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and the host of the COP28 climate conference in the United Arab Emirates, is facing criticism as his team is accused of paid editing of Wikipedia pages. The edits were made to Al Jaber's own Wikipedia page and COP28. The Centre for Climate Reporting and The Guardian conducted an investigation that uncovered these edits. The appointment of an oil executive as the conference chair has raised concerns, with figures like Caroline Lucas from the Green Party criticizing the influence of oil companies and their CEOs on global climate conferences.
  • Wikipedia Rejects UK Age Verification Bill: In TechCity this week we can read that Wikimedia Foundation has announced its refusal to comply with the age verification requirements outlined in the UK's Online Safety Bill, citing incompatibility with its content moderation and user verification model. This decision raises concerns about the possible shutdown of Wikipedia in the UK, as the bill mandates robust age checks for sites featuring "pornography". It will not be the first country, nor the last.
  • Webcomic xkcd did it again: Please see Meryl Streep seagull incident (disambiguation).
  • Jimmy Wales Interview: In a podcast interview, Jimmy Wales and Stewart Baker discuss the sustainability of Wikipedia's model, address claims of bias, and explore the opportunities and risks presented by AI models like ChatGPT for the online encyclopedia.
  • Music Company Goes Off-Key: TorrentFreak writes that a small music company targets a Wikipedia article in its effort to combat YouTube ripping sites, by requesting Google to delist the Comparison of YouTube downloaders page. The delisting battle between music industry groups and YouTube downloaders continues, even raising questions about the presence of explanatory content on Wikipedia.
  • Wikipedia's Spanish Version Gets a Makeover: Despite not being the only version of Wikipedia to get a makeover, the Spanish edition has gained attention in an article by La Diaria, which highlights the recent aesthetic changes from Vector 2022 aimed at enhancing the user experience and streamlining navigation and search functionality. The redesign features a cleaner appearance, an improved search bar, and seamless switching between different language versions of articles. These updates were implemented based on extensive feedback and discussions. In case you missed the opportunity to provide feedback, do not fret — 2010 Vector is still an option for you.
  • Russian fork: ixbt.com and many others report on Рувики ("Ruwiki"), a new Russian Wikipedia fork. For more information on planned replacements for the Russian Wikipedia see previous coverage. For even more information see this issue's News and notes.
  1. ^ Anis Elebiary and Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia: "The role of online attention in the supply of disinformation in Wikipedia". Proc. of Truth and Trust Online 2022. Also as Elebiary, Anis; Ciampaglia, Giovanni Luca, The role of online attention in the supply of disinformation in Wikipedia, arXiv, 2023-02-16 . Code and figures