
使用者:Kenny TM~/REDOX


REDOX英語 REDOX: Either Die Or eXtreme 的縮寫,即是說要勝利就得用極端的手段。這是一策略性樸克牌遊戲。此遊戲的目的是要把手上的牌盡快拿走。



同花順 是指三隻或以上的同花順列的牌。例如 ♣8-♣9-♣10-♣J-♣Q-♣K 就是一個同花順。注意 A 不可以放在中間,故 ♥K-♥Q-♥A-♥2 不是一個同花順。

多條 是指三隻或以上的同列的牌,如 ♣4-♥4-♠4。

Plot 是指同花順或多條。

Slam 是十五隻完全由 Plot 組成的牌,其中一定要有一組四隻的同花順。





玩家: 兩個或以上

樸克: 一副或更多的標準樸克牌


  1. 洗牌並給每名玩家十五張牌,每次五張。
  2. 把餘下的牌都放在一個「取牌堆」上,牌底向上。從取牌堆拿第一張牌並翻開放在一個「棄牌堆」上
  3. 若此為一奇數回合(一、三、五等)則向順時針方向玩,否則反之。
  4. 前局勝利者會先開始。若為第一局則任意選一玩家作始。
  5. 當時輪到的玩家可以:
    • 放走手上的一張牌到棄牌堆,從取牌堆取回另一張牌。
    • 放走手上的一張牌到棄牌堆,並拿回棄牌堆之前的一張牌。
    • 放下一個 Plot。若此為玩家的第一個 Plot,則之必為四隻牌的同花順。
    • 連接手上的牌到任何現存的 Plot。如現有 Plot「♣8-♣9-♣10」在桌上,而您又有一 「♣7」,那麼您就可將之放到該 Plot 的左面,使之成為「♣7-♣8-♣9-♣10」。注意您必須先下過 Plot 才能作任何連接。
    • 放下一個 Slam。此會從後再討論。
  6. 若玩家只餘下三張牌或更少,則須呼叫「Last x」,其中 x 是餘下的牌。
  7. 輪到下一個玩家。到第五步。
  8. 若有人勝出則計算分數並回到第一步。


鬼 (Joker, 音 /gwId/) 在 REDOX 中扮演著萬用牌的角色。它可以放在任何位置以連接其它的牌,例如 ♠7-♠8-Joker-♠10,其中鬼於此為 ♠9。




A 20
J, Q, K 10
數字 面值

如有人剩下「♣8-♣9-♥7-♥Q-♦A」,則他的分數會增加 8 + 9 + 7 + 10 + 20 = 54。

勝出的會自動扣 10 分。



如玩家有一手 Slam,則輪到他時可將之放下。其他玩家會立即輸,且加分雙倍計。

Slam 只可在沒有任何已放下的 Plot 時放出




Suppose we have 4 players and 2 decks of cards. We call the players N, E, S and W respectively.

Round #1


Initially, the cards in each hand like this:

N: ♠A-♠3-♠3-♠J-♥3-♥4-♣A-♣A-♣2-♣2-♣6-♣6-♦10-♦J-♦K
E: ♠2-♠8-♠9-♠Q-♥3-♥10-♥10-♣3-♣4-♣J-♣J-♣Q-♦4-♦4-♦6
S: ♥2-♥4-♥7-♥7-♥K-♥K-♣4-♣7-♣10-♣Q-♣K-♦3-♦5-♦Q-Joker
W: ♠A-♠2-♠4-♠5-♠6-♠6-♠7-♠9-♠J-♥J-♣5-♣9-♦A-♦8-♦J

And the Discard face is ♥8. There is an advantage on W that he/she has 2 natural plots and 2 incomplete plots. So he/she should try to develop a slam. Most player will also try to make a slam, but it is not a good idea to keep an undeveloped slam too long, as you might be slammed back.

S has a wild card. His/her best strategy is to let it be a ♣J, so there is a royal flush to start a slam/plot.

N would be the first play in this round, and the direction will be N → W → S → E.

N: Discard ♠J, draw a card: ♥A.

Throw away irrelevent cards with high score is a common technique.

W: Discard ♦8, get the discarded ♠J.

The ♠J is good for W, as it can connect to the existing mulitple on his/her hand.

S: Discard ♦Q, draw a card: ♣3.

N is looking for this card, as it can connect the ♦10-♦J-♦K to form a royal flush (and he/she can nearly make a slam). But it is not N's turn, so he/she would be very sad about this.

E: Discard ♦6, get the discarded ♦Q.
N: Discard ♥4, get the discarded ♦6.

Only one step to slam: too bad that the ♦Q is in E's hand!

W: Discard ♠6, draw a card: ♠K.

A nearly useless card.

S: Discard ♣3, draw a card: ♣10.

It is totally illogical to discard ♣3. It has to chance to form a multiple with ♦3. Instead, he should throw away ♦5. It is not necessary to have many royal flushes, and getting a ♦4 is more difficult than that of 3 of any suit.

E: Discard ♠9, get the discarded ♣3.
N: Discard ♣A, draw a card: ♠K.
W: Discard ♠K, get the discarded ♣A.
S: Discard ♣10, get the discarded ♠K.
E: Discard ♠10, get the discarded ♣10.
N: Discard ♠K, draw a card: ♠5.
W: Discard ♣5, draw a card: Joker.

A wise choice. Although W can get the ♣5 on the discard pile, there is no room for him/her to develop two multiples (5 and 9). So he/she shall discard the higher-score ♣5.

S: Discard ♦3, get the discarded ♣5.

S finally realized the problem, but that may be a bit late.

E: Discard ♣J, draw a card: ♦K.
N: Discard ♠5, draw a card: ♦6.
W: Discard ♠2, draw a card: ♦Q.
S: Discard ♥2, draw a card: Joker.

Another bad action: there is no room making 2 multiples!

E: Discard ♦K, get the discarded ♥2.

Bad. Too many pairs is not a good thing to have.

N: Discard ♦6, draw a card: ♥Q.

A little ironic to N.

W: Discard ♦K, draw a card: ♠4.
S: Discard ♥4, draw a card: ♣7.
E: Discard ♠2, get the discarded ♥4.
N: Discard ♥Q, draw a card: ♣ 8.
W: Lay down the plot: ♠4-♠5-♠6-♠7.

W foresees the danger of being slammed back by holding the cards too long, so he/she eliminate the risk by a plot. No more slam in this round is allowed from now on.

S: Lay down the plot: ♣10-Joker-♣Q-♣K

S is almost forced to lay down a plot, as he/she cannot do a slam anymore.

E: Discard ♣3, draw a card: ♥9

E needs a royal flush, so he/she has to break up the pair.

N: Discard ♣8, get the discarded ♣3.

N changed the strategy: he/she wants to form a royal flush as fast as possible.

W: Lay down the plot: ♠J-♠J-♥J-♦J.
S: Lay down the plot: ♥7-♥7-♣7-♣7.
E: Discard ♣3, draw a card: ♠8.
N: Discard ♠A, get the discarded ♣3.
W: Lay down the plot: ♠9-♣9-Joker.
S: Lay down the plot: ♠K-♥K-♥K.
E: Discard ♠8, draw a card: ♦2.
N: Discard ♥A, draw a card: ♠7.
W: Discard ♠4, get the discarded ♥A.

A clever move! If W is hurry and plot the multiple (A), his/her ♠4 may never be able to connect to other plots on table. Instead, now W has 4 aces that form one multple that can lead to a championship costing one turn only.

S: Lay down the plot: ♣5-♦5-Joker. {Last 1}
E: Discard ♦2, draw a card: ♣5.
N: Discard ♠7, draw a card : ♣9.
W: Lay down the plot: ♠A-♥A-♣A-♦A. {Winner}

Now scoring. The cards left on each hand are:

N: ♠3-♠3-♥3-♣2-♣2-♣3-♣3-♣6-♣6-♣9-♣A-♦6-♦10-♦J-♦K
E: ♠Q-♥2-♥3-♥4-♥9-♥10-♥10-♣4-♣5-♣10-♣J-♣Q-♦4-♦4-♦Q
S: ♣4
W: ---

So the scores are:

N: 3+3+3+2+2+3+3+6+6+9+20+6+10+10+10 = 96
E: 10+2+3+4+9+10+10+4+5+10+10+10+4+4+10 = 105
S: 4 = 4
W: (-10)

The total scores for now are:

N: + 96
E: +105
S: + 4
W: - 10

Round #2


This is the second round, so the direction will be N → E → S → W.

W is the last winner, so he/she will take the lead.

N: ♠A-♠4-♠8-♠J-♠J-♠Q-♥10-♥Q-♣10-♣J-♣Q-♣Q-♦2-♦K
E: ♥3-♥4-♥5-♥6-♥9-♥K-♥K-♣2-♣5-♣8-♦2-♦8-♦8-♦9
S: ♠A-♠3-♠3-♠4-♠5-♠6-♠7-♥J-♥J-♣K-♦5-♦6-♦7-♦9-♦J
W: ♠2-♠2-♠5-♠6-♠8-♠9-♠K-♥4-♥Q-♣8-♣J-♦3-♦6-♦Q-♦K

Discard pile: ♣5

W: Discard ♥Q, draw a card: ♥4.
N: Discard ♦K, get the discarded ♥Q.

N shall draw a card instead. Five queens may be too much from usefulness

E: Lay down the plot: ♥3-♥4-♥5-♥6

E may be too nervous about his/her last lost, but it is not recommended laying down a plot in the first turn.

S: Lay down the plot: ♠3-♠4-♠5-♠6-♠7.
W: Lay down the plot: ♠5-♠6-♠7-♠8-♠9.
N: Lay down the plot: ♣10-♣J-♣Q-Joker.
E: Lay down the plot: ♣8-♦8-♦8
S: Lay down the plot: ♦5-♦6-♦7
W: Connect ♠2 to ♠3-♠4-♠5-♠6-♠7.
N: Connect ♠A to ♠2-♠3-♠4-♠5-♠6-♠7.
E: Discard ♣5, draw a card: ♥9.
S: Lay down the plot: ♥J-♥J-♦J.
W: Connect ♣8 to ♣8-♦8-♦8.
N: Lay down the plot: ♠Q-♥Q-♥Q-♣Q.
E: Lay down the plot: ♥9-♥9-♦9.
S: Connect ♦9 to ♥9-♥9-♦9. {Last 3}
W: Connect ♣J to ♥J-♥J-♦J.
N: Connect ♠J-♠J to ♥J-♥J-♣J-♦J.

It is possible to connect more than one card.

E: Discard ♣5, get the discarded ♦K.
S: Discard ♠A, draw a card: ♦10.
W: Connect ♦Q to ♠Q-♥Q-♥Q-♣Q.
N: Connect ♠8 to ♣8-♣8-♦8-♦8. {Last 3}
E: Lay down the plot: ♥K-♥K-♦K. {Last 1}

Leaving only one card is usually not a very good idea, although it is usually unavoidable.

S: Connect ♣K to ♥K-♥K-♦K. {Last 2}
W: Connect ♦K to ♥K-♥K-♣K-♦K.
N: Connect ♠4 to ♠5-♠6-♠7-♠8-♠9. {Last 2}
E: Discard ♦2, draw a card: ♠Q.
S: Discard ♦10, get the discarded ♦2.

S gets the ♦2 because he/she doesn't want to lose so much. This is sometimes a smart (or more precisely, forced) action if someone is going to win.

W: Discard ♠7, draw a card: ♠10.
N: Discard ♥10, get the discarded ♠7.

The motion of N is similar to S. Note that there is a risk of drawing that the card may be more high-scored.

E: Connect ♠Q to ♠Q-♥Q-♥Q-♣Q-♦Q. {Winner}

This time the cards left are less, due to the early plot.

N: ♠7-♦2
E: ---
S: ♠3-♦2
W: ♠2-♥4-♥4-♦3-♦6

The scores to be added:

N: 7+2 = 9
E: (-10)
S: 3+2 = 5
W: 2+4+4+3+6 = 19

The total scores:

N: +101
E: + 95
S: + 9
W: + 9

Round #3


This is the third round, so the direction will be N → W → S → E.

E is the last winner, so he/she will take the lead.

N: ♠2-♠5-♠9-♥A-♥4-♥5-♥6-♥9-♣5-♣6-♣7-♣8-♣10-♣K-♦J
E: ♠A-♠10-♠Q-♥8-♥J-♣8-♣J-♦5-♦6-♦8-♦8-♦9-♦9-♦10-Joker
S: ♠2-♠3-♠4-♠5-♠J-♠J-♥6-♥7-♥8-♥J-♣4-♣5-♣7-♣8-♦J
W: ♠4-♠7-♠8-♠10-♠K-♠K-♥2-♥4-♥5-♥7-♥10-♥Q-♣J-♦2-♦5

Discard pile: ♠Q

In this round, S has an unexpectedly good arrangement of cards. All he/she needs is a ♣6. However, there are only two of them in the game, and one of them is held by N, which he/she won't give it away for obvious reason. Therefore, S is almost impossible to make a slam - although he/she doesn't know that.

E: Discard ♠A, get the discarded ♠Q.
S: Discard ♦J, draw a card: ♠A.
W: Discard ♣J, draw a card: ♠9.
N: Discard ♦J, draw a card: ♣9.
E: Discard ♠10, get the discarded ♦J.
S: Discard ♠A, draw a card: ♣6.

This is totally luck! Anyway, the slam from S is the fate. The other players will not lay down plots, as they won't think that S is getting a slam so soon.

W: Discard ♥Q, draw a card: ♥9.
N: Discard ♥A, draw a card: ♥A.


E: Discard ♦9, draw a card: Joker

E is ready for slam, although it is already too late.

S: Slam: ♠2-♠3-♠4-♠5 / ♥6-♥7-♥8 / ♣4-♣5-♣6-♣7-♣8 / ♠J-♠J-♥J. {Winner}

Cards left:

N: ♠2-♠5-♠9-♥A-♥4-♥5-♥6-♥9-♣5-♣6-♣7-♣8-♣10-♣9-♣K
E: ♠Q-♠Q-♥8-♥J-♣8-♣J-♦5-♦6-♦8-♦8-♦9-♦10-♦J-Joker-Joker
S: ---
W: ♠4-♠7-♠8-♠9-♠10-♠K-♠K-♥2-♥4-♥5-♥7-♥9-♥10-♦2-♦5

Scores to be added is doubled:

N: 2 × (2+5+9+20+4+5+6+9+5+6+7+8+10+9+10) = 230
E: 2 × (10+10+8+10+8+10+5+6+8+8+9+10+10+50+50) = 424
S: (-10)
W: 2 × (4+7+8+9+10+10+10+2+4+5+7+9+10+2+5) = 204

The total scores:

N: +331
E: +519
S: - 1
W: +213



REDOX 歷史不明。REDOX 這個名字是作者自創的,原指「分數可升(氧化)可降(還原)」。目前的名字是後來修改的,但卻來得更有意義。此遊戲或源自加拿大,因此為作者朋友(他已忘記原名)介紹的。此遊戲可能演變自 500 Rum。
