此條目目前正依照其他維基百科上的內容進行翻譯。 (2018年3月18日) |
密鑰管理(Key management)是一個密碼系統中加密密鑰的管理部分。它包括密鑰的生成、交換、存儲、使用、密鑰銷毀以及密鑰更替的處理,涉及到密碼學協議設計、密鑰服務器、用戶程序,以及其他相關協議。[1]
[編輯]任何證書和私鑰管理策略的起點都是創建所有憑證的位置和責任方的全面清單。這不是一件微不足道的事情,來自各種來源的憑據被不同個人和團隊部署在各種地點——這不可能簡單依賴於單個數字證書認證機構的列表,在到期前沒有被更新或替換的證書可能導致嚴重的停機和中斷。以及其他考慮: 法規和強制要求,例如PCI-DSS,要求嚴格的安全性、加密密鑰管理以及審核員,審查日益增長的使用中的管理控制和流程。
- 用於證書的私鑰必須安全保存,否則未經授權的人員可能攔截機密通信或非授權地介入關鍵系統。不能確保適當的職責分離意味着生成加密密鑰的管理員可以使用它們來訪問敏感、受監管的數據。
- 如果證書頒發機構受到威脅或者加密算法遭受破解,組織必須準備好在幾小時內替換所有的證書和密鑰。
It is possible, using something akin to a book code, to include key indicators as clear text attached to an encrypted message. The encryption technique used by Richard Sorge's code clerk was of this type, referring to a page in a statistical manual, though it was in fact a code. The German Army Enigma symmetric encryption key was a mixed type early in its use; the key was a combination of secretly distributed key schedules and a user chosen session key component for each message.
Another method of key exchange involves encapsulating one key within another. Typically a master key is generated and exchanged using some secure method. This method is usually cumbersome or expensive (breaking a master key into multiple parts and sending each with a trusted courier for example) and not suitable for use on a larger scale. Once the master key has been securely exchanged, it can then be used to securely exchange subsequent keys with ease. This technique is usually termed Key Wrap. A common technique uses Block ciphers and cryptographic hash functions.[2]
A related method is to exchange a master key (sometimes termed a root key) and derive subsidiary keys as needed from that key and some other data (often referred to as diversification data). The most common use for this method is probably in 智慧卡 based cryptosystems, such as those found in banking cards. The bank or credit network embeds their secret key into the card's secure key storage during card production at a secured production facility. Then at the Point of sale the card and card reader are both able to derive a common set of session keys based on the shared secret key and card-specific data (such as the card serial number). This method can also be used when keys must be related to each other (i.e., departmental keys are tied to divisional keys, and individual keys tied to departmental keys). However, tying keys to each other in this way increases the damage which may result from a security breach as attackers will learn something about more than one key. This reduces entropy, with regard to an attacker, for each key involved.
- 擴展性:需管理大量加密密鑰。
- 安全性:外部黑客/惡意內部人員造成的密鑰隱患。
- 數據可用性:需確保授權用戶可訪問數據。
- 支援性:需支持多種數據庫、應用程序和標準。
- 治理:定義政策驅動的訪問控制和數據保護。[4]治理包括符合數據保護要求。
[編輯]密鑰管理系統(key management system,KMS)也稱密碼學密鑰管理系統(crytographic key management system,CKMS),是用於生成、分發和管理設備和應用程序的密鑰的一種集成手段。與術語密鑰管理相比,KMS針對特定用例進行了定製,例如安全軟件更新、機器對機器通信。在整體來說,它涵蓋了安全性的所有方面——從通過密鑰安全交換來安全生成密鑰,到客戶端安全密鑰的處理和存儲。因此,一個KMS包含用於密鑰生成、分發和替換的後端功能,以及用於注入密鑰、存儲和管理設備上的密鑰等客戶端功能。隨着物聯網的發展,密鑰管理系統已成為互聯設備安全性的關鍵部分。
[編輯]- Barbican, the OpenStack security API.
- KeyBox - web-based SSH access and key management.[6]
- EPKS - Echo Public Key Share, system to share encryption keys online in a p2p community.[7]
- Kmc-Subset137[8] - key management system implementing UNISIG Subset-137 [9] for ERTMS/ETCS railway application.
- privacyIDEA - two factor management with support for managing SSH keys.[10]
- StrongKey - open source, last updated on Sourceforge in 2013.[11]
- Vault - secret server from HashiCorp.[12]
[編輯]- Amazon Web Service (AWS) Key Management Service (KMS) [13]
- AppViewX CERT+[14] Certificate and Key Lifecycle Automation
- AppViewX SSH+[15] SSH Key Lifecycle Automation
- Bell ID Key Manager[16]
- Cryptomathic Key Management System[17]
- Cryptsoft KMIP C and Java Servers[18]
- Fornetix Key Orchestration[19]
- Futurex Key Management[20]
- Gazzang zTrustee[21]
- HP Enterprise Secure Key Manager[22]
- IBM Distributed Key Management System (DKMS)[23]
- IBM Enterprise Key Management Foundation[24]
- IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager[25]
- KeyNexus Enterprise on-premise[26]
- Microsoft Azure Key Vault[27]
- Oracle Key Manager[28]
- P6R KMIP Client SDK[29]
- Porticor Virtual Private Data[30]
- QuintessenceLabs qCrypt Key and Policy Manager[31]
- RSA Data Protection Manager[32]
- Safenet Enterprise Key Management[33]
- SSH Communications Security Universal SSH Key Manager[34]
- Thales Key Management[35]
- Townsend Security Alliance Key Manager[36]
- Venafi Trust Protection Platform[37]
- Vormetric Data Security Platform[38]
- 保密
- 完整
- 可用
- 來源認證[39]
[編輯]帶入自己的加密/密鑰(Bring your own encryption,簡稱BYOE),也稱called bring your own key(BYOK),是指一種雲計算安全模型,允許公共雲服務客戶使用自己的加密軟件和管理自己的加密密鑰。
[編輯]Group Key Management means managing the keys in a group communication. Most of the group communications use 多播 communication so that if the message is sent once by the sender, it will be received by all the users. The main problem in multicast group communication is its security. In order to improve the security, various keys are given to the users. Using the keys, the users can encrypt their messages and send them secretly. IETG.org released RFC 4046, entitled Multicast Security (MSEC) Group Key Management Architecture, which discusses the challenges of group key management.[40]
[編輯]- ^ Turner, Dawn M. What Is Key Management? A CISO Perspective. Cryptomathic. [30 May 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2017-10-20).
- ^ Pressestelle Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Online-Redaktion. Startseite - Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Crypto.rub.de. [2013-08-06] (德語).[永久失效連結]
- ^ An ancient technology gets a key makeover. Crain's New York Business. Crain's New York. [19 May 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-03).
- ^ Security Policy and Key Management: Centrally Manage Encryption Key. Slideshare.net. 2012-08-13 [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04).
- ^ Reinholm, James H. Simplifying the Complex Process of Auditing a Key Management System for Compliance. Cryptomathic. [30 May 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2016-07-01).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-15).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2016-08-09).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-30).
- ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-05-10).
- ^ 存档副本. [2020-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-11).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-03).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-24).
- ^ AppViewX Announces Major Software Upgrade with Version 11.0 Release. www.businesswire.com. [2017-05-15]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-20) (英語).
- ^ AppViewX Announces Secure Shell Management. www.businesswire.com. [2017-05-15]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-21) (英語).
- ^ Key Management System. Bell ID. [2014-01-17]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-23).
- ^ Landrock, Peter. Cryptomathic Key Management System. cryptomathic.com/. Cryptomathic. [April 20, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-25).
- ^ Cryptsoft. Cryptsoft. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-20).
- ^ =http://fornetix.com/products/ (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- ^ Futurex Key Management Servers. Futurex.com. [2016-08-18]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-11).
- ^ Gazzang zTrustee. Gazzang.com. 1970-01-01 [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-07).
- ^ United States. Data Encryption - Enterprise Secure Key Manager | HP® Official Site. H17007.www1.hp.com. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-10).
- ^ IBM Enterprise Key Management Foundation (EKMF). 03.ibm.com. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2011-12-19).
- ^ Archived copy (PDF). [2013-02-08]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2014-12-29).
- ^ Data-at-rest Encryption for the IBM Spectrum Accelerate Famil. google.com. [2017-06-12].
- ^ KeyNexus. keynexus.net. [2017-06-02]. (原始內容存檔於2017-04-10).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-19).
- ^ Key Manager | Storage. Oracle. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-26).
- ^ P6R. P6R. [2015-05-11]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04).
- ^ About Virtual Private Data. Porticor.com. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-15).
- ^ qCrypt. Quintessencelabs.com. [2016-04-01]. (原始內容存檔於2015-10-02).
- ^ RSA Data Protection Manager - Data Encryption, Key Management. EMC. 2013-04-18 [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2015-10-11).
- ^ Key Management Solutions by SafeNet: Protect & Manage Cryptographic Keys. Safenet-inc.com. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2014-04-08).
- ^ 存档副本. [2017-06-18]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-05).
- ^ Key Management: keyAuthority - a proven solution for centralizing key management. Thales-esecurity.com. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-10).
- ^ Encryption Key Management | Encryption Key Management, Cloud Security, Data Protection. Townsendsecurity.com. [2013-08-06]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04).
- ^ 存档副本. [2014-09-27]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-11).
- ^ Vormetric Data Security Platform. Vormetric.com. [2015-12-15]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-10).
- ^ Barker, Elaine. NIST Special Publication 800 -130: A Framework for Designing Cryptographic Key Management Systems (PDF). National Institute of Standards and Technology. [30 May 2016]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-05-18).
- ^ Multicast Security (MSEC) Group Key Management Architecture. 2005-04-01 [2017-06-12]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-16).
[編輯]- Recommendation for Key Management — Part 1: general, NIST Special Publication 800-57
- NIST Cryptographic Toolkit(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- The IEEE Security in Storage Working Group (SISWG) that is creating the P1619.3 standard for Key Management
- American National Standards Institute(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) - ANSI X9.24, Retail Financial Services Symmetric Key Management
- The OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) Technical Committee (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- The OASIS Enterprise Key Management Infrastructure (EKMI)Technical Committee (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- "Key Management with a Powerful Keystore"(頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- "Intelligent Key Management System - KeyGuard | Senergy Intellution"
- IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager, SKLM