Generated using Lilypond from the following script:
\version "2.10.33"
\new ChoirStaff <<
\override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
\new Staff = "women" \with{\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
} <<
\set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
\tempo 4 = 100
\relative c'' {\new Voice = "sopranos" {\voiceOne\override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0
\autoBeamOff\key g \major\time 4/4
b8 b b4 b8 b b4 |
b8 d g,8. a16 b4 r4 |
c8 c c8. c16 c8 b b b16 b |
b8 a a b a4 d |
b8 b b4 b8 b b4 |
b8 d g,8. a16 b4 r4 |
c8 c c8. c16 c8 b b b16 b |
d8 d c a g4. r8 \bar "|."
Jin -- gle bells, jin -- gle bells, |
jin -- gle all the way. |
Oh what fun it is to ride in a |
one horse o -- pen sleigh. O! |
Jin -- gle bells, jin -- gle bells, |
jin -- gle all the way. |
Oh what fun it is to ride in a |
one horse o -- pen sleigh. \bar "|."
}}\relative c'' {\new Voice = "altos" {\voiceTwo\autoBeamOff\key g \major\time 4/4
g8 g g4 g8 g g4 |
g8 g d8. d16 g4 s4 |
e8 e e8. e16 e8 d d g16 g |
g8 g g g fis4 fis |
g8 g g4 g8 g g4 |
g8 g d8. d16 g4 s4 |
e8 e e8. e16 e8 d d g16 g |
fis8 fis fis fis g4. s8 \bar "|."
\new Staff = "men" \with{\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
} <<
\relative c' {\clef bass
\new Voice = "tenors" {\voiceOne\override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0
\autoBeamOff\key g \major\time 4/4
d8 d d4 d8 d d4 |
d8 b b8. c16 d4 r4 |
g,8 g g8. g16 g8 g g d'16 d |
cis8 cis cis cis d4 c |
d8 d d4 d8 d d4 |
d8 b b8. c16 d4 r4 |
g,8 g g8. g16 g8 g g d'16 d |
d8 d a c b4. r8 \bar "|."
}}\relative c {\new Voice = "basses" {\voiceTwo\autoBeamOff\key g \major\time 4/4
g'8 g g4 g8 g g4 |
g8 g g8. g16 g4 s4 |
c,8 c c8. c16 g8 g g g'16 g |
e8 e a, a d4 d |
g8 g g4 g8 g g4 |
g8 g g8. g16 g4 s4 |
c,8 c c8. c16 g8 g g g'16 g |
d8 d d d g4. s8 \bar "|."