
用戶:Addis-Bot/20140530/List of diplomatic missions of the European Union

  European Union
  Countries with EU delegations

The member states of the European Union speak with the same voice on many issues. The EU is the world's largest trade bloc and donor of humanitarian and development assistance, and thus has an extensive network of delegations around the world mainly operating in the framework of External Relations, for which the European Commission is the main decision body. The EU also represents shared political and security viewpoints held by its member states, as articulated in the Common Foreign and Security Policy.

The EU's predecessor, the European Coal and Steel Community, opened its first mission in London in 1955, three years after non-EU countries began to accredit their missions in Brussels to the Community. The US had been a fervent supporter of the ECSC's efforts from the beginning, and Secretary of State Dean Acheson sent Jean Monnet a dispatch in the name of President Truman confirming full US diplomatic recognition of the ECSC. A US ambassador to the ECSC was accredited soon thereafter, and he headed the second overseas mission to establish diplomatic relations with the Community institutions.[1]

The number of delegates began to rise in the 1960s following the merging of the executive institutions of the three European Communities into a single Commission. Until recently some states had reservations accepting that EU delegations held the full status of a diplomatic mission. Article 20 of the Maastricht Treaty requires the Delegations and the Member States』 diplomatic missions to "co-operate in ensuring that the common positions and joint actions adopted by the Council are complied with and implemented".

Management of the EU External Relations is conducted by the European Commission's Directorate-General for External Relations. The European Commission sends its delegates generally only to the capitals of states outside the European Union and cities hosting multilateral bodies.

The EU missions work separately from the work of the missions of its member states, however in some circumstances it may share resources and facilities. In Abuja is shares its premises with a number of member states.[2] The European Commission also maintains representation in each of the member states.[3] For details on diplomatic representation, see Foreign relations of the European Union#Diplomatic representation.



North and Central America

European Commission's Eastern Caribbean branch office in Barbados.
European Union Delegation in Washington, D.C.

South America



  •  阿爾及利亞
  •  安哥拉
  •  貝寧
  •  博茨瓦納
  •  布基納法索
  •  布隆迪
  •  喀麥隆
  •  佛得角
  •  中非
  •  乍得
  •  剛果共和國
  •  剛果民主共和國
  •  科特迪瓦
  •  吉布提
  •  埃及
  •  厄立特里亞
  •  埃塞俄比亞
  •  加蓬
  •  加納
  •  幾內亞
  •  幾內亞比紹
  •  肯雅
  •  萊索托
  •  利比里亞
  •  馬達加斯加
  •  馬拉維
  •  馬里
  •  毛里塔尼亞
  •  毛里裘斯
  •  摩洛哥
  •  莫桑比克
  •  納米比亞
  •  尼日爾
  •  尼日利亞
  •  盧旺達
  •  塞內加爾
  •  塞拉利昂
  •  南非
  •  蘇丹
  •  坦桑尼亞
  •  多哥
  •  突尼斯
  •  烏干達
  •  贊比亞
  •  津巴布韋

Middle East

  •  伊拉克
  •  以色列
  •  約旦
  •  黎巴嫩
  •  巴勒斯坦自治政府
  •  沙特阿拉伯
  •  敘利亞


  •  阿富汗
  •  孟加拉
  •  中華人民共和國
  •  印度
  •  印度尼西亞[5]
  •  日本
    • Tokyo (Delegation)
  •  哈薩克
  •  吉爾吉斯
  •  馬來西亞
  •  尼泊爾
  •  巴基斯坦
  •  菲律賓
  •  新加坡
    • Singapore (Delegation)
  •  南韓
  •  斯里蘭卡
  •  臺灣
    • Taipei (Economic and Trade Office)
  •  塔吉克
  •  泰國
  •  東帝汶
    • Dili (Delegation )
  •  烏茲別克
  •  越南


European Commission Delegation in Canberra, Australia.

Multilateral organisations




As part of the process of establishment of the European External Action Service envisioned in the recently ratified Treaty of Lisbon, on 1 January 2010 all former European Commission delegations were renamed into European Union delegations and till the end of the month 54 of the missions (marked with in the list above) were transformed into embassy-type missions that employ greater powers than the regular delegations. These upgraded delegations have taken on the role previously carried out by the national embassies of the member state holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.[10]

See also



  1. ^ Taking Europe to the world: 50 years of the European Commission's External Service
  2. ^ [Unified External Service of the European Commission Unified External Service of the European Commission]
  3. ^ Representations of the European Commission
  4. ^ "EU office in northern K. Mitrovica" b92.net 26 March 2010 Link retrieved 26 March 2010
  5. ^ [1] The mission in Jakarta is the EU Delegation to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and ASEAN
  6. ^ Delgva.ec.europa.eu
  7. ^ Asean.org
  8. ^ EC.europa.eu
  9. ^ Delvie.ec.europa.eu
  10. ^ EU commission 'embassies' granted new powers, EUobserver

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