

মানবেন্দ্র নাথ রায়
Manabendra Nath Roy
本名Manabendra Nath Bhattacharya
國籍 印度

馬納本德·納特·羅易孟加拉語মানবেন্দ্র নাথ রায়;英語:Manabendra Nath Roy;1887年3月21日—1954年1月25日),又譯魯易魯依羅亦印度革命家、哲學家、政治理論家及活動家。早年曾為共產主義領袖及理論家,在墨西哥、印度和中國從事革命活動;後來,他對資產階級民主和共產主義都感到失望,在生命的最後幾年致力於發展一種替代哲學,他稱之為「激進人文主義」,












羅易晚年表現對小資產階級民主及共產主義失望,轉為開始研究稱為「激進人文主義」(Radical Humanism,又稱「新人民主義」)的新主張。其思想收錄在其晚年論著《理性、浪漫主義、革命》。


  • La voz de la India (The Voice of India). Mexico City: n.p., n.d. [c. 1917].
  • La India: Su Pasado, Su Presente y Su Porvenir (India: Its Past, Its Present, and Its Future). Mexico City: n.p., 1918.
  • Indien (India). Hamburg: Verlag der Kommunistischen Internationale, 1922.
  • India in Transition. With Abani Mukherji. Geneva: J.B. Target, 1922.
  • What Do We Want? Geneva: J. B. Target, 1922.
  • One Year of Non-Cooperation from Ahmedabad to Gaya. With Evelyn Roy. Calcutta: Communist Party of India, 1923. —Imprint probably fictitious.
  • India's Problem and Its Solution. n.c.: n.p., n.d. [c. 1923].
  • Political Letters. Zurich: Vanguard Bookshop, 1924. —Alternate title: Letters to Indian Nationalists.
  • Cawnpore Conspiracy Case: An Open Letter to the Rt. Hon. J. R. MacDonald. London: Indian Defence Committee, 1924.
  • The Aftermath of Non-Cooperation: Indian Nationalism and Labour Politics. London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1926.
  • The Future of Indian Politics. London: R. Bishop [Communist Party of Great Britain], 1926.
  • Our Task in India. n.c.: Bengal Committee of the Revolutionary Party of the Indian Working Class, n.d. [c. 1932].
  • "I Accuse!" : From the Suppressed Statement of Manabendra Nath Roy on Trial for Treason before Sessions Court, Cawnpore, India. New York: Roy Defense Committee of India, 1932. —Title of unexpurgated Indian edition: My Defence.
  • Congress at Crossroads, by a Congressman (M. N. Roy). Bombay: Independence of India League, [c. 1934].
  • On Stepping Out of Jail. Bombay: V. B. Karnik, n.d. [c. 1936].
  • Letters by M. N. Roy to the Congress Socialist Party, Written in 1934. Bombay: Renaissance Publishing Co., 1937.
  • The Historical Role of Islam: An Essay on Islamic Culture. Bombay: Vora, 1937.
  • Presidential Address of M. N. Roy, United Provinces Youths' Conference, 29 and 30 May 1937, Sitapur. Bombay: R. D. Nadkarni, n.d. [1937].
  • Materialism and Spiritualism: Presidential Address of M. N. Roy at the 3rd Session of the Madras Presidency Radical Youths' Conference, Held at Madras on 25 July 1937. Bombay: R. D. Nadkarni, n.d. [1937].
  • My Crime. Bombay: Ramesh D. Nadkarni, n.d. [c. 1937].
  • The Russian Revolution: A Review and the Perspective. Calcutta: D. M. Library, n.d. [c. 1937].
  • Presidential Address of Com. M.N. Roy, First Rajputana-Central India Students' Conference, Benwar, 1 and 2 January 1938. Bombay: n.p., n.d. [1938].
  • All-India Sugar Mill Workers' Conference, Gorakhpur, Held on 30 April and 1 May 1938: Presidential Address by Manabendra Nath Roy. Gorakhpur: n.p., n.d. [1938].
  • Fascism: Its Philosophy, Professions and Practice. Calcutta: D.M. Library, 1938.
  • On the Congress Constitution. Calcutta: "Independent India" Office, 1938.
  • Our Differences. With V. B. Karnik. Calcuta: Saraswaty Library, 1938.
  • Our Problems. With V. B. Karnik. Calcutta; Barendra Library, 1938.
  • Gandhi vs. Roy: Containing Com. Roy's Letter to Gandhiji, the Latter's Reply and the Former's Rejoinder. Bombay: V. B. Karnik, 1939.
  • Heresies of the Twentieth Century: Philosophical Essays. Bombay: Renaissance Publishers, 1939.
  • Presidential Address by M. N. Roy at the First All-India Conference of the League of Radical Congressmen, Poona, 27 and 28 June 1939. Bombay: n.p., n.d. [1939].
  • Tripuri and After. Nasik: Radical Congressmen's League, n.d. [1930s].
  • Which Way, Lucknow? By a Radical Congressman (M. N. Roy). Bombay: M. R. Shetty, n.d. [1930s].
  • The Memoirs of a Cat. n.c. [Dehra Dun]: Renaissance Publishers, 1940.
  • Whither Europe? Bombay: Vora, 1940.
  • The Alternative. Bombay: Vora, 1940.
  • From Savagery to Civilisation. Calcutta: Digest Book House, 1940.
  • Gandhism, Nationalism, Socialism. Calcutta: Bengal Radical Club, 1940.
  • Science and Superstition. Dera Dun: Indian Renaissance Association, 1940.
  • Materialism: An Outline of the History of Scientific Thought. Dera Dun: Renaissance Publishers, 1940.
  • World Crisis (International Situation). (contributor) Ahmedabad: Gujarat Radical Democratic People's Party, 1940.
  • The Relation of Classes in the Struggle for Indian Freedom. Patna: Bihar Radical Democratic People's Party, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • Science, Philosophy and Politics. Moradabad: J. S. Agarwal, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • A New Path: Manifesto and Constitution of the Radical Democratic Party. Bombay: V. B. Karnik, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • Twentieth Century Jacobinism: Role of Marxism in Democratic Revolution. Patna: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • Some Fundamental Problems of Mass Mobilization. Calcutta: D. Goonawardhana, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • My Differences with the Congress: Speech at Allahbad University, 27 November 1940. Bombay: V. B. Karnik, League of Radical Congressmen, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • On Communal Question. With V. B. Karnik. Lucknow: A.P. Singh, n.d. [c. 1940].
  • Culture at the Crossroads: Cultural Requisites of Freedom. Calcutta: Leftist Book Club, n.d. [1940s].
  • Radical Democratic Party's Message to the USSR. Calcutta: D. Goonawardhan, n.d. [1940s].
  • Presidential Address by Com. M. N. Roy at the Maharashtra Provincial Conference of the Radical Democratic Party held at Poona on 22 and 23 March 1941, Bombay: V. B. Karnik, n.d. [1941].
  • The Ideal of Indian Womanhood. n.c. [Dehra Dun?]: Renaissance Publishers, 1941.
  • Problem of the Indian Revolution. Bombay: Rajaram Panday, 1941.
  • All-India Anti-Fascist Trade Union Conference: Presidential Address by M. N. Roy: Lahore, 29–30 November 1941. Lahore: M. A. Kahn, n.d. [1941].
  • Scientific Politics: Lectures in the All India Political Study Camp, Dehradun, May and June 1940: Held under Auspices of All-India League of Radical Congressmen. Dehra Dun: Indian Renaissance Association, 1942.
  • Freedom or Fascism? n.c. [Bombay?]: Radical Democratic Party, 1942.
  • India and the War. (contributor) Lucknow: Radical Democratic Party, 1942.
  • This War and Our Defence. Karachi: Sind Provincial Radical Democratic Party, 1942.
  • War and Revolution: International Civil War. Madras: Radical Democratic Party, 1942.
  • Origin of Radicalism in the Congress. Lucknow: S.S. Suri, 1942.
  • Library of a Revolutionary: Being a List of Books for Serious Political Study. Lucknow: New Life Union, for the Indian Renaissance Association, 1942.
  • This Way to Freedom: Report of the All-India Conference of the Radical Democratic Party held in December 1942. (contributor) Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1942.
  • Nationalism: An Antiquated Cult. Bombay: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [c. 1942].
  • Nationalism, Democracy, and Freedom. Bombay: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [c. 1942].
  • Letters from Jail. n.c. [Dehra Dun?]: Renaissance Publishing, 1943.
  • The Communist International. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1943.
  • What is Marxism? Bombay: n.p., 1943.
  • The Future of Socialism: Talk to the Calcutta Students' Club, November 1943. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, n.d. [1943].
  • Poverty or Plenty? Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1943.
  • Indian Labour and Post-war Reconstruction. Lucknow: A. P. Singh, 1943.
  • Indian Renaissance Movement: Three Lectures. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1944.
  • The Future of the Middle Class: Lecture Delivered in Poona on 29 May 1944, in the Annual Spring Lecture Series. Patna: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [1944].
  • Constitution of India, A Draft: Endorsed and Released for Public Discussion by the Central Secretariat of the Radical Democratic Party. Delhi: V. B. Karnik, 1944.
  • Your Future: An Appeal to the Educated Middle Class. Issued by the Radical Democratic Party. Lucknow: Radical Democratic Party, 1944.
  • Planning a New India. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, n.d. [c. 1944].
  • National Government or People's Government? Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, n.d. [c. 1944].
  • Constitution of Free India, A Draft by M. N. Roy: Endorsed and Released for Public Discussion by the Radical Democratic Party. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1945.
  • The Last Battles of Freedom: Being the Report of the Calcutta Conference of the Radical Democratic Party, 27 to 30 December 1944. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [1945].
  • Post-War Perspective: A Peep into the Future. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1945.
  • Future of Democracy in India: Being the Full Text of a Speech Delivered at a Public Meeting Held at the Town Hall, Lucknow, on 6 October 1945. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [1945].
  • The Problem of Freedom. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1945.
  • My Experiences in China. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1945.
  • Sino-Soviet Treaty. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1947.
  • Jawaharial Nehru, Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [c. 1945].
  • INA and the August Revolution. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1946.
  • Revolution and Counter-Revolution in China. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1946. —Published in German in 1931.
  • A New Orientation: Statement on the International Situation. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1946.
  • A New Orientation: Review and Perspective of the International Struggle for a New World Order of Democratic Freedom, Economic Prosperity, and Cultural Progress. Dehra Dun: Radical Democratic Party, Bengal, 1946.
  • New Orientation: Lectures Delivered at the Political Study Camp Held at Dehra Dun, from 8 to 18 May 1946. With Phillip Spratt. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1946.
  • Radical Democratic Party Conference Inaugural Address: Bombay, 20th, 21st, 22 December 1946: Presidential Address and Resolutions. Bombay: V. B. Karnik, n.d. [1947].
  • Principles of Radical Democracy: Adopted by the Third All-India Conference by the Radical Democratic Party of India held in Bombay, 26 to 29 December 1946. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1947. —Attributed to Roy.
  • Leviathan and Octopus. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, n.d. [1947].
  • Asia and the World: A Manifesto. Delhi: Radical Democratic Party, 1947.
  • Science and Philosophy. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1947.
  • New Humanism: A Manifesto. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1947.
  • Beyond Communism. With Philip Spratt. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1947.
  • A New Approach to the Communal Program: Lecture Delivered at the International Fellowship, Madras, 22 February 1941. Bombay: V. B. Karnik, n.d. [c. 1947].
  • The Russian Revolution. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1949.
  • India's Message. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1950.
  • The Rhythm of Cosmos: Inaugural Address of the Second All-India Rationalist Conference at Tenali held on 9 and 10 February 1952. Tenali: n.p., n.d. [1952].
  • Radical Humanism. New Delhi: n.p., 1952.
  • Reason, Romanticism and Revolution. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1952.
  • The Way Ahead in Asia. n.c.: British Information Service in Southeast Asia, n.d. [c. 1950s].
  • Crime and Karma, Cats and Women. Calcutta: Renaissance Publishers, 1957.
  • Memoirs. Bombay: Allied Publishers, 1964. —Reissued 1984.

