

座標31°46′55″N 35°13′10″E / 31.78194°N 35.21944°E / 31.78194; 35.21944

31°46′55″N 35°13′10″E / 31.78194°N 35.21944°E / 31.78194; 35.21944


西耶路撒冷希伯來語מַעֲרַב יְרוּשָׁלַיִם‎, Ma'aráv Yerushaláyim; 阿拉伯語:القدس الغربية‎, al-Quds al-Ġarbiyyah)是耶路撒冷城中,自1949年第一次中東戰爭後由以色列管轄的區域,耶路撒冷的其他區域(東耶路撒冷)在1967年第三次中東戰爭被以色列佔領前由約旦管轄,兩地區以綠線1949年停戰協議訂定的實際分界線)相隔[1]。西耶路撒冷由以色列控制及事實上擁有主權。雖然自從第三次中東戰爭後,以色列已控制包括東耶路撒冷在內的整個耶路撒冷。但國際上仍將東西耶路撒冷之間的邊界視為是法理上的邊界,主因是這在確認耶路撒冷地位英語status of Jerusalem上的重要性,而此問題是阿以衝突以巴衝突的主要爭議點。大部份的情形下,國際上不會將完整的耶路撒冷視為是以色列或是巴勒斯坦國的領土[2][3]。較多國家的外交立場是支持以色列只統治西耶路撒冷,像聯合國就將東耶路撒冷視為是約旦河西岸以色列佔領區的一部份[4]





  1. ^ Key Maps. Jerusalem: Before 1967 and now. BBC News. [2013-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-10). 
  2. ^ Dumper 1997,第35–36頁.
  3. ^ Moshe Hirsch; Deborah Housen-Couriel; Ruth Lapidot. Whither Jerusalem?: Proposals and Positions Concerning the Future of Jerusalem. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 28 June 1995: 15. ISBN 978-90-411-0077-1. What, then, is Israel's status in west Jerusalem? Two main answers have been adduced: (a) Israel has sovereignty in this area; and (b) sovereignty lies with the Palestinian people or is suspended. 
  4. ^ Bisharat, George. Maximizing Rights. Susan M. Akram; Michael Dumper; Michael Lynk (編). International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Rights-Based Approach to Middle East Peace. Routledge. 23 December 2010: 311 [2016-02-20]. ISBN 978-1-136-85098-1. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-18). As we have noted previously the international legal status of Jerusalem is contested and Israel’s designation of it as its capital has not been recognized by the international community. However its claims of sovereign rights to the city are stronger with respect to West Jerusalem than with respect to East Jerusalem. 
  5. ^ Dumper, Michael. The politics of Jerusalem since 1967. Columbia University Press. 1997: 35–36 [2014-06-26]. ISBN 978-0231106405. (原始內容存檔於2020-02-07). 

