

User language
zh-Hant-MO-0 這位使用者不瞭解(或在一定程度上難以理解)中文(澳門)
de-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
de-x-formal-N Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch (Sie-Form) als Muttersprache.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
en-GB-3 This user has advanced knowledge of British English.
de-AT-0 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Österreichisches Deutsch nicht (oder versteht es nur mit beträchtlichen Schwierigkeiten).
de-CH-0 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Schweizer Hochdeutsch nicht (oder versteht es nur mit beträchtlichen Schwierigkeiten).
nds-0 Disse Bruker versteiht nix vun Plattdüütsch (oder versteiht dat blot mit ganz grote Swierigkeiten).
lb-0 Dëse Benotzer versteet kee Lëtzebuergesch (oder versteet et just mat grousse Schwieregkeeten).
eo-0 Ĉi tiu uzanto ne komprenas Esperanton, aŭ tre malfacile komprenas.
fr-0 Cet utilisateur n’a aucune connaissance en français (ou le comprend avec de grandes difficultés).
ja-0 この利用者は日本語分かりません (または理解するのがかなり困難です)。
vi-0 Thành viên này hoàn toàn không biết tiếng Việt (hoặc rất khó khăn để hiểu).
Users by language

Ge Morje!

I am Nw520 but if there's ever the need to speak that out please feel free to abbreviate that to “Nasi” [ˈnaːzɪ].

My most active wiki would be  Wikidata. From time to time you can also find me on  Wikivoyage DE,  Commons and  Wikipedia DE, as well as  OpenStreetMap (Wiki).
A special concern of my participation in the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation and the OpenStreetMap is to link data between each project in the best possible way.

In Wikidata I mainly add membership relations, German governmental organizations and awards. Or in short: Things that look impressive in a SPARQL graph. Except inverse properties - with each new one, a part of me dies.

Thematic focuses



  • no active participation, now and then only typo correction and sighting


  • maintenance tasks

My projects


  • Rsolver (). Tool for automatically resolving Wikidata entity ids from a given list of search queries. Usable and more or less finished but there are still some features I'd like to implement.
  • VoyageData.js (Gadget, de). Assistant for finding possibly corresponding Wikidata entities for vCards/Markers.
  • vCaTA.js (Gadget, de). Gadget for displaying vCard-types. Just a QOL improvement.
  • StraightToCommons.js (Gadget)
  • WikidataOnOsm.js (Gadget)
  • WikidataUtils.js (Gadget)

Maybe usable? Probably rather not

  • vCard-Assistant ( ). On hiatus (core functionality implemented and ready to be tested — awaiting some changes to OOUI.js): New vCard-Assistant ("listing editor") for (currently only German) Wikivoyage using OOUI for mobile support.
  • EntityCompare (). In development. Tabular view of Wikidata entities. Overlaps with TABernacle but is intended to focus on displaying and comparing data (or its absence) rather than editing.
  • Pain for Wikidata (). Private-ish thingy. If QuickStatements just don't cut it
  • Ubiquitous Wikidata ( ). Dead: Tool for viewing Wikidata entities which are connected to OpenStreetMap or which are not.
    • WikiOSMerged ( ). Dead: Will be merged into Ubiquitous Wikidata
    • IntertwinedMap ( ). Dead: Might be merged into Ubiquitous Wikidata. OpenStreetMap-based map with integration of Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.

VOY Wikivoyage


  • insource:/¥/ Fehlerhaftes Zeichen
  • insource:/‘’|’’/ Typografisches Kriegsverbrechen
  • insource:/[^&](nbsp|#x202F);/ Kaputtes Markup
  • insource:/url *= *https?:\/\/.{0,2}.wikipedia[^ #|]+[ |]/ url verweist zu Wikipedia. ⇒ Besser |wikidata= setzen.
  • insource:/\{\{Ausfahrt\|[^|]*?[0-9]+[^|]*?\}\}/ Zahl im ersten Parameter der Vorlage Ausfahrt. ⇒ Ausfahrtnummer in zweiten Parameter setzen.
  • insource:/url[^|}]*facebook\.com/ Facebook als URL. ⇒ Besser |facebook= setzen.
  • insource:/[?&](fbclid|gclid|scid|utm_|source)=/ Tracking-Parameter ⇒ entfernen. (volle Auflistung)
  • insource:/twitter\.com\/intent|facebook\.com\/sharer/ Social-Share-Link ⇒ entfernen.