


Né en 1984 à Montpellier, je vis et travaille actuellement en Belgique. Je contribue principalement à la Wikipedia francophone et sur Commons. Mes notions de langues me permettent de consulter également les wikipedia anglophone, germanophone et italophone.

I'm born in 1984 at Montpellier (France) and I currently live and work in Belgium. I mainly contribute to the french-speaking Wikipedia and to Commons. I am allowed by my knowledge of languages to read also the english-speaking wikipedia, german-speaking wikipedia and italian-speaking wikipedia.

Sono nato in 1984 a Montpellier (Francia) e lavoro e vivo attualmente in Belgio. Le mie contributi si fanno principalmente sulla Wikipedia francofona e su Commons. Grazia le mie conoscenze linguistiche, leggo anche le Wikipedie inglesa, tedesca e italiana.