
模板:Country data Austria-Hungary/doc




Template:Country data Habsburg Monarchy  哈布斯堡君主国
Template:Country data Archduchy of Austria  奥地利大公国
Template:Country data Lands of the Bohemian Crown  波希米亚王冠领地
Template:Country data Austrian Silesia  奥地利西里西亚
Template:Country data Margraviate of Moravia  摩拉维亚侯国
Template:Country data Kingdom of Dalmatia  达尔马提亚王国
Template:Country data Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria  加利西亚和洛多梅里亚王国
Template:Country data County of Tyrol  提洛伯国
Template:Country data Duchy of Bukovina  布科维纳公国
Template:Country data Duchy of Carinthia  克恩顿公国
Template:Country data Duchy of Carniola  卡尼奥拉公国
Template:Country data Duchy of Salzburg  萨尔茨堡公国
Template:Country data Austrian Littoral  奥地利滨海区
Template:Country data Imperial Free City of Trieste  的里雅斯特帝国自由市
Template:Country data Princely County of Gorizia and Gradisca  戈里齐亚和格拉迪斯
Template:Country data March of Istria  伊斯特拉边区
Template:Country data Vorarlberg  福拉尔贝格州


Template:Country data Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen  圣史蒂芬王冠领
Template:Country data Principality of Transylvania  外西凡尼亚
Template:Country data Voivodeship of Serbia and Banat of Temeschwar  塞尔维亚省和蒂米甚瓦拉州
Template:Country data Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia  克罗地亚-斯拉沃尼亚王国
Template:Country data Kingdom of Croatia (Habsburg)  克罗地亚王国
Template:Country data Kingdom of Slavonia  斯拉沃尼亚王国
Template:Country data Fiume  阜姆自由邦


Template:Country data Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina  奥匈帝国统治下的波斯尼亚和赫塞哥维纳