English: Index of drift ice of the North Atlantic, derived from ice rafted debris found in ocean sediment cores at four locations; numbers indicate bond events. See fig 2, series 7 in Bond et al. (2001), events as in Wanner (2016), p.121, data as in Fig 2 "g" of Bond, Evans, Muscheler (2008), see "sources" for details
Deutsch: Treibeisindex für den Nordatlantik, abgeleitet anhand von ice rafted debris (mit Treibeis transportiertem Gesteinsmaterial) aus vier Sediment-Bohrkernens; die Nummern bezeichnen Bond Ereignisse. Siehe Abb. 2, Zeitreihe 7, in Bond et al. (2001), die Ereignisse wurden ähnlich wie in Wanner (2016), S.121, mit Nummern versehen, Daten aus Fig 2 "g" in Bond, Evans, Muscheler (2008). Genauer unter "sources"
自己的作品, data: Bond, G.C., et al. 2008. North Atlantic Holocene Drift Ice Proxy Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2008-018. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.
Bond, G.C., B. Kromer, J. Beer, R. Muscheler, M.N. Evans, W. Showers, S. Hoffmann, R. Lotti-Bond, I. Hajdas, and G. Bonani. 2001. Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate During the Holocene. Science, Vol. 294, Issue 5549, pp. 2130-2136 (7 December 2001). DOI: 10.1126/science.1065680.
Data: Bond, Evans, Muscheler. 2008. North Atlantic Holocene Drift Ice Proxy Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2008-018. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. Found at: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/contributions_by_author/bond2001/bond2001.txt , accessed January 8th, 2019.
Labels have been added manually and placed as in Heinz Wanner: Klima und Mensch. Eine 12'000-jährige Geschichte. Haupt, 2016, ISBN978-3-258-07879-3, Pages 120–124.
Please note that the data as given by Bond, Evans, Muscheler (2008) and as plotted in Wanner (2016) deviates from Bond et al. 2001, fig 2., in the scale of the y-axis.
{{Information |description ={{en|1=Index of drift ice of the North Atlantic, derived from ice rafted debris found in ocean sediment cores at four locations; numbers indicate bond events. See fig 2, series 7 in Bond et al. (2001), events as in Wanner (2016), p.121, data as in Fig 2 "g" of Bond, Evans, Muscheler (2008), see "sources" for details }} {{de|1=Treibeisindex für den Nordatlantik, abgeleitet anhand von [[:en:Ice rafted debris|ice rafted...