

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-


Script to welcome new users. This script works out of the box for Wikis that
have been defined in the script. It is currently used on the Dutch, Norwegian,
Arabian, Albanian, Italian Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and English Wikiquote.

Note: You can download the latest version available
from here: http://botwiki.sno.cc/wiki/Python:Welcome.py

Ensure you have community support before running this bot!

URLs to current implementations:
* Arabic Wikipedia: http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/ويكيبيديا:سجل الترحيب
* Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Welcome_log
* Dutch Wikipedia: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Logboek_welkom
* Italian Wikipedia: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Benvenuto_log
* English Wikiquote: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Wikiquote:Welcome_log
* Persian Wikipedia: http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/ویکی‌پدیا:سیاهه خوشامد

Everything that needs customisation to support additional projects is
indicated by comments.

Description of basic functionality:
* Request a list of new users every period (default: 3600 seconds)
  You can choose to break the script after the first check (see arguments)
* Check if new user has passed a threshold for a number of edits
  (default: 1 edit)
* Optional: check username for bad words in the username or if the username
  consists solely of numbers; log this somewhere on the wiki (default: False)
  Update: Added a whitelist (explanation below).
* If user has made enough edits (it can be also 0), check if user has an empty
  talk page
* If user has an empty talk page, add a welcome message.
* Optional: Once the set number of users have been welcomed, add this to the
  configured log page, one for each day (default: True)
* If no log page exists, create a header for the log page first.

This script (by default not yet implemented) uses two templates that need to
be on the local wiki:
* {{WLE}}: contains mark up code for log entries (just copy it from Commons)
* {{welcome}}: contains the information for new users

This script understands the following command-line arguments:

    -edit[:#]      Define how many edits a new user needs to be welcomed
                   (default: 1)

    -time[:#]      Define how many seconds the bot sleeps before restart
                   (default: 3600)

    -break         Use it if you don't want that the Bot restart at the end
                   (it will break) (default: False)

    -nlog          Use this parameter if you do not want the bot to log all
                   welcomed users (default: False)

    -limit[:#]     Use this parameter to define how may users should be
                   checked (default:50)

    -offset[:#]    Skip the latest # new users to give interactive users
                   a chance to welcome the new user (default: 0)

    -numberlog[:#] The number of users to welcome before refreshing the
                   welcome log (default: 4)

    -filter        Enable the username checks for bad names (default: False)

    -ask           Use this parameter if you want to confirm each possible
                   bad username (default: False)

    -random        Use a random signature, taking the signatures from a wiki
                   page (for istruction, see below).

    -file[:#]      Use a file instead of a wikipage to take the random sign.
                   N.B. If you use this parameter, you don't need to use -random.

    -savedata      This feature saves the random signature index to allow to
                   continue to welcome with the last signature used.

********************************* GUIDE ***********************************

Report, Bad and white list guide:

1)  Set in the code which page it will use to load the badword, the
    whitelist and the report
2)  In these page you have to add a "tuple" with the names that you want to
    add in the two list. For example: ('cat', 'mouse', 'dog')
    You can write also other text in the page, it will work without problem.
3)  What will do the two pages? Well, the Bot will check if a badword is in
    the username and set the "warning" as True. Then the Bot check if a word
    of the whitelist is in the username. If yes it remove the word and
    recheck in the bad word list to see if there are other badword in the
        * dio is a badword
        * Claudio is a normal name
        * The username is "Claudio90 fuck!"
        * The Bot find dio and set "warning"
        * The Bot find Claudio and set "ok"
        * The Bot find fuck at the end and set "warning"
        * Result: The username is reported.
4)  When a user is reported you have to check him and do:
        * If he's ok, put the {{welcome}}
        * If he's not, block him
        * You can decide to put a "you are blocked, change another username"
          template or not.
        * Delete the username from the page.
        IMPORTANT : The Bot check the user in this order:
            * Search if he has a talkpage (if yes, skip)
            * Search if he's blocked, if yes he will be skipped
            * Search if he's in the report page, if yes he will be skipped
            * If no, he will be reported.

Random signature guide:

Some welcomed users will answer to the one who has signed the welcome message.
When you welcome many new users, you might be overwhelmed with such answers.
Therefore you can define usernames of other users who are willing to receive
some of these messages from newbies.

1) Set the page that the bot will load
2) Add the signatures in this way:


* [[User:Filnik|Filnik]]
* [[User:Rock|Rock]]

NOTE: The white space and <pre></pre> aren't required but I suggest you to
      use them.

*************************** Known issues/FIXMEs ****************************
* use default pages if a wiki is not configured, so no configuration of
  the script would be required at all. Suggestion: use English language
* The regex to load the user might be slightly different from project to project.
  (in this case, write to Filnik for help...)
* Understand if it's the case to use a class to group toghether the functions used.

******************************** Badwords ***********************************

The list of Badwords of the code is opened. If you think that a word is international
and it must be blocked in all the projects feel free to add it. If also you think that
a word isn't so international, feel free to delete it.

However, there is a dinamic-wikipage to load that badwords of your project or you can
add them directly in the source code that you are using without adding or deleting.

Some words, like "Administrator" or "Dio" (God in italian) or "Jimbo" aren't badword at all
but can be used to some bad-nickname.
# (C) Alfio, 2005
# (C) Kyle/Orgullomoore, 2006-2007
# (C) Siebrand Mazeland, 2006-2007
# (C) Filnik, 2007
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2007
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
__version__ = '$Id: welcome.py,v 1.4 2007/04/14 18:05:42 siebrand Exp$'

import wikipedia, config, locale
import time, re, cPickle, os, urllib
import codecs

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

# Script users the class wikipedia.translate() to find the right
# page/user/summary/etc so the need to specify language and project have
# been eliminated.
# FIXME: Not all language/project combinations have been defined yet.
#       Add the following strings to customise for a language:
#       logbook, talk_page, summary, netext, summary2, user, con, report_page
#       comment, bad_pag, report_text, logt, random_sign and whitelist_pg.


# The text below are dictionaries. Copy the 'en' line, change 'en' in your
# language (e.g. 'de') and modify/translate the text.

#The page where the bot will save the log (e.g. Wikipedia:Welcome log).
logbook = {
    'commons': u'Project:Welcome log',
    'ar': u'Project:سجل الترحيب',
    'de': None, # no welcome log on de.wiki
    'en': u'Project:Welcome log',
    'fa': u'Project:سیاهه خوشامد',
    'it': u'Project:Benvenuto log',
    'nl': u'Project:Logboek welkom',
    'no': u'Project:Velkomstlogg',
    'sq': u'Project:Tung log',
	'zh': u'user:Welcomebot/欢迎日志',
#The edit summary for the welcome message (e.g. Welcome!).
summary = {
    'de':u'Herzlich willkommen!',
    'fa':u'خوش آمدید!',
# The text for the welcome message (e.g. {{welcome}}) and %s at the end
# that is your signature (the bot has a random parameter to add different
# sign, so in this way it will change according to your parameters).
netext = {
    'commons':u'{{subst:welcome}} %s',
    'ar':u'{{نسخ:مستخدم:Alnokta/ترحيب}} %s',
    'de':u'{{subst:Hallo}} %s',
    'en':u'{{subst:welcome}} %s',
    'fa':u'{{جا:خوشامد}} %s',
    'it':u'{{Benvebot}} %s',
    'nl':u'{{Welkomstbericht}} %s',
    'no':u'{{subst:bruker:jhs/vk}} %s',
    'sq':u'{{subst:tung}} %s',
	'zh':u'{{subst:welcome}} %s',
# The edit summary for updating the welcome log (e.g. Updating log).
summary2 = {
    'commons':u'Updating log',
    'ar':u'تحديث السجل',
    'de':u'Aktualisiere Logdatei',
    'en':u'Updating log',
    'fa':u'به روز رسانی سیاهه',
    'it':u'Aggiorno il log',
    'nl':u'Logboek bijwerken',
    'no':u'Oppdaterer logg',
    'sq':u'Rifreskoj log',
# The page where the bot will report users with a possibly bad username.
report_page = {
    'commons': u'Project:Administrators\' noticeboard/User problems/Usernames to be checked',
    'ar': 'Project:إخطار الإداريين/أسماء مستخدمين للفحص',
    'de': u'Benutzer:Filnik/Report',
    'en': u'Project:Administrator intervention against vandalism',
    'fa': u'Project:تابلوی اعلانات مدیران/گزارش ربات',
    'it': u'Utente:Filbot/Report',
    'nl': u'Project:Verzoekpagina voor moderatoren/RegBlok/Te controleren gebruikersnamen',
    'no': u'Bruker:JhsBot II/Rapport',
    'sq': u'User:EagleBot/Report',
# The edit summary for reporting a possibly bad username.
comment = {
    'commons':u'Adding a username that needs to be checked',
    'ar':u'إضافة اسم مستخدم يحتاج للفحص',
    'de':u'Ergänze zu überprüfenden Benutzernamen',
    'en':u'Adding a username that needs to be checked',
    'fa':u'افزودن حساب کاربری نیازمند بررسی',
    'it':u'Aggiunto utente da controllare',
    'nl':u'Te controleren gebruikersnaam toegevoegd',
    'no':u'Legger til et brukernavn som m? sjekkes',
    'sq':u'Added username to be checked',
# The page where the bot reads the real-time bad words page
# (this parameter is optional).
bad_pag = {
    'commons': u'Project:Welcome log/Bad_names',
    'ar': u'Project:سجل الترحيب/أسماء سيئة',
    'en': u'Project:Welcome log/Bad_names',
    'fa': u'Project:سیاهه خوشامد/نام بد',
    'it': u'Utente:Filbot/Bad_words',
    'nl': u'Project:Logboek_welkom/Bad_names',
    'no': u'Bruker:JhsBot/Daarlige ord',
    'sq': u'User:Eagleal/Bad_names',
# The text for reporting a possibly bad username (e.g. *[[Talk_page:Username|Username]]).
timeselected = u' {{subst:LOCALTIME}}, {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC).'
report_text = {
    'commons':u"\n*{{user3|%s}}" + timeselected,
    'ar':u"\n*{{user13|%s}}" + timeselected,
    'de':u'\n*[[Benutzer Diskussion:%s]] ' + timeselected,
    'en':u'\n*{{Userlinks|%s}} ' + timeselected,
    'fa':u'\n*{{کاربر|%s}}' + timeselected,
    'nl':u'\n*{{linkgebruiker%s}} ' + timeselected,
    'no':u'\n*{{bruker|%s}} ' + timeselected,
    'sq':u'\n*[[User:%s]] ' + timeselected,
# Set where you load your list of signatures that the bot will load if you use
# the random argument (this parameter is optional).
random_sign = {
    'ar': u'ويكيبيديا:سجل الترحيب/توقيعات',
    'fa': u'Project:سیاهه خوشامد/امضاها',
    'en': u'User:Filnik/Sign',
    'it': u'Project:Benvenuto log/User',
	'zh': u'user:Welcomebot/欢迎日志/用户',
# The page where the bot reads the real-time whitelist page.
# (this parameter is optional).
whitelist_pg = {
    'ar':u'ويكيبيديا:سجل الترحيب/قائمةبيضاء',
# Add your project (in alphabetical order) if you want that the bot start.
project_inserted = ['ar', 'commons', 'de', 'en', 'fa', 'it', 'nl', 'no', 'sq','zh']

# Ok, that's all. What is below, is the rest of code, now the code is fixed
# and it will run correctly in your project ;)

class FilenameNotSet(wikipedia.Error):
    """An exception indicating that a signature filename was not specifed."""

class NoProjectFound(wikipedia.Error):
    """An exception indicating that the Bot can't find the Project's parameters."""

# Function stolen from wikipedia.py and modified.
def urlname(talk_page, site):
    """The name of the page this Page refers to, in a form suitable for the URL of the page."""
    title = talk_page.replace(" ", "_")
    encodedTitle = title.encode(site.encoding())
    return urllib.quote(encodedTitle)

def load_word_function(wsite, raw):
    """ This is a function used to load the badword and the whitelist."""
    list_loaded = list()
    pos = 0
    # I search with a regex how many user have not the talk page
    # and i put them in a list (i find it more easy and secure).
    while 1:
        regl = r"(\"|\')(.*?)(\"|\')(, |\))"
        page = re.compile(regl, re.UNICODE)
        xl = page.search(raw, pos)
        if xl == None:
            if len(list_loaded) >= 1:
                wikipedia.output(u'\nReal-time list loaded.')
                return list_loaded
            elif len(done) == 0:
                wikipedia.output(u'There was no input on the real-time page.')
                load_2 = False
        pos = xl.end()
        badword = xl.group(2)
        if badword not in list_loaded:

def parselog(wsite, raw, talk, number):
    """ The function to load the users (only users who have a certain number of edits) """
    done = list()
    pos = 0
    # I search with a regex how many user have not the talk page
    # and i put them in a list (i find it more easy and secure).
    while 1:
        # FIXME: That's the regex, if there are problems, take a look here.
        reg = r'\(<a href=\"/w/index.php\?title=' + talk + r'(.*?)&(amp;|)action=edit\"'
        p = re.compile(reg, re.UNICODE)
        x = p.search(raw, pos)
        if x == None:
            if len(done) >= 1:
                wikipedia.output(u'\nLoaded all users...')
            elif len(done) == 0:
                wikipedia.output(u'There is nobody to be welcomed...')
        pos = x.end()
        username = x.group(1)
        if username not in done:
        userpage = wikipedia.Page(wsite, username)
        usertalkpage = wikipedia.Page(wsite, talk + username)
        # Defing the contrib's page of the user.
        pathWiki = wsite.family.nicepath(wsite.lang)
        con = pathWiki + 'Special:Contributions/'+ userpage.urlname()
        # Getting the contribs...
        contribs = wsite.getUrl(con)
        contribnum = contribs.count('<li>') # Maxes at 50, but not important.
        if contribnum >= number:
            wikipedia.output(u'%s has enough edits to be welcomed' % username )
            # The user must be welcomed, return his data.
            yield [username, contribnum]
        elif contribnum < number:
            if contribnum == 0:
                wikipedia.output(u'%s has no contributions.' % username )
                # That user mustn't be welcomed, return None.
                yield None
                wikipedia.output(u'%s has only %s contributions.' % (username, str(contribnum)) )
                # That user mustn't be welcomed, return None.
                yield None

def report(wsite, rep_page, username, com, rep):
    """  The function to report the username to a wiki-page. """
    another_page = wikipedia.Page(wsite, rep_page)
    if another_page.exists():
        text_get = another_page.get()
        text_get = u'This is a report page for the Bad-username, please translate me. --[[User:%s|%s]]' % (config.usernames[project], config.usernames[project])
    pos = 0
    # The talk page includes "_" between the two names, in this way i replace them to " ".
    username = wikipedia.url2link(username, wsite, wsite)
    regex = username
    n = re.compile(regex, re.UNICODE)
    y = n.search(text_get, pos)
    if y == None:
        # Adding the log.
        rep_text = rep % username
        another_page.put(text_get + rep_text, comment = com, minorEdit = True)
        pos = y.end()
        wikipedia.output(u'%s is already in the report page.' % username)

def blocked(wsite, username):
    """ The function to understand if the user is blocked or not. """
    pathWiki = wsite.family.nicepath(wsite.lang)
    #A little function to check if the user has already been blocked (to skip him).
    reg = r"""<li>\d\d:\d\d, \d(\d)? (.*?) \d\d\d\d <a href=\"""" + pathWiki + r"""(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</a> \(<a href=\"""" + pathWiki + r"""(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</a>"""
    block_text = wsite.getUrl('/w/index.php?title=Special:Log/block&page=User:' + username)
    numblock = re.findall(reg, block_text)
    # If the bot doesn't find block-line (that means the user isn't blocked), it will return False otherwise True.
    if len(numblock) == 0:
        # No problem.
        return False
        # User Blocked.
        return True

def defineSign(wsite, signPageTitle, fileSignName = None, fileOption = False):
    """ Function to load the random signatures. """
    reg = r"^\* ?(.*?)$"
    creg = re.compile(reg, re.M)
    if fileOption == False:
        signPage = wikipedia.Page(wsite, signPageTitle)
        signText = signPage.get()
        if fileSignName == None:
            wikipedia.output(u'Error! - No fileName!')
            raise FilenameNotSet("No signature filename specified.")
            f = codecs.open(wikipedia.datafilepath(fileSignName), 'r',
            f = codecs.open(wikipedia.datafilepath(fileSignName), 'r',
        signText = f.read()

    listSign = creg.findall(signText)
    return listSign

def logmaker(wsite, welcomed_users, logg, summ2, usernam, contrib):
    """ Deduct the correct sub page name from the current date """
    safety = list()
    if wsite.lang == 'it':
        target = logg + '/' + time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
        target = logg + '/' + time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
    page = wikipedia.Page(wsite, target)
    except wikipedia.NoPage:
        #Add the table heading each new period. See http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Welcome_log
        if wsite.lang == 'it':
            safety.append(u'[[Categoria:Benvenuto log|{{subst:PAGENAME}}]]\n{|border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1em; padding: 0.5em; background: #bfcda5; border: 1px #b6fd2c solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;"')
        elif wsite.lang == 'no':
            safety.append(u'[[Kategori:Velkomstlogg|{{PAGENAME}}]]\n{| class="wikitable"')
            safety.append(u'{|border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1em; padding: 0.5em; background: #bfcda5; border: 1px #b6fd2c solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;"')
        # The string below show how the "Usernames" will be notified.
        safety.append('\n!' + usernam)
        # The string below show how the "Contribs" will be notified.
        safety.append(u'\n!' + contrib)

    for found_result in welcomed_users:
        # Adding the log... (don't take care of the variable's name...).
        luserpage = str(found_result[100])
        luser = wikipedia.url2link(luserpage, wsite, wsite)
        edit_count = str(found_result[111])
        logtext = u'\n{{WLE|user=%s|contribs=%s}}' % (luser, edit_count)
        page.put(''.join(safety), summ2)
        return True
    except wikipedia.EditConflict:
        wikipedia.output(u'An edit conflict has occured. Pausing for 10 seconds before continuing.')
        page = wikipedia.Page(wsite, target)
            page.put(u''.join(safety), summ2)
            return True
        except wikipedia.EditConflict:
            wikipedia.output(u'Another edit conflict... Skipping...')
            return False

def mainSettings():
    """ Function to get the settings via arg and return them """
    number = 1                  # number of edits that an user required to be welcomed
    numberlog = 15              # number of users that are required to add the log :)
    limit = 50                  # number of users that the bot load to check
    offset_variable = 0         # number of newest users to skip each run
    recursive = True            # define if the Bot is recursive or not
    time_variable = 3600        # how much time (sec.) the bot sleeps before restart
    log_variable = True         # create the welcome log or not
    ask = False                 # should bot ask to add username to bad-username list
    filter_wp = False           # check if the username is ok or not
    sign = ' --~~~~'            # default signature
    random = False              # should signature be random or not
    savedata = False            # should save the signature index or not
    filename = 'welcome.data'   # file where is stored the random signature index
    fileOption = False          # check if the user wants to use a file or the wikipage
    fileSignName = None         # File name, default: None

    # The block below is used for the parameters.
    for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
        if arg.startswith('-edit'):
            if len(arg) == 5:
                number = int(wikipedia.input(u'After how many edits would you like to welcome new users? (0 is allowed)'))
                number = int(arg[6:])
        elif arg.startswith('-time'):
            if len(arg) == 5:
                time_variable = int(wikipedia.input(u'For how many seconds would you like to bot to sleep before checking again?'))
                time_variable = int(arg[6:])
        elif arg.startswith('-offset'):
            if len(arg) == 7:
                offset_variable = int(wikipedia.input(u'Which offset for new users would you like to use?'))
                offset_variable = int(arg[8:])
        elif arg.startswith('-file:'):
            random = True
            fileOption = True
            if len(arg) == 6:
                fileSignName = wikipedia.input(u'Where have you saved your signatures?')
                fileSignName = arg[6:]
        elif arg == '-break':
            recursive = False
        elif arg == '-nlog':
            log_variable = False
        elif arg == '-ask':
            ask = True
        elif arg == '-filter':
            filter_wp = True
        elif arg == '-savedata':
            savedata = True
        elif arg == '-random':
            random = True
        elif arg.startswith('-limit'):
            if len(arg) == 6:
                limit = int(wikipedia.input(u'How many of the latest new users would you like to load?'))
                limit = int(arg[7:])
        elif arg.startswith('-numberlog'):
            if len(arg) == 10:
                numberlog = int(wikipedia.input(u'After how many welcomed users would you like to update the welcome log?'))
                numberlog = int(arg[11:])
    # TODO: Maybe it's better change the tuple with a dictionary..
    return (None, ask, filename, fileOption, fileSignName, filter_wp, limit, log_variable, number, numberlog, offset_variable, random, recursive,
            savedata, sign, time_variable)

def main(settingsBot):
    # Taking the messages inside the function namespace.
    global netext; global summary; global logbook; global summary2; global report_page; global project_inserted
    global comment; global bad_pag; global report_text; global random_sign; global whitelist_pg

                      0     1      2           3           4           5         6         7          8         9           10            11
    Returned tuple: (None, ask, filename, fileOption, fileSignName, filter_wp, limit, log_variable, number, numberlog, offset_variable, random,
    (mainSettings())   12        13      14        15
                   recursive, savedata, sign, time_variable)
    # Loading the option of the mainSettings()
    ask = settingsBot[1]; filename = settingsBot[2]; fileOption = settingsBot[3]; fileSignName = settingsBot[4]; filter_wp = settingsBot[5]
    limit = settingsBot[6]; log_variable = settingsBot[7]; number = settingsBot[8]; numberlog = settingsBot[9]; offset_variable = settingsBot[10]
    random = settingsBot[11]; recursive = settingsBot[12]; savedata = settingsBot[13]; sign = settingsBot[14]; time_variable = settingsBot[15]

    # The site
    wsite = wikipedia.getSite()

    # A little block-statement to ensure that the bot won't start with en-parameters.
    if wsite.lang not in project_inserted:
        raise NoProjectFound(u'Your project is not supported by the framework. You have to edit the script and add it!')

    # The follow lines translate the language's parameters.
    welcomer = wikipedia.translate(wsite, netext)
    summ = wikipedia.translate(wsite, summary)
    logg = wikipedia.translate(wsite, logbook)
    summ2 = wikipedia.translate(wsite, summary2)
    rep_page = wikipedia.translate(wsite, report_page)
    com = wikipedia.translate(wsite, comment)
    bad_page = wikipedia.translate(wsite, bad_pag)
    rep_text = wikipedia.translate(wsite, report_text)
    signPageTitle = wikipedia.translate(wsite, random_sign)
    wtlpg = wikipedia.translate(wsite, whitelist_pg)

    usernam = wsite.namespace(2)
    contrib = wsite.mediawiki_message('contribslink').capitalize()
    # The talk_page's variable gives "Talk page".
    talk_page = wsite.namespace(3)
    talk = urlname(talk_page, wsite) + ':'

    # Some project of the same language, have different settings. (this is the place to add them).
    if wsite.family.name == "wikinews" and wsite.lang == "it":
        welcomer = u'{{subst:benvenuto|%s}}'
        sign = 'Tooby'
    elif wsite.family.name == "wiktionary" and wsite.lang == "it":
        welcomer = u'{{subst:Utente:Filnik/Benve|nome={{subst:PAGENAME}}}} %s'
    elif wsite.family.name == "wikiversity" and wsite.lang == "it":
        welcomer = u'{{subst:Benvenuto}} %s'

    welcomed_users = list()
    if savedata == True and os.path.exists(wikipedia.datafilepath(filename)):
        f = file(filename)
        number_user = cPickle.load(f)
        yield number_user
        number_user = 0
        yield number_user

    # Here there is the main loop.
    while True:
        if filter_wp == True:
            # A standard list of bad username components (you can change/delate it in your project...).
            # [ I divided the list into three to make it smaller...]
            elencoaf =      [' ano', ' anus', 'anal ', 'babies', 'baldracca', 'balle', 'bastardo',
                            'bestiali', 'bestiale', 'bastarda', 'b.i.t.c.h.', 'bitch', 'boobie',
                            'bordello', 'breast', 'cacata', 'cacca', 'cachapera', 'cagata',
                            'cane', 'cazz', 'cazzo', 'cazzata', 'chiavare', 'chiavata', 'chick',
                            'christ ', 'cristo', 'clitoride', 'coione', 'cojdioonear', 'cojones',
                            'cojo', 'coglione', 'coglioni', 'cornuto', 'cula', 'culatone',
                            'culattone', 'culo', 'deficiente', 'deficente', 'dio', 'die ',
                            'died ', 'ditalino', 'ejackulate', 'enculer', 'eroticunt', 'fanculo',
                            'fellatio', 'fica ', 'ficken', 'figa', 'sfiga', 'fottere', 'fotter',
                            'fottuto', 'fuck', 'f.u.c.k.', "funkyass"]
            elencogz =      ['gay', 'hentai.com', 'horne', 'horney', 'virgin', 'hotties', 'idiot',
                            '@alice.it', 'incest', 'jesus', 'gesu', 'gesù', 'kazzo', 'kill',
                            'leccaculo', 'lesbian', 'lesbica', 'lesbo', 'masturbazione',
                            'masturbare', 'masturbo', 'merda', 'merdata', 'merdoso', 'mignotta',
                            'minchia', 'minkia', 'minchione', 'mona', 'nudo', 'nuda', 'nudi',
                            'oral', 'sex', 'orgasmso', 'porc', 'pompa', 'pompino', 'porno',
                            'puttana', 'puzza', 'puzzone', "racchia", 'sborone', 'sborrone',
                            'sborata', 'sborolata', 'sboro', 'scopata', 'scopare', 'scroto',
                            'scrotum', 'sega', 'sesso', 'shit', 'shiz', 's.h.i.t.', 'sadomaso',
                            'sodomist', 'stronzata', 'stronzo', 'succhiamelo', 'succhiacazzi',
                            'testicol', 'troia', 'universetoday.net', 'vaffanculo', 'vagina',
                            'vibrator', "vacca", 'yiddiot', "zoccola"]
            elenco_others = ['@', ".com", ".sex", ".org", ".uk", ".en", ".it", "admin",
                            "administrator", "amministratore", '@yahoo.com', '@alice.com',
                            "amministratrice", "burocrate", "checkuser", "developer",
                            "http://", "jimbo", "mediawiki", "on wheals", "on wheal",
                            "on wheel", "planante", "razinger", "sysop", "troll", "vandal",
                            " v.f. ", "v. fighter",
                            "vandal f.", "vandal fighter", 'wales jimmy', "wheels", "wales",
            badword_page = wikipedia.Page(wsite, bad_page)
            if badword_page.exists():
                wikipedia.output(u'\nLoading the bad words list from %s...' % wsite.hostname() )
                text_bad = badword_page.get()
                list_loaded = load_word_function(wsite,text_bad)
                wikipedia.output(u'\t\t>>>WARNING: The bad word page doesn\'t exist!<<<')
                list_loaded = list()
            # Joining the "other things" with the loaded...
            elencovarie = elenco_others + list_loaded
        elif filter_wp == False:
            elencoaf = list()
            elencogz = list()
            elencovarie = list()
        # Joining the three lists..
        elenco = elencoaf + elencogz + elencovarie
        if filter_wp == True:
            # That is the default whitelist (it contains few name because it has been improved in the latest days..).
            whitelist_default = ['emiliano']
            whitelist_page = wikipedia.Page(wsite, wtlpg)
            if whitelist_page.exists():
                wikipedia.output(u'\nLoading the whitelist from %s...' % wsite.hostname() )
                text_white = whitelist_page.get()
                list_white = load_word_function(wsite,text_white)
                wikipedia.output(u"\t\t>>>WARNING: The whitelist's page doesn't exist!<<<")
                list_white = list()
            list_white = list()
            whitelist_default = list()
        # Joined the whitelist words.
        whitelist = list_white + whitelist_default
        # List of words that the bot understands when it asks the operator for input.
        block = ("B", "b", "Blocco", "blocco", "block", "bloc", "Block", "Bloc", 'Report', 'report')
        say_hi = ("S", "s", "Saluto", "saluto", "Welcome", "welcome", 'w', 'W', 'say hi',
                'Say hi', 'Hi', 'hi', 'h', 'hello', 'Hello')

        # The URL for new users is the same in every project. It should not be changed.
        URL = "/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&type=newusers&limit=%d&offset=%d" % (limit, offset_variable)
        log = wsite.getUrl(URL)
        wikipedia.output(u'Loading latest ' + str(limit) + u' new users from ' + (wsite.hostname()) + u'...\n')
        # Determine which signature to use
        if random == True:
                wikipedia.output(u'Loading random signatures...')
                signList = defineSign(wsite, signPageTitle, fileSignName, fileOption)
            except wikipedia.NoPage:
                wikipedia.output(u'The list with signatures is not available... Using default signature...')
                random = False
        for found_result in parselog(wsite, log, talk, number):
            if found_result == None:
            # Compiling the signature to be used.
            if random == True:
                if number_user >= len(signList):
                    number_user = 0
                    yield number_user
                welcom = welcomer % signList[number_user] + ' {{subst:LOCALTIME}}, {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC).'
                welcom = welcomer % sign
            username = str(found_result[0])
            usertalkpage = wikipedia.Page(wsite, talk + username)
            baduser = False
            # Check if the username is composed by only numbers.
                baduser = True
            except ValueError:
                # OK, no problem
            # Check if the user has been already blocked.
            ki = blocked(wsite,username)
            if ki == True:
                wikipedia.output(u'%s has been blocked! Skipping...' % username)
            # Understand if the user has a bad-username.
            for word in elenco:
                username = str(username).encode(config.console_encoding)
                if word.lower() in username.lower():
                    baduser = True
                    if wsite.lang == 'it':
                        final_rep = rep_text + word + '}}'
                        final_rep = rep_text
            # Checking in the whitelist...
            for xy in whitelist:
                if xy.lower() in username.lower():
                    username.replace(xy, '')
                    for word in elenco:
                        if word.lower() in username.lower():
                            baduser = True
                            baduser = False
            # He has a badusername, trying to report him...
            if baduser == True:
                while 1:
                    if ask == True:
                        wikipedia.output(u'%s may have an unwanted username, what shall i do?' % username )
                        answer = wikipedia.input(u'[B]lock or [W]elcome?')
                        for w in block:
                            if w in answer:
                                if not usertalkpage.exists():
                                    # Check if the user has been already blocked (second check).
                                    ki = blocked(wsite, username)
                                    if ki == True:
                                        wikipedia.output(u'%s has been blocked! Skipping him...' % username)
                                    report(wsite, rep_page, username, com, final_rep)
                                    wikipedia.output(u'The discussion page of the bad-user already exist...')
                                    running = False
                        for w in say_hi:
                            if w in answer:
                                baduser = False
                    elif ask == False:
                        wikipedia.output(u'%s is possibly an unwanted username. He will be reported.' % username)
                        if not usertalkpage.exists():
                            report(wsite, rep_page, username, com, final_rep)
                            wikipedia.output(u'The discussion page of the bad-user already exist...')
            # He has a good username, welcome!
            elif baduser == False:
                if not usertalkpage.exists():
                    # Tring to put the welcome...
                        # make non-minor edit to trigger new talk page message.
                        usertalkpage.put(welcom, summ, minorEdit = False)
                        if random == True:
                            number_user += 1
                            yield number_user
                    except wikipedia.EditConflict:
                        wikipedia.output(u'An edit conflict has occured, skipping this user.')
                    wikipedia.output(u'%s has been already welcomed when i was loading all the users... skipping' % username)
            # That's the log
            if log_variable == True and logg:
                if len(welcomed_users) == 1:
                    wikipedia.output(u'One user has been welcomed.')
                elif len(welcomed_users) == 0:
                    wikipedia.output(u'No users have been welcomed.')
                    wikipedia.output(u'%s users have been welcomed.' % str(len(welcomed_users)) )
                if len(welcomed_users) < numberlog:
                # Update the welcome log each fifth welcome message.
                elif len(welcomed_users) >= numberlog:
                    logresult = logmaker(wsite, welcomed_users, logg, summ2, usernam, contrib)
                    welcomed_users = list()
                    if logresult == False:
            # If we haven't to report, do nothing.
            elif log_variable == False:
        if log_variable == True and logg and len(welcomed_users) != 0:
            if len(welcomed_users) == 1:
                wikipedia.output(u'Putting the log of the latest user...')
                wikipedia.output(u'Putting the log of the latest %d users...' % len(welcomed_users))
            logresult2 = logmaker(wsite, welcomed_users, logg, summ2, usernam, contrib)
            welcomed_users = list()
            if logresult2 == False:
        # If recursive, don't exit, repeat after one hour.
        if recursive == True:
            waitstr = unicode(time_variable)
            if locale.getlocale()[1]:
                strfstr = unicode(time.strftime(u"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (UTC)", time.gmtime()), locale.getlocale()[1])
                strfstr = unicode(time.strftime(u"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (UTC)", time.gmtime()))
            wikipedia.output(u'Sleeping %s seconds before rerun. %s' % (waitstr, strfstr))
        # If not recursive, break.
        elif recursive == False:
            yield [number_user, 'STOP']

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Use try and finally, to put the wikipedia.stopme() always at the end of the code.
        number_user = None
        settingsBot = mainSettings()
        # Take two settings for the "finally" block.
        filename = settingsBot[2]
        random = settingsBot[11]
        savedata = settingsBot[13]
        # I need to know what is the number_user, in this way I get it.
        for x in main(settingsBot):
                number_user = x[0]
            except TypeError:
                number_user = x
    except wikipedia.BadTitle:
        wikipedia.output(u"Wikidown or server's problem. Quit.")
    # finally:
        # If there is the savedata, the script must save the number_user.
        if random == True and savedata == True and number_user != None:
            f = file(filename, 'w')
            cPickle.dump(number_user, f)