


而Sycamore即無花果 ...


I really don't think Sycamore means figs here!

The street probably name by the Brit during colonial era and not many people in the UK would associate Sycamore with figs.

I could only think of Ficus sycomours, but the epithet here is named after Sycamore. Also the norm is to use the genus name, not the epithet to name a street. IMHO, it should mean Acer pseudoplatanus, a close relative of maple. And this also seems to match with how the adjacent streets being named, Maple, Willow, Poplar and Sycamore, all fairly common trees in the UK, even though Sycamore is not native, but it grows like weeds in the UK.—以上未簽名的留言由90.244.186.222對話)於2014年8月12日 (二) 06:10‎ (UTC+8)加入。