
在User talk:TimWu007的话题

EUJKA (留言贡献)

Hi TimWu007! Why you have changed the Chinese page name for DOK-ING to latin? I think is better to have it in Chinese like many other company page names are available on non-latin script. Thanks EUJKA留言) 2023年7月31日 (一) 08:24 (UTC)

TimWu007 (留言贡献)

@EUJKA Hi EUJKA, welcome to Chinese Wikipedia! According to our naming policy WP:TITLE, if the original name is more commonly used in Chinese than the name of the Chinese translation, or if there is no Chinese translation name, the original name should be used. I can't find the Chinese translation of this company. Meanwhile, many Chinese articles directly use the original name of DOK-ING. If you could provide a commonly-used or an official Chinese name of this company, please tell me. Thanks!

EUJKA (留言贡献)

Hi again TimWu007! Yes, this is the Chinese name for DOK-ING: 多京 Look at the photos how it appears on Bing: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q3rxqxs2ejzf5a0fser8x/doking_bing.jpg?rlkey=9ycbnz2j42ak1ndii0o66b5fw&dl=0 and Google Translators: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xhgogxqjs7om0fwjzebg7/doking_correction_google.jpg?rlkey=4f8qb4dl7krsmdo54pbmtv6vc&dl=0 (On Google Translate it appears as Do Kyung, but if you use the Chinese name 多京 on the Wikipedia article, on the the beginning of the main article in Bold it is shown as Doking too: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pi17s24v1blhmvgv3fa9o/doking_chinese_wikipedia_article.jpg?rlkey=cxjlyhg25rq0jj8eb3eb8nzsd&dl=0 and also on Cantonese Wiki which I created the article today: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ebbttif4uxxb0tsgof0iw/doking_cantonese_wikipedia_article.jpg?rlkey=9o0g2s1c2ci9tb2g4rz0l0yde&dl=0

I want from you to use this title: 多京 for the Chinese article and also to remove the deletion notice for Doking on Cantonese Wiki. If you can, you may ask Google Translate to fix the Doking characters (多京) to appear correctly as Doking, like they appear on Bing Translator, not as Do Kyung, which appear for now on Google Translate and on the main title of the Chinese Wiki page (excluding the beginning of the title in Bold which appear correctly as Doking). Thanks EUJKA留言) 2023年7月31日 (一) 12:01 (UTC)

TimWu007 (留言贡献)


  1. Nobody calls Doking "多京". Doking is a non-common proper noun, so Google just translate the name based on its pronunciation.
  2. Please stop translating articles into a language that you are not familiar with. You have created many badly translated articles, which were generally not useful.
EUJKA (留言贡献)

Hi again TimWu007! If you told me that Chinese articles use DOK-ING name, why you change the page name to "道金" . When being romanized this name is spelled as "Dào Jīn" , while this name "多京" is spelled as "Duō Jīng" and is more accurate (as it is "Duō" for "Do", which "Dào" isn't used in Chinese names that start with "Do" - for example "Dona" is written as "多纳" - "Duō nà" and "Jīng" for "King", which "Jīn" doesn't have the "g" letter. Please use this name "多京" for the title of the company. Thanks EUJKA留言) 2023年8月1日 (二) 17:41 (UTC)

TimWu007 (留言贡献)

I’ve found a joint venture by XCMG and DOK-ING and they translate DOK-ING as 道金.

TimWu007 (留言贡献)

The computer technology corporation Kingston's Chinese name is 金士顿, King Yuan Electronic is 京元电子. For the place name "Kingston", the translation in mainland China is "金斯顿", while Hong Kong "京士", Taiwan "京斯".