


Generated using XTools on 2020-04-06 14:24

General statistics

User ID 579868
Registration date 2009-02-08 22:41
User groups autoconfirmed user
Is administrator? 0
First edit 2009-02-09 05:07
Latest edit 2020-04-06 10:26
Live edits 20,242 (97.9%)
Deleted edits 432 (2.1%)
Total edits 20,674
Edits in the past 24 hours 7
Edits in the past 7 days 152
Edits in the past 30 days 371
Edits in the past 365 days 2,504
Average edits per day 5.1 (4,074 days)
Average edit size* 13.8 bytes
Minor edits 1 (0%)
Small edits (<20 bytes)* 3,581 (71.6%)
Large edits (>1000 bytes)* 60 (1.2%)


Pages edited (total) 1,316
Average edits per page 15.71
Pages created 2 (0 since deleted)
Pages moved 0


Files uploaded 0
Files uploaded (Commons) 4


Thank 8
Approve 0
Patrol 0
Accounts created 0


Longest block
Current block

Global edit counts (approximate)

zh.wikipedia.org 20,683
en.wikipedia.org 161
commons.wikimedia.org 4
meta.wikimedia.org 0
zh-yue.wikipedia.org 0
www.wikidata.org 0
species.wikimedia.org 0
simple.wikipedia.org 0
ja.wikipedia.org 0
login.wikimedia.org 0

* Data limited to the past 5,000 edits

Namespace Totals

Rank Namespace Count
1 Main 19,858 (98.1%)
2 Template 256 (1.3%)
3 User talk 111 (0.5%)
4 Talk 13 (0.1%)
5 Wikipedia 3 (0%)
6 User 1 (0%)
6 namespaces 20,242

Year counts

Year Count
2009 726
2010 820
2011 1,296
2012 1,568
2013 2,978
2014 1,617
2015 2,063
2016 1,411
2017 2,629
2018 2,198
2019 2,163
2020 773

This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either login to XTools as this user, or create User:Pyruvate/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the documentation for more information.

This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either login to XTools as this user, or create User:Pyruvate/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the documentation for more information. This user has not opted in to have this data shown. Please either login to XTools as this user, or create User:Pyruvate/EditCounterOptIn.js with any content. See the documentation for more information.

Rights changes

Date Rights Performer Summary
2009-03-05 23:27 +autoconfirmed user Automatic

All times are in UTC.