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2022年3月6日 (日) 23:15的版本

紹爾-謝拉赫引理,經帕约尔推廣的版本:對於每個有限族(綠色),都存在同樣多個集合組成的另一族(藍色),使得藍色族中每個集合,都被綠色族「打碎英语shattered set」。

组合数学極值集合論英语extremal set theory中,紹爾-謝拉赫引理(英語:Sauer–Shelah lemma)斷言,若集合族VC维低,則該族不能有太多個集合。引理得名於諾貝特·紹爾[1]薩哈龍·謝拉赫英语Saharon Shelah[2],兩人分別獨立於1972年發表此結果。較之略早,在1971年,弗拉基米尔·瓦普尼克亞歷克塞·澤范蘭傑斯合著的論文[3]已有此結果(「VC維」即以兩人為名)。謝拉赫發表引理時,亦歸功於米哈·佩爾萊斯英语Micha Perles,故引理又稱為佩爾萊斯-紹爾-謝拉赫引理[4]



  1. ^ Sauer, N. On the density of families of sets. Journal of Combinatorial Theory英语Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A. 1972, 13: 145–147. MR 0307902. doi:10.1016/0097-3165(72)90019-2可免费查阅. 
  2. ^ Shelah, Saharon. A combinatorial problem; stability and order for models and theories in infinitary languages. Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 1972, 41: 247–261. MR 0307903. doi:10.2140/pjm.1972.41.247可免费查阅. (原始内容存档于2013-10-05). 
  3. ^ Vapnik, V. N.; Červonenkis, A. Ja. The uniform convergence of frequencies of the appearance of events to their probabilities. Akademija Nauk SSSR. 1971, 16: 264–279. MR 0288823. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Buzaglo, Sarit; Pinchasi, Rom; Rote, Günter. Topological hypergraphs. Pach, János (编). Thirty Essays on Geometric Graph Theory. Springer. 2013: 71–81. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-0110-0_6可免费查阅. 
  5. ^ Pach, János; Agarwal, Pankaj K. Combinatorial geometry. Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.: 247. 1995. ISBN 0-471-58890-3. MR 1354145. doi:10.1002/9781118033203可免费查阅. 
  6. ^ Kozma, László; Moran, Shay. Shattering, Graph Orientations, and Connectivity. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics英语Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 2013, 20 (3). P44. Bibcode:2012arXiv1211.1319K. arXiv:1211.1319可免费查阅.